
Map Title Author Players
AS-Abasery Abasery David "Integer" Veld 6-10
AS-Deception The Terran Deception EZkeel 8 - 10 players
AS-Redemption The Redemption of Siege M.Berndt aka [3DG]Lord$M 6-14
AS-Wolf Operation Wolf Grz 8-12


Map Title Author Players
CTF-BT-(Cyb)CyberInc - Cyber inc 2006 - Koray Avery Cyber'nerd' Unknown

Capture The Flag

Map Title Author Players
CTF-4_Bridges]I[ 4 Bridges ]I[ Hobi-Wan 6-10
CTF-Abbey CTF-Abbey Peter 'pBOOST' Oostrik 6-12
CTF-AbbeyofAnkara The Abbey of Ankara Ray 'Kiqkinas' Yates 6-12
CTF-Acmon][ Acmon Complex ][ Kenneth "Shrimp" Watson 8-16
CTF-Aftermath Aftermath Ryan F 12
CTF-Akrid CTF-Akrid "Akatosh" 4-10
CTF-Alfie'sGarden][ Alfie's Flower Garden ][ Niall Moody 4-6
CTF-Atropos CTF-Atropos Andy 'Chrysaor' Monroe 8-14
CTF-Aureecom Aureecom - Stage of Glory Anton "MaxModule" Wiegert 4-10
CTF-AW_Paradice AW's Paradice{MojoJojo Veiw} Rufferto 8-12
CTF-Bastille CTF-Bastille Daikiki 12-16
CTF-BioHazard CTF-BioHazard Adam " AddZ " Oxlade 12 - 16
CTF-Camelot CTF-Camelot Mage_88 12-16
CTF-Caves Caves Hobi-Wan 6-10
CTF-CityIntro The City Intro Shane Caudle and Yves Dutré 12-16
CTF-CloseCombat][ Close Combat ][ Niall Moody 4-6
CTF-Crater Crater of the Sniper Hobi-Wan 10-12
CTF-Depression Eternal Depression Jake "Kid Ying" Byrd 6-8
CTF-facinggods][ facinggods][ rene 10
CTF-FearlessNights Fearless Nights Fearless Inc 8
CTF-freeway CTF-Freeway Leo Bartkus 6-12
CTF-Fusioned Deep Space Fusion Reactor Andy "Deatha" Leung 8-16
CTF-HallofRedemption][ Hall of Redemption Hobi-Wan 4-8
CTF-Hamster Hamster Mr Evil 4-12
CTF-HeartOfStone Heart of the Stone of Tear Leon "Naeblis" Dexter 8 and up
CTF-HOB-SpaceStation CTF-HOB-SpaceStation Hobi-Wan 6-10
CTF-Inoxiation Family Fry Peter "McMoo" Ward 4 a team
CTF-Keystone Keystone Lost Soul 12-16+
CTF-Lancing CTF-Lancing Phil"ReJecTRaT"Stowell 10-14
CTF-LavaOutpost Lava Outpost Paul Birrento 4-10
CTF-Lepepaha Lepepaha V.1.00 Per-Patrik 10-14
CTF-Lets_Rock][ Lets_Rock][ Hobi-Wan 6-8
CTF-Mekraths Mekraths Matthias 'Tronic' Dörflinger 4 - 8
CTF-Meteoroids CTF-Meteoroid Carey 'Gator' Grayson 8-12
CTF-Mordant The land of Mordant Patrik "pls-->>(se)" Svensson 12+
CTF-MyLittleRoom My Little Room Sergio "Worm" Pizzotti 6-10
CTF-NominalReality CTF-NominalReality Johnny "SLAQUER" Ayre 8-14
CTF-NukeStation12 Nuclear Facility PowerStation12 -SpArKy- & {FM}Silver-Serpent 4-6
CTF-Obelisk CTF-Obelisk Peter 'pBOOST' Oostrik 8-16
CTF-Olden][ Olden Aquifer Darko"Warhawk"Hanzic 16 +
CTF-Ouranos Ouranos Roger 'Mancubus' ISS 6-10
CTF-Province Province (v 2.0) Matthijs M. 4 - 10
CTF-Redemption Redemption Awaits GypsyAssassin 6-12
CTF-Rune Divine Rune Peter 'Rahnem' Respondek 4 - 8
CTF-SNXLScore SNXL Score Mogh 4-12
CTF-Taurian Taurian Installation Brad 'Qwerty' Ridder 6-12
CTF-Tefnut Temple of Tefnut [Snak]Cessivael 8-16
CTF-TFC CTF-TFC The Unknown Mapper 8-16
CTF-TimeForChaos Time For Chaos Peter "McMoo" Ward Unknown
CTF-ToxicHazard CTF-ToxicHazard v.085 [TTH]ACID 10-14
CTF-Transit Transit Elroy 8 - 10
CTF-TrenchWarfare Trench Warfare Mage_88 12-16
CTF-Trillenium-Dome Trillenium-Dome Pagan Pete 6-12
CTF-Valley][XL Valley of s0uL's S0ULTAKER[XL] 8-16
CTF-VPS-Epsilon Volcanic Power Station Epsilon Steve 'Slick Willy/Oh yeah!' Nabors 6-10
CTF-War War Walm 4-16


Map Title Author Players
DM- Deck17 Deck17 ALEXX 6-8
DM-AbandonedCrypt Abandoned Crypt James 'VT|CreepingDeath' Morgan 3-6
DM-Agio -Agio- by David Münnich David 'DavidM' Münnich 2-8
DM-Alvar Alvar's Pride Red Realm 4-8
DM-Amacor Amacor Underground Vistar Visuals 8-16
DM-Anathema Anathema Phantomas (Ryan Northam) 4-10
DM-AngelicDerision Angelic Derision Tommy 'Placid' Lundqvist 2-6
DM-Armageddon Armageddon's Arrival Ed Duke-Cox 2-6
DM-Armoured Armoured Concrete Doctor Frag 3-12
DM-ATATBarge AtatBarg BadKarma 6-12
DM-AtomHeart Atom-Heart J.Morris [BrotherM] 6-16
DM-Ballistic DM-Ballistic Pagan Pete 4 - 10
DM-Bartolis Bartoli's Hideout DarqueSandu and Pino 4 - 10
DM-BattleRoom Liandri Battle Room Cal 4-8
DM-BDC-BlackDaysofChaosXL Black Days of Chaos DoGGZz20o0 6 to 10
DM-BDC-CarJack DM-BDC-CarJack DoGGZz20o0 6-10
DM-Berserk Berserk Roger 'Mancubus' ISS 4-12
DM-Bloodbath][ -BloodBath][- Hunter 'Clanless' Wiebush 2-8
DM-Breathless Breathless - By Chris "Nemesis" Gibbs Chris "nemesis" Gibbs 6-8
Dm-Bulls_Eye Bullseye Richard "Rawhide" Wright 2-6
DM-ChalcedonyTemple DM-ChalcedonyTemple Mike 'Axeman1259' Travaline 4-8
DM-ChaosUT_CT DM-ChaosUT_CT LoQtUS Unknown
DM-ChaosUT_Jezz The Proxy King for ChaosUT ver 2.0 JEZZ from (Chaotic Dreams) 4 to 16
DM-Chaotix][ Chaotix ][ Sinistral[Spirit] 2-8
DM-ChemComplex Chemical Complex Cliff Bleszinski - Remixed By Tony Collins 8-16
DM-Chronos Chronos Paul "Acidpablo" M'BIAKA 2-6
DM-CISC DM-CISC Joe "Slasher" Conti 5-12
DM-City The City NetJulien 2-6
DM-Clementine Clementine Gareth 'Ulukai' Spring 4-7
DM-Cortez DM-Cortez Chad "GreyTiger" Barnett 2-6
DM-Crux DM-Crux Phil"ReJectRaT"Stowell & GaZ"6(sic)6"Morgan 5-8
DM-Deck1601][ Deck1601][ Elliot "Myscha" Cannon 2-16
DM-Depressing[ScoobyDooMix] Depressing [Scooby Doo Mix] Alan remixed by Eyuva 'S' NRG 4-8
DM-DiscWorld DiscWorld Hydra V. 2-12
DM-DogStation DogStation Phil 'Uglydog' Tanner 2 To 8
DM-Downtown Downtown Mark "Ped X" Hurst 8-16
DM-DraccusMaximus The Draccus Maximus Base Adam 'Exnor' McCann 4-6
DM-Dschungelcamp DM-Dschungelcamp (LTU Edition) Marcel "MKone" Schlangen (AMD- UT Clan) 4-8
DM-Embryonic Embrionic Death -=TR2=- 2-10
DM-EnderSv2 Enders Game! Remade for UT by KAIN Unknown
DM-Facility][ Arkangelsk Chemical Warfare Facility USSR TYRANTBOSS 1-8
DM-Falkenstein Falkenstein Robert (YoMammy) Wey 16
DM-Firimar Dm-Firimar Violator 2-6
DM-FITH][ FITH - Walrus Remix Cliff Bleszinski - UT Remix By Tony Collins 2-6
DM-Flat DM-Flat Unknown Unknown
DM-FortKnox DM-FortKnox QUALTHWAR 10-14
DM-fusion TOXIC SHRINE DeVaToX@NetVision2000 2-8
DM-Gathering DM-Gathering Your Maker 10 - 14
DM-Geist Geist i-spie 6 to 10 players
DM-GlendaalCity Glendaal City Glen Cooper 2-16 players
DM-Gothica DM-Gothica Rob "Doublez-Down" Collins 2-5
DM-Halls_of_the_Damned Halls of the Damned Mike B(Mira) 4-12
DM-Healpod1 HealPod 1 - ShadowMatch Cliff Bleszinski - Remixed By Tony Collins 2-8
DM-HLfan DM-HLfan Andreas 'Titty-Twista' Breisacher 2-4
DM-Indus7 Indus Warehouse #7 QuazBotch 2-4
DM-Industrial Industrial Mr Spoon 8-16
DM-Inside Inside Mogh 6-16
DM-Inter_Galactica DM-Inter_Galactica Shadow[KRoZ] 6-12
DM-Jewel Jewel Andy "Donka" Whiteford 2-4
DM-JungleTemple Jungle Temple Arena Peter "Raven" Blunden 2-8
DM-Kataris][ Kataris Communication Tower StabJoe 4 - 6
DM-KillerPC_UT Killer PC Elrod 6
DM-Kingkardra Kingkardra Dörflinger Matthias 4 - 8
DM-LastVoyage DM- LastVoyage [WIZ]Wizazz 8-24
DM-LayteTower Layte Tower Michaël aka Serial Killer Unknown
DM-LittleBlueArena DM-LittleBlueArena bobflappy 2
DM-Lonely Lonely Sanctuary Kenneth "Shrimp" Watson 6-12
DM-Lost-Caves DM-Lost-Caves Monk 16
DM-LostEgypt Lost Egypt UTXAN-BP 5-10
DM-MAlley Missile Alley ][ Jason "B-P Llama" Attard 2-4
DM-MaryJane DM-MaryJane Stephen Cook 2 or 4
DM-MetoLith#2 Deck: Main Chamber (Rev 2) Flakvin - Nuklear Fusion 5 - 12
DM-MGSdock Metal Gear Solid - Dock Glen Cooper 2-16
DM-MID~1 Midevil Complex The Joeman 8-12
DM-NaliGladiator Nali Gladiator Dan "Old_Padawan" Marcoux 4-12
DM-nextUT Fjords Bjord (nextUT) Fjord 4 to 8
DM-NorthSkW Ariza Valley North [SkW]Deathwish 3-8
DM-Nostalgia Nostalgia Trevelyan 4-10
DM-Oceanic Pacific Ocean Supply Outpost #187 Justin "whisper" Hart 2-8
DM-Octofrag Octofrag Andy "Solar" Storch Unknown
Dm-Offline Dm-Offline Marko Schubert & Erik Schubert (Killer - JO) Unknown
DM-Old_Church Older Church Milda Evilda [Cz] 8?
Dm-OutpostEridani Outpost Eridani Randy Shrader aka RedEye(Co30) 6-12
DM-PatheticEvolution][ Pathetic Evolution ][ Tommy 'Placid' Lundqvist 2-8
DM-Phase one Phase One Rushlight 8-12
DM-PipeLab Pipe Lab Andy "Deatha" Leung 2-8
DM-Platform12 Platform 12 Kenneth "Shrimp" Watson 2-4
DM-Q3DM1 DM-Q3DM1 Unknown Unknown
DM-RealUnderground RealUnderground 2.0 André "Horus" Brandes 4 - 8
DM-Reprimand][ The Reprimand Chambers Ryan Crichton 6 - 10
DM-Salamander Salamander : Lord Of Fire Muad'dib 4 to 6
DM-Sands][ DM-Sands][ Steve "Luv-Studd" Keene 10 +
DM-Scorched Scorched Jon "Shrapnel" Cruz 4-16
Dm-Sewer][ Sewer][ Olav "" Gjerde 2-4
DM-SeXStreeT Sex Street J.Morris [BrotherM] 16+
DM-sharpedi Sharpedi Landing Pad Keith Hazelet 8-16
DM-ShockHo Shock Ho Showdown Hunter 'Clanless' Wiebush 2 - 4
DM-Skaarj16 SkaarjArena The Joeman 12-16
DM-SKA~1 SkaarjArena The Joeman 12-16
DM-Smoking Smoking Arena Heiko Dreyer 2-3
DM-Sosoriea][ Sosoriea][ Dörflinger Matthias 4 - 8
DM-Spacegib The Spacegib dreddnott 2-8
DM-SpaceLabs SpaceLabs Marek 'Kormik' Korniowski 4-8
DM-Sparena Sparena Andy "Donka" Whiteford 2-12
DM-StepPyramid Step Pyramid Thing Maksim 'LoveMuffin' Malik 2-16 Muffins
DM-SubtBattlefield DM - Subterranean Battlefield David "oki tu" Schäfer 2-10
DM-Subterranean Subterranean Superstition Cal 8-16 "If They're Ready"
DM-SuddenAssault][V2 DM-SuddenAssault][V2 No_ReMoRsE 2-6
DM-Syphon Syphon Peter 'Rahnem' Respondek 4 - 10
DM-Temple Temple of Destruction Soren 'Predator' Jorgensen 6-10
DM-TempleOfGreed Temple of Greed Kopruch best for 2
DM-theundergroundcave The underground cave Alex 'you know who' Hansson 8-16
DM-Tripple Deck Tripple-Deck Paul "Master_Tonnberry" Fahss 4-12
DM-TrippleTube Tripple Tubes ULT Basement 2
DM-TuskStation][ Tusk Station Cliff Bleszinski - Remixed By Tony Collins 4-10
DM-TWA TWA Flight 3000 Rushlight&2E 8-16
DM-unholy -----THE UNHOLY----- DeVaToX@Netvision2000 4-8
DM-UnQ DM-UnQ Sandor 8-12 Players
DM-Upontheroof Up On The Roof Jason Tushingham 10
DM-UrvinsOutpost[Gold] Urvin's Outpost [Gold Edition] Eyuva 'S' NRG 7-11
DM-Venom][ Venom][ Rich 'Akuma' Eastwood 4-6
DM-Wednesday -=Wednesday=- by David Münnich David 'DavidM' Münnich 2-3
DM-Xenon][ Xenon][ of Dungeon Dörflinger Matthias 4 - 8


Map Title Author Players
DOM-Ballistic DOM-Ballistic Pagan Pete 6-10
DOM-BrothersInArms Brothers In Arms Raimond *Dutchrai* Kuhlman 8
DOM-ChemComplex Chemical Complex Cliff Bleszinski - Remixed By Tony Collins 2 or 3 teams, 9-16
DOM-HamburgerHill Hamburger Hill Derek "Juggernaut" Nutile 6-8
DOM-Lost-Caves DOM-Lost-Caves Mad Monk 16
DOM-MetalDream][ Metal Dream Cedric 'Inoxx' Fiorentino 6-12
DOM-NorthSkW Ariza Valley North DOM [SkW]Deathwish 4-8
DOM-Steelco Company Takeover Andrew "slamdrew" Rink 4-8
DOM-Thoth Chambers Of Thoth Cliff Bleszinski - Remixed By Tony Collins 2 or 3 teams of 4-8
DOM-TiersOfAbomination Tiers Of Abomination Rory Baxter 6-8


Map Title Author Players
EAS-INF-Bastillestation EAS-INF-Bastille Daikiki . EAS conversion by Don 12-16

Multi-Team CTF

Map Title Author Players
CTF4-Face][beta1 Facing Worlds ][ 4 Bases Converted by Red Dwarf 4-16
CTF4-HarvestMoon CTF4-HarvestMoon Paul {aka icepick59} Fritts 12-16
CTF4-JewelOfTheWarlord Jewel of the Warlord James "Ratlord" Rakich 12-16

Rocket Arena

Map Title Author Players
RA-Dojo RA-Dojo Unknown Unknown
RA-GE][ RA-GE][ Pagan Pete Unknown

Strike Force

Map Title Author Players
SFTDM-Midnight_Fox Midnight fox Rogelio 'Desperado#2' Olguin 4 vs 4

Tactical Ops

Map Title Author Players
SW-Factory Tactical Ops - Factory Matthijs "MatthijsM" Meerman 8 - 12
sw-WiferXL Sw-WiferXL Cliff Bleszinski 4-16

Tests and Demos

Map Title Author Players
AStorm A Storm DaveA 1