1 on 1
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
DM-{RoH}1v1TripleThreat | 1vs1 Triple Threat | Idometirus - Matt Ellis | 2-10 |
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
AS-Annihilation | Operation Necris | Marco "]BMR[ Vorlon" Fritzsche | 10+ | |
AS-Castle | Treasure Castle | Neil Whitehead | 8-16 | |
AS-Death Valley | Death Valley | Neil Whitehead | 10-16 | |
AS-Football | AS Football | SniperMonkey | About 22 | |
AS-GekokujouAL | Gekokujou AL | Hideya | 8-16 | |
AS-Guardia][ | Guardia Fortress][ | Remake by a SmartAss | 6-12 | |
AS-LuluPea | The LuluPea | Kevin "Skorch" Little | 8 to 12 | |
AS-PENTA | AS-Penta | BadKarma | 8-16 | |
AS-Skyscraper | The Skyscraper Mission | Walm | 4 - 10 | |
AS-Submarinebase][ | Submarinebase][ | Grz | 12-14 | |
AS-TheTower | The Dark Tower | Chris "Azathoth" Pryor | 6-20 | |
AS-Thorns | AS Thorns | Not [XA]PsychoP@t & [XA]Defiance | 16 | |
AS-Tropica | Tropical Assault | Shamus Young | 8-12 | |
AS-X-masNOW! | AS-X-MasNOW! | M.Berndt aka [3DG]Lord$M | 4-8 |
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
BT-Concrete[NuLL] | BT - Concrete Crate. | NuLL | 2-24 | |
CTF-BT-(alc)MetroMash-EZ | CTF-BT-(alc)MetroMash (Easy Version) | Alchemist~ | Unknown | |
CTF-BT-(bar)AwsomeComplexe! | CTF-BT-("o)AwsomeComplexe | BarCode | 8 -12 Gamers | |
CTF-BT-(BJ)Facility-v2 | BT : Facility (v2) | Jason 'babyjoker' Dyer | 2-12 | |
CTF-BT-(Dom)Box_Factory | CTF-BT-(Dom)Box_Factory | Dominic White | Unknown | |
CTF-BT-(SON)BonVoyage-v3 | BT-BonVoyage (v3) | Sonnet | Unknown | |
CTF-BT-A1Mission-GoldenStatue | BT-A1Mission:GoldenStatue | (M4CLOUD)~N[!]X | 8-16 | |
CTF-BT-Syphilis | BT-Syphilis | loaded and Jtwizzy | 16 |
Capture The Flag
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
DM-CUT_Eclipse | Biodome Eclipse for ChaosUT | Eric "SnowDog" Ettes | 2-6 | |
DM-CUT_Proxyking | The Proxy King for ChaosUT ver 2.0 | JEZZ from (Chaotic Dreams) | 4 to 16 | |
DM-CUT_SkullMoon | Skull Moon Castle | Jezz (of Chaoticdreams) | 6-18 | |
DM-CUT_StorageAlpha | Storage Depot ALPHA | JEZZ (of ChaoticDreams) | 6-16 | |
DM-CUT_ThebellTolls | ChaosUT - For Whom The Bell Tolls | Peter "Clay" Nederlof | 2 - 6 | |
DM-CUT_WeaponsOfChaos | Weapons of Chaos : Second Offence for ChaosUT | Eric "SnowDog" Ettes | 2-12 | |
DM-CUT_WeaponsOfWar | Weapons of War for ChaosUT | Eric "SnowDog" Ettes | 2-4 |
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
DOM-Ancient | <---Ancient---> | DeathCircus | 8-12 | |
DOM-CasaDelPeligro | Casa del Peligro | Los Pescados | 4-8 | |
DOM-Kmachine2 | Kill Machine | Eddie | 4-8 | |
DOM-Speed | Extreme Speed! | Andreas ".::Predator::." Johansson | 2-3 Per Team | |
DOM-T | DOM-T | Matthew 'Shade' Ramshaw | 6 - 12 | |
DOM-ThornsV2 | CTF Thorns V2 | Not [XA]PsychoP@t & [XA]Defiance | 16 | |
DOM-UT-City | DOM-UT-City | Monk | 8-12 | |
DOM-WE-Basicium | War Elements Basicium | Sjoerd''<-WE->Hourences'' De jong | 2-14 |
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
DM-INF-Archives | Archives | Joseph "Evil Joe" Stoffa | 4-8 Players | |
Monster Hunt
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
MH-EasterInWonderLand | Easter in Wonderland | Kayako and Titled | 1-5 |
Multi-Team CTF
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
CTF4-ExtremeCore | MotherShip Core | Eenocks CTFPlus modified by dinwitty | 4-16 | |
CTFM-CrystalPower | Crystal Power | Michael 'The Shadow' Saager | 16 | |
CTFM-FireIceSlimeBullet | Fire V Ice V Slime V Bullet | [DMF]ABU5E | 8-16 | |
CTFM-Gharden | MultiCTF Ghardhen | DOM-Gharden modified by Colin McCann | 8-16 | |
CTFM-LavaGiant][ | The Lava Giant ][ | Dark Defender | 8-16 | |
CTFM-TestRoom | The Test Room | Colin 'Wyzard' McCann | 4-8 |
Rocket Arena
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
RA-Tronic | RA-Tronic | Matthias 'Tronic' Dörflinger | 2 on 2 |
Strike Force
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
SFTDM-CargoShip | SFTDM-Cargo Ship | Grady | 12-16 | |
SFTDM-Lombard | SFTDM-Lombard | Grady | 4-6 |
Tactical Ops
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
SW-Chemical_Warfare_Facility | Blitzkrieg - Chemical Warfare Facility | Stefan "real HATRED" Ficsor | 10-16 | |
SW-Chiesa | Chiesa | Frank 'r@yden' Petri | converted by | 6-10 | |
TO-Cabal | Cabal | Mr._Hankey | 8-12 | |
TO-Thor | Thor Valley Ballistics Research Facility | Tynan "Dr. Crowbar" Sylvester | 4-16 |
Unreal Fortress
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
UNF-2Fort4 | 2 FORT 4 | BONE | 8-16 | |
UNF-Battlezone][ | BattleZone | BONE | 8-16 | |
UNF-DAM | UNF-Dam! | SOB-Chip | 10 - 14 | |
UnF-Diann's Retreat | Diann's Retreat | NaTaS aka... ¦:¬) | 6-12 | |
UNF-SnowBlind | Snow Blind | Chip and BONE | 8-16 | |
UNF-ZZzee | ZZzee | SOB-Chip | 8-12 |