Unreal Tournament / Maps / 2000 / August


1 on 1

Map Title Author Players
DM-1on1-DemonStar 1on1-DemonStar Niklas "TheJokeR" Nolte 2
DM-1on1-TitanTrouble DM-1on1-TitanTrouble Unknown Unknown


Map Title Author Players
AS-5Cubes-Bullet AS-5Cubes-Bullet Chris 'Bullet' Martin 4
AS-Armenian The Armenian Connection Aaron 6-8
AS-Doomed_Airport Doomed Airport Mark "Ped X" Hurst 2-8


Map Title Author Players
BT+(CN)Oufti CTF-BT+(CN)Oufti [i4g]CouilleNoire Unknown
BT-Vent BT: Vent Mendy Unknown
CTF-BT+(CN)Oufti-EZ CTF-BT+(CN)Oufti (Easy Version) [i4g]CouilleNoire Unknown
CTF-BT-(dem)Double-Base CTF-BT-(dem)Double-Base utdemon 4
CTF-BT-(Dub)Ruins-v3 Ruins DuBBie' DuBBeLvlA' Dub 2-14

Capture The Flag

Map Title Author Players
CTF-(jBi)Venomous Venomous {jBi}LexiconDevil 4-14
CTF-5_Bridges 5 Bridges Hobi-Wan 6-10
CTF-[4]-Scandinavium CTF-[4]-Scandinavium Maarten 'Eagle' Tops Unknown
CTF-AncientFortress Ancient Fortress Mage_88 10-16
CTF-BB_Phoenix Codename Phoenix BB Drac 6-10
CTF-BFMover CTF-GFMover BadKarma 8-16
CTF-Bounty CTF-BOUNTY [FED]Billy_B 4 - 12
CTF-Carbine CTF-CCTF2 TheMadMonk 8-12
CTF-Chaos Chaos KeeN Hynes 4-10
CTF-CHRISTagainst666][ The FINAL War between Christ and 666 Alexander Hoffmann 8-12
CTF-ChurchBlastin ChurchBlastin Peter "McMoo" Ward Unknown
CTF-CityscapeSkW Cityscape CTF [SkW]Deathwish 10 to 14
CTF-Colony Colony FL 269 Some 10
CTF-Command][ The Last Command Elliot 6-8
CTF-CosmicBoguardus CTF-CosmicBoguardus TheMadMonk 8-16
ctf-crumbly Crumbly Aaron Unknown
CTF-Cyber CTF-Cyber Firefly 12-14
CTF-DarkMad Darkness Madness CTF Al ZheïmeR 0-255 Unreal Tournament
CTF-DreamPyramides Dream Pyramides Dreamland 16-20
CTF-Durante Durante Axel 'Comanche' Gneiting 16
CTF-Electricity CTF - Electricity Al ZheïmeR up to 8
CTF-FaceJungle Facing World Jungle HCF Surci 4-10
CTF-Feste_XL CFT-Feste Jan Kohnert 10-14
CTF-FlagOfTheCavity The Flag of the Cavity WildDrizzt 8-10
CTF-Forever The Forever Canyon Robert "LIQUID" Minsterman 16
CTF-Fort Fort Razabar 10
CTF-fragareaQ FragAreaQ Fjord 8-16
CTF-IncaManned][ IncaManned][ Tony "Horse" Ginko 8-16
CTF-KungFu][ Prison Bitch Dojo Korrupt 10-12
CTF-LastBase Hoth Base Mark Simmons 2-3
CTF-Lava CTF-Lava-base Jekko 6-8
CTF-LostInSpace Lost In Space Michal 'Ptaq' Jaskula 4-6
CTF-NaliBridge Nali Bridge WildDrizzt 4-8
CTF-Neilifs)( Neilif's Falling Jo 'Bluemane' (HhMm, FoCS) 6 - 12
CTF-Ominous Ominous Moon Christian 'Chruser' Hägg 8-16
CTF-Overcast Overcast Reggie "Psybex" Jenkins 10-14
CTF-Overt][ Overt][ Danish Cake 16
CTF-Passenger CTF-Passenger Peter "McMoo" Ward 8-16
CTF-Rdome CTF-Rdome Richard Woods 8-12
CTF-Rost CTF-Rost Wolfgang Steinorth alias 'Smellfire' 6-12
CTF-Saucer CTF-Saucer tAlignmen 6-16
CTF-Sesmar][ Tomb of Sesmar Juan Pancho ' XceptOne ' Eekels ][ fragswill 4 - 10
CTF-SkyTitanV2 A New Nest for Big Bro Robin 'Rob' Pamart 8-16
CTF-SoLiD_SnAkE ~-=\\_§Ø£ÏÐ~§ÑÅkÊ_//=- ~ Oblivion_Soldier 6-12
CTF-Sphere CTF-Sphere HCF Surci 4-12
CTF-StoneCold][ StoneCold Castle][ VoRTEX 8-12
CTF-StrangeWorld StrangeWorld David Münnich & Molnár "makemeunreal" Balázs 8
CTF-TemplarChaosTitans Templar CHAOS Titans Various 12+
CTF-TitansRevenge CTF-Titans Revenge JoeVengence© & °®iþ°xXx 6-16
CTF-Tyler Mine Tyler Mine --<Eraser>-- 8 - 10
CTF-UrbanJoyride - Urban Joyride - Peter "Clay" Nederlof 8 - 16
CTF-ValleyofGiants Valley of Giants Eric 'Avenger' Poggel 8-12


Map Title Author Players
DM-3rdMan 3rdMan Uccello 10-14
DM-5AncientCubes-Azrael Cellars of the numb Azrael Z 2
DM-5brush-Cougar DM-5brush-Cougar Unknown Unknown
DM-5cubes-`SN!PER 5cube-`SN!PER `SN!PER 2
DM-5Cubes-Afrob1602 DM-5Cubes-Afrob1602 Aaron Müller 2-4
DM-5Cubes-Azrael The Pocket Deck Azrael Z 2
DM-5Cubes-Azrael-2 The longest Deck Azrael Z 2-4
DM-5Cubes-Biggles604 5Cubes-Arena 1 Biggles604 2-3
DM-5Cubes-BPLlama 5-Cube Deathmatchtacular Jason "B-P Llama" Attard 2-4
DM-5Cubes-Clawfist 5Cubes-Clawfist Sidney 'Clawfist' Rauchberger ???
DM-5cubes-Dorkorama1 DM-5Cubes-Dorkorama1 Myke "Dorkorama" Dubois 2-5
DM-5Cubes-DS1 DM-5Cubes-Fivecom DS - The Metal Guy 2-6
DM-5Cubes-DS2 DM-5Cubes-DS2 DS - The Metal Guy 3-8
DM-5Cubes-FollowMe Follow Me Andreas "Soulbringer" Kirscht 4-8
DM-5Cubes-FollowMe2 Follow Me 2 Andreas "Soulbringer" Kirscht 4-8
DM-5Cubes-HypErioN DM-5Cubes-HypErioN v3.0 -)))- HypErioN -(((- 2-4 (1on1 or 2on2)
DM-5cubes-MatthiasD DM-5cubes-MatthiasD Matthias 'Tronic' Dörflinger 2 - 4
DM-5Cubes-N33MO][ Homage!! N33MO 2-4
DM-5Cubes-OzUnreal-ZZZZYeti DM-5Cubes-OzUnreal-ZZZZYeti Russell Cedric Whitehead 4-10
DM-5cubes-TheZool DM-5cubes-TheZool Daniel 'TheZool' Madaler Unknown
DM-5Cubes-Vahl DM-5Cubes-Vahl StabJoe 1 vs 1
DM-5Cubes3-Biggles604 5Cubes Arena 3 : Skaarj Proving Grounds Biggles604 2-3
DM-[PcF]BioHazard DM-[PcF]BioHazard iiko Unknown
DM-`Pyramurder DM-`Pyramurder Unknown Unknown
DM-AJD4Extractor DM-AJD4Extractor Christopher < harmonics > Nagy 8 to 10
DM-Ancona Ancona Cathedral "Timbo" Wilson 6-8
DM-AngelusDomini Angelus Domini James "Ratlord" Rakich 2-4
Dm-Aquilus The Aquilus Residence Ryan Armstrong (Zerker) 2 - 6
DM-Archives][ The Archives Si "Kain" Cass 2-8
DM-bathroomCS DmBathroom-Special Edition. Twinsen.....Optimized for UT by JoeTallica Unknown
DM-BattlePlatform Battle Platform Joe 'Particle Man' McGoldrick II 6-8
DM-BB_Tower Tower of Power BB Drac 2-6 (max 10)
DM-Blood&Iron Blood&Iron spokk 2-6
DM-BloodAndIron Blood&Iron spokk 2-6
DM-BloodBRX BLooDBaTH reMiX BansheeX 8
DM-BloodPier Blood Pier BlackSway 6-12 players
DM-Bravado)( Ratio's Bravado Jo 'Bluemane' (HhMm, FoCS) 2
DM-BrothersInArmsXL Brothers In Arms XL Raimond *Dutchrai* Kuhlman 8
DM-Candle][ Candle][ Michael Pfuetzenreuter [email protected], 2-8
DM-Canyon Canyon Of Carnage VoRTEX 3-6
DM-Captivity Captivity Roland Ariens 2-4
DM-Catalyst DM-Catalyst Dan "cyberg][dan" Waters 4-8
DM-Caverns Caverns Sam Torno (a.k.a. Chaos_y3k) 2-4
DM-ChaosUT_ChaosArena DM-ChaosUT_ChaosArena MassChAoS 2-5
DM-ChaosUT_Jezz2 Storage Depot ALPHA JEZZ (of ChaoticDreams) 6-16
DM-ChaosUT_Jezz3 Skull Moon Castle Jezz (of Chaoticdreams) 6-18
DM-Church Church of the Dead Rogelio García A 4-7
DM-Church DM - Nali Church Jekko 8-10
DM-CityArena CityArena v.1.1 Denis "UT Freak" Reimer 2-4
DM-Coloseum DM-Coloseum Steve Roenneburg 6-12
DM-Complex Industrial Complex Manuel 'booman' Schwab 3 to 6
DM-Crucifix Crucifix Si "Kain" Cass 2 - 4
DM-Crush Crush Dave "VeNDeTTa" Webber 2-8
DM-Crusher DM-Crusher Searcher 3-5
DM-CSkVessel The captured Skaarj-vessel. Tom 'GMoth' Goetschalckx 2-6
DM-CubeIV This is something that looks like a UT map... Wolfheart Unknown
DM-CubeV This is something that looks like a UT map... Wolfheart Unknown
DM-DarkAngel The Dark Angel Beta Radek 'Silencer' Milcz 2-6
DM-DEA_Arena DM-{DEA} Arena Paul Cowell 2 - 8
DM-DeathTrap][ DeathTrap][ Jackhole 2-4
DM-Deck1 Deck1 Master_Tonnberry and Fuchs 12-16+
DM-Deimos DM-Deimos fragswill 2-6
DM-DiablosDollHouse -=Diablo´sDollHouse=- Sebastian '-=B@STI=-' Ehrlich 8-16
DM-DiscoSpace Disco Bastards Space Station Al ZheïmeR 2 - 12
DM-Divergence The Rooms of Divergence Michael Abbotts 2-4
DM-Divine Temple of Divinity Richard 'Lord Heisher' Black 2-4
DM-Divine Temple of Divinity Richard 'Lord Heisher' Black 2-4
DM-DUEL-Arena9][ Deathmatch Arena #9 Taras 'Tarik' Bondar 2-6
DM-DUEL-DarkPlace Dark Place Taras 'Tarik' Bondar 2-4
DM-Edge][ DM-Edge][ Jeremy "Faceless" Graves 2 - 8
DM-EdgeSkW The Skaarj Edge Tim Willits / [SkW]Deathwish 2-8
DM-Emerald DM-Emerald Searcher 3-4
DM-EpsilonOutpost Epsilon Outpost Chris "Nemesis" Gibbs 6-10
DM-Eternal_Void Eternal Void Mark "Ped X" Hurst 2-6
DM-FastFight2 FastFight2 Marcin WInkowski <Mr_Hyde> 4-16
DM-FireBadFireBad Fire Bad!! Fire Baaad!!! Mitch "Badass" Gauvin 2-14
DM-Forte f o r t e Azrael Z 2 - 6
DM-FourRooms The Four Rooms Ola and Emil Frid 5 - 13
DM-FreeFall Free Fall Andrew "Psycho" Street 2-6
DM-FreeFalling Free Falling Rom 2-10
DM-Gameroom][ DM-Gameroom][ DevilDow{Dow} 16+
DM-Geometrix Rounded Geometrix Mogh 2 - 9 (12 max)
DM-GEtemple GEtemple crispy bacon 2-6
DM-GladArena Gladiator Arena Daniel "TheTANK" Nash 6-12 Players
DM-Goobicus DM-Goobicus Yossarian 6-10
DM-Greek_Temple The Greek Temples of Worship Chris Bland 6-9
DM-H2O-X-F H2O Extraction Facility Ryan Crichton 6 - 12
DM-HellsGateway Hell's Gateway Daniel 'INFERNO' Winter & Colin 'ArKile' Winter 4
DM-Hideout The Hideout Michael Abbotts 2-4
DM-Homesick Homesick WalkerRN 4 - 10
DM-Hydra Hydra Plant Joe "Slasher" Conti Unknown
DM-Hydrophobia Hydrophobia Paul "TAZ" Mader 4-6
DM-IndustrialDream Industrial Dream Kenneth "Shrimp" Watson 2-6
DM-INFAfterHours DM-INFAfterHours Julian Percy (The Perce) Unknown
DM-Insaninty Insanity Mike 10
DM-IoN IoN Erik Martijn de Vries "Oblivion" 4-8
DM-Ironman The Ironman Tim 'Xene' Keeling 2-4
DM-JapaneseGarden2 Japanese Garden Various 6-8
DM-Kinetica Kinetica Nick 'Kruel' Herres 4-12
DM-L-A-M-TarydPlant The Laugh-A-Minute Tarydium Plant Zed 3 - 6
DM-LavaBase Lava Base Marcin "Mr_Hyde" Winkowski 6-24
DM-Legacy The Forgotten Legacy Ian "Anthraxx" Campbell 6-10
DM-LeVillaEtrange LeVillaEtrange Mike 'P@risGun' Grubb 6 -12
DM-LoveBites Love Bites iiko 2-6
DM-Malaria Malaria Paul "GUN" Bryant 16-32
DM-Mean)( Mean of Life Jo 'Bluemane' (HhMm, FoCS) 2 - 6
DM-Metal][ DM-Metal Jekko 4-6
DM-MetalFist-update Metal Fist-update Kvak 4-12
DM-MidevalMutilation Mideval Mutilation Niklas "TheJokeR" Nolte 10
DM-Militian)( Metal Militian Base Jo 'Bluemane' (HhMm, FoCS) 3 - 7
DM-MorbidCuriosity DM-MorbidCuriosity No_ReMoRsE Teamplay or 4-10 FFA
DM-MPCWarp MatrixPartyClanMap Christoph "X-tinctor" Queck 2-6
DM-MWFURY3 MWFURY3 Psychodelic Marcin Winkowski <Mr_Hyde> 2-8
DM-My_House My House is my Castle Harry H 1-2
DM-MyRoom My room in UT !?! :-) Marcin "Mr_Hyde" Winkowski 2-6
DM-Nightclub DM Nightclub ULT Basement Between 4 and 8
DM-NUFAN DM-NoUseForAName (NUFAN) Marc 'MarcEG' Gravett 2 - 4
DM-Oasis][ DM-Oasis][ Nathan Lauterstein - NateDog 8
DM-Oceanpalace the Ocean Palace ruins Martijn 'Knightwing' Schurings 4 players
DM-Osiris Temple Of Osiris Rob "Doublez-Down" Collins 3-6
DM-OutDoor Death OutDoor Death Danny Petro 8
DM-Pah Pah! David 'DavidM' Münnich 2-6
DM-Pah Pah! David 'DavidM' Münnich 2-6
DM-PDArea-51 Area 51 Joe "RatRace" Hill 6-12
DM-PowerCore PowerCore Mr_ 3-6
DM-PracticeRoom PracticeRoom Martin "Fragger" Tousignant 2 (You and a Bot)
DM-Prayer A Prayer for the dying Searcher 2-3
DM-Punish DM-Punish Unknown Unknown
DM-q1dm1 The Lost Place Yura2k (converted) 2-3
DM-Q2DM8 Q2DM8 (The Warehouse) James 'VT|CreepingDeath' Morgan 8-14
DM-Reactor The Iron Reactor Sven"CyberTrooper"Arduwie & Chris Aerts 2-6
DM-Reactor-Sector_6_INF REACTOR-SECTOR 6 Daniel"Spooger"Patton 8-16
DM-Regurgitater DM-Regurgitater Peter "McMoo" Ward 12-16
DM-Resurrection Resurrection Andy "NM" Wilson 4-8
DM-Rudya][ Rudya's Storage Marciano 'Maraxis' Ho 2-7
DM-RunIn Run In Hointar 6-10
DM-Rush DM-Rush Niklas "TheJokeR" Nolte 8-12
DM-Seamus DM-Seamus Steve "Luv-Studd" Keene 5-10
DM-Sewerx Sewerx Heavy Industries Daikiki 6-14
dm-shakira House of Shakira Gary McLean 3-6
DM-Siterlizer Sinterlizer Chris Bland 8
DM-Sky-high Sky High Mike 6
DM-Snafu Situation Normal JED,I 4-8
DM-Sniper`s_Heaven Sniper`s Heaven MaD DoG 10-14
DM-Snipertowers Sniper towers Yura2k 2-4
DM-SolarNexus Solar Nexus Eddy 'Seth Angel' Respondek 2-4
DM-SPA SPA Tom Aust Unknown
DM-SpaceCranes Space Cranes Jason "GBSman" Tiquia 4-16
DM-Spacejumping Space jumping Yura2k 3-6
DM-SS2 Space Station /project 2.1/ Docking Area - QAAW - 2-16
DM-Starship DM-Starship Frogman Unknown
DM-StonedSuffering-Jumppads DM-StonedSufferingV2 No_ReMoRsE 2-8
DM-Stonefist-RaiseTheLantern Hard Stone Fist Kvak 2-6
DM-Storm Storm Andy "Donka" Whiteford 2-3
DM-Stratosphere Stratosphere Eric 'Avenger' Poggel 5-8
DM-Sungod Sungod D.O.A 3-5
DM-SunshineOasis Sunshine Oasis Sen045 2-4
DM-TempleCone The Ancient Temple Cone Ola 'Jolle' Frid 2 - 5
DM-Teromen FTPC - Fuck The Poly Count Hanh "WTF Wanderer?" Court 4-8
DM-The Dark Town DM-The Dark Town Unknown Unknown
DM-The Launch The Launch Phil "Fatcat_uk" Stowell & GaZ"Munkyboy" Morgan 8-12
DM-The Stack DM-The Stack Seenote Seenote2000 6-8
DM-TheNimh The Nimh Matthias 'Tronic' Dörflinger 4 - 8
DM-TheNimh][ The Nimh][ Matthias 'Tronic' Dörflinger 4 - 8
DM-Tikal Tikal Tempels Jauko 4-8
DM-Total Kaos DM-Total Kaos _UE_ZoMbiE 4-6
DM-Towers Towers of Krondor Pino, CNN Crew 2-10
DM-Toxicity][ Toxicity ][ Crash7 6-16
DM-TripleX-Clan DM-TripleX-Clan Unknown Unknown
DM-Tuluca DM-Tuluca Searcher 4-6
DM-Tunak Tunak Greg 'GuyUTe' Anspach 5-10
DM-tunnel-des-irrens Tunnel-der-Irre OLIVIER KOOS 6-16
dm-u4efrenzyland U4E Frenzy Land Sean "Wolverine" Almeida Unknown
DM-Unfair Unfair Joel "Scorpion" Persson 2-6
DM-UrvinsOutpost][ Urvin's Outpost ~Fine Colorday Mix~ Eyuva 'S' NRG 7-11
DM-UTHazard)( Hazard (UT Conversation) Jo 'Bluemane' (HhMm, FoCS) 2 - 8
DM-Wanted Wanted Chris "Xrayman" Knight 1-4
DM-Wyndrax Tower][ Wyndrax Tower][ Matthias 'Tronic' Dörflinger 4 - 10

Dominate The Flag

Map Title Author Players
DTF-5Cubes-irongull Saturn Orbital Depot Ted 'irongull' Johnson 4 or 8
DTF-Morpheus-3x1 Morpheus Dave Ewing - mod by irongull 3 to 6
DTF-PoisonSea-4x1 Poison Sea 4x1 Ted 'irongull' Johnson 8-12
DTF-PoisonSea-4x3 Poison Sea Ted 'irongull' Johnson 24


Map Title Author Players
DOM-5Cubes-Sen045 Dolmelainen (5Cubes) Sen045 4-6
DOM-Bhileshol)( The 'Bhileshol' Project Jo 'Bluemane' (HhMm, FoCS) 2 - 6
DOM-LavaGiant LavaGiant Paul-James 'Hillbilly' Rawnsley 8-14
DOM-November November Paul-James 'Hillbilly' Rawnsley 8-12
DOM-Repentance Repentance Threshold Dave "Duality" Lecraw 8 to 12
DOM-SnI Steel & Iron Michal "Ptaq" Jaskula 4-6
DOM-Stash The Stash Willis"Apoc"Perry 4-6 players
DOM-UnderRedSky DOM-UnderRedSky André "Horus" Brandes 6 - 12

Entries and Intros

Map Title Author Players
Jungle-Logo-Map Jungle-Logo-Map fragswill Unknown

Multi-Team CTF

Map Title Author Players
CTF4-Absolution CTF4-Absolution Conversion by Paul "icepick59" Fritts 10-16
CTF4-DiamondSword Diamond Sword (converted by Eagle) Various 16-32
CTF4-Lego4ever Lego4ever Maarten 'Eagle' Tops 12 - 32
CTF4-Lucius - Lucius' Pit - Peter "Clay" Nederlof & David Catmull 12-16
CTFM-AncientTitan The Ancient Titan Robin 'Rob' Pamart 4-16

Rocket Arena

Map Title Author Players
RA-Ramses RA-Ramses Pagan Pete Unknown

Strike Force

Map Title Author Players
SFTDM-BlackWings Black Wings Sudasana 2-6

Tactical Ops

Map Title Author Players
sw-Cave_Escape sw-Cave_Escape Unknown Unknown
TO-SniperCamp-Beta TO-SniperCamp-Beta [FBNOps]SuPeRSniPeR 6-16

Tests and Demos

Map Title Author Players