Map Title Author Players
CTF-Deflangee Deflangee Compound Mike 'Scuzzbuster' Broda 4-10
CTF-Deimos DEIMOS - Moon of the Mars Norbert Boldt-PANDORA 12-16
CTF-delightful delightful scott 'phalanx' oldfield 8-16
CTF-Deliverence deliverence Alex"Axel"Baird 12-16
CTF-Delta Lava Pit XmAkInA 12
CTF-Deluge Deluge Kunal Aggarwal 6-10
CTF-Delusional CTF-Delusional {OSHA}Mr.Strychnyne/ 4-10
CTF-Delusional CTF-Delusional {OSHA}Mr.Strychnyne/ 4-10
CTF-Delusional][ CTF-Delusional][ {FOCR}StR¥ÇH9 4-8
CTF-DelusionalAP-Discotheque CTF-DelusionalAP-Discotheque {FOCR}StR¥ÇH9 4-8
CTF-Demolition101 DFA Map 'Demolition' Merijn 'MaXiMizE' Westveer 10
CTF-DemonHalls Demon Halls Cliff - Unknown
CTF-Denise Denise Denise "Vlindertje" Kaithleen Doherty 2-4
CTF-Denise(R) Denise{R} Denise "Vlindertje" Kaithleen Doherty 2-4
CTF-DeNovo De Novo Mining Outpost Gareth 'Ulukai' Spring 8-12
CTF-DeNovo-HT$ De Novo Mining Outpost Gareth 'Ulukai' Spring 8-12
CTF-DeNovo-LE100 De Novo Mining Outpost: League Edition v100 Gareth 'Ulukai' Spring - LE: Tom 'Skull' Sacré 8-12
CTF-Depression Eternal Depression Jake "Kid Ying" Byrd 6-8
CTF-Depthcharge Depth Charge Deep Sea outpost James "Chezdog" Mclean 10-14
CTF-Derelict CTF-Derelict Kevin "Skorch" Little 4 to 12 Players
CTF-Derivitive CTF-Derivitive Blacklightning Unknown
CTF-Derivitive-FixX Derivitive Blacklightning 6+
ctf-desert Desert Canyon Michael "AsskickerJr" Deitz 4-10
CTF-DesertBase[1on1][JAG]v4 Desert Base [1on1] JAG [JAG]W!DG3Y! 2-8
CTF-DesertEsprit2ndday DesertEsprit2ndday S1E 6-10
CTF-DesertFox DesertFox Big_Balou 16-20
CTF-DesertFoxTitans Desert Fox Titans Various 16-20
CTF-DeserticTorlan Desertic Torlan Unknown 10-32
CTF-DesertRedNecks - Desert Rednecks - Zencoder 16 - 20
CTF-DesertStorm DesertStorm BoomerNL And {RxR}Berzerker 4-16
CTF-DesertStorm_LE102 DesertStorm_LE102 Bruno "CharGer_GTi" Rodrigues 8-16
CTF-DesFac Desert Factory - DesFac Bruno "CharGer_GTi" Rodrigues 8-16
CTF-DestituteIllusions CTF-Destitute Illusions Steven "Heeee Man" Duncan 10 - 16
CTF-Detention Detention Facility Gareth "GANGSTA" Trenaman 6-14
CTF-Detention ][ Detention Center ][ Gareth "Gangsta" Trenaman 8-16
CTF-Determined-beta Determined Craig "khemzikal" Bachmann 8-12
CTF-DeThorned CTF-DeThorned JiveTurkey 4-16
CTF-Devastation-SCE Devastation HumaK 8
CTF-DE~1 CTF-DeepSpace Mike Hermetz 10
CTF-DiamondSamurai Diamond Samurai Colin 'ArKile' Winter & Daniel 'INFERNO' Winter 2 - 18
CTF-DiamondScuzz Diamond Scuzz Mike 'Scuzzbuster' Broda 6-14
CTF-DiamondScythe Diamond Scythe Colin 'ArKile' Winter & Daniel 'INFERNO' Winter 8-18
CTF-DiamondSword Diamond Sword Colin 'ArKile' + Daniel 'INFERNO' Winter 6-20
CTF-DiamondSword_CE Diamond Sword_CE Colin 'ArKile' + Daniel 'INFERNO' Winter Edited by |2Åmßõ*ħ§* 6-20
CTF-DiannsRetreat Diann's Retreat NaTaS aka... ¦:¬) 6-12
CTF-Diego-Factory Factory Diego_{HoF} 12-16
CTF-Diego-Forest_of_Silence Forest of Silence Diego_{HoF} 18-32
CTF-Diego-SpacePool-FIX SpacePool FIX Diego_{HoF} 2-10
CTF-DiePiggyPiggy Die Piggy Piggy Zencoder 12-16
CTF-DiePiggyPiggy][ Die Piggy Piggy ][ Zencoder 12-16
CTF-DiePiggyPiggyIII Die Piggy Piggy III - Piggie's Revenge! Zencoder 12-16
CTF-Dies2AD24A Dies Ultionis Cipro 2-8
CTF-DiesUltionis][ CTF-DiesUltionis][ Cipro 4-10
CTF-DiiDay dii-day on xiion John ' xiion ' McCormick 8+
CTF-DimensionCastlesXL CTF-Dimensions1 Sam Plate 14
CTF-DimensionCastlesXT CTF-Dimensions1 Sam Plate 14
CTF-DinariusCB1][ CTF-Dinarius Rick "StaLvY" Feskens 8 - 14
CTF-DisasterMax Max's Disaster Vidhamali 'Max=DF=' Michael 8-16
CTF-DischargeLE101 The Bewildering Discharge BeWilderBeest Unknown
CTF-Disclosure99-LE CTF-Disclosure99-LE Unknown Unknown
CTF-DISCONNECT CTF-Ðì§çØñNë¢T Pablo "Ðì§çØñNë¢T" Vizcaya 8 - 10
CTF-DiscoStu Disco Stu's Magnetite Haxxed Arioch's Idea Disco Dancers: 4 - 8
CTF-Disposable Disposable Heroes Andy 'Chrysaor' Monroe 8-14
CTF-Disposable-UGL-LE102 Disposable Heroes UGL-Edition 1.02 Andy 'Chrysaor' Monroe - Edited by -fanat1c- 6-10
CTF-DisposableCE Disposable Heroes Andy 'Chrysaor' Monroe 8-14
CTF-DisposableV155 Disposable Heroes Andy 'Chrysaor' Monroe 8-14
CTF-Disposal The Disposal facility <^eBf^>coomman 6-14
CTF-Disrespect Disrespect Style Disrespect)KyRo( 16
CTF-Distance Distance Michhhhael Unknown
CTF-DivideAndJumper DivideAndJumper Derek Johnston 16
CTF-Division Division Derrick "Error" Kotel 10
CTF-Dizzy1a - Dizzy - Zencoder 8-16
CTF-DJINFace DJIN Face Dillo[DJIN] 10-16
CTF-DM-ReadyPlayerOne Ready Player One Jeff Martin Unknown
CTF-DMU-ClusterFkk -== The ClusterFuck ==- [ DMU > UT-CTF ] FraGnBraG 6-12
CTF-DMUT-LostValley The Lost Valley Michael 'Bot_40' Rippon 12+
CTF-DMUT-StoneForts The Stone Forts Michael 'Bot_40' Rippon 14+
CTF-DNA-Factum DNA - Factum Sid 'SoniBang' Lannord 6-12
CTF-Docks-mini Control The Docks (mini-map) Kevin "Magnetite" Barrios Ideal Player Count: 2-8
CTF-Dogfight DogfightV2 Lewis "Sabotage" Adcock Unknown
CTF-DogtownT18 T18Dogtown -=Scorpion=- 8-16
CTF-DoingTime2 Doing Time (te amo mumuuuu) Jhonny-T 6 - 10
CTF-Dom CTF Dom(ination) Per$oX-UK 16
CTF-Domainus][ CTF-Domainus Sam Plate Unknown
CTF-Domainus][RW CTF-Domainus][RW Sam Plate Unknown
Ctf-DomeKiller Dome Killer Nuker{RoA} 6-12
CTF-DomeRaider Dome Raider Aahz 6-10
CTF-Domes CTF-Battle Domes Sam Plate.[BW] 10-14
CTF-DomesOfChaosV3 CTF-DomesOfChaosV3 TheDisciple 6-16
CTF-DomGT CTF Dom(ination) Tuned Per$oX-UK changed by GTi 16
Ctf-Domicile Domicile Cypher 6-10
CTF-domination Domination TaroT 6-12
CTF-Dominion CTF-Dominion Cang 'RaGnArOk' Huynh Unknown
CTF-Don'tFallDown Don't Fall Down (WTF?) SpEcTra_7 2-8
CTF-DontFall CTF-Don't Fall frostymoss 2-8
CTF-Dontlookdown CTF-Dontlookdown Unknown Unknown
CTF-Donut CTF-DONUT Terraniux, the Dutch mapper 6
CTF-Donut[Shadow] Doughnut Maxim "Shadow" Panin 4 - 10
CTF-doom CTF-doom Unknown 10-20
CTF-Doom4ut ROOM OF DOOM Kuznetsoff Dmitry aka -=_Buran_=- 8
CTF-DoomsJustice Doom's Justice Jerry "{LoD}" Welch 24
CTF-DoomsJusticeBETA Doom's Justice BETA Jerry "{LoD}" Welch 16
CTF-Double-X Project Code Double-X Matthew "Lofty" Lear 10-20
CTF-Double_HyperBlast_Rev Reverse Double-HyperBlast Dale 8-10
CTF-DoubleEdge Double Edge Marco Sabbadini 8-16
CTF-DoubleFace Double Face Modified By "TheFloorTool" 6-12
CTF-DoubleOblivion][ DoubleOblivion][ CoD|[A]nan!*~ 4-10
CTF-Downbelow CTF-Downbelow Sam Plate 14
CTF-Downbeneath CTF-Downbeneath Sam Plate 10-16
CTF-Downfall CTF-Downfall Charles "Slain" Yakish 10-20
CTF-Downside Downside Mike "Hellscrag" Wilberforce 8-12
CTF-Downunder Downunder Sam Plate 8-10
CTF-DownUnder Down-Under Koen "@||_Y0UR_B@SE" Heltzel 2 - 4
CTF-Downunder][ CTF-Downunder][ Sam Plate 10-16
CTF-Downunder_EQ Downunder Sam Plate 8-10
CTF-Downunder_Runner DownunderRunner Sam Plate 8-10
CTF-DownunderEq1 CTF-DownunderEq1 Sam Plate 10-14
CTF-DownunderRunner DownunderRunner Sam Plate 8-10
CTF-DownunderRW DownunderRW Sam Plate 8-10
CTF-DownunderV2 DownunderV2 Sam Plate 14-16
CTF-DownunderV3 DownunderV3 Sam Plate 14-16
CTF-DoxThorns CTF-DoxThorns «Ðô×»ÅftèrmátH and «Ðô×»©}{@¤§ 4 to 12
CTF-DoxThornsV2 CTF-DoxThornsV2 «Ðô×»©}{@¤§ 2 to 12
CTF-DoYouTrustYourEyes Do You Trust Your Eyes? RJGexplode 4-10
CTF-DragonFire CTF-DragonFire <|DF|>ShadowWraith 6-10
CTF-DragonFire2k7 Dragon Fire 2k7 Sid 'SoniBang' Lannord 8
CTF-DragonFire2k7-SE Dragon Fire 2k7 - Special Edition Sid 'SoniBang' Lannord 8
CTF-Drain][ Drain][ _johny_ ( & RENO ) 4-8
CTF-Drainage Drainage Exodus Russia 6-8
CTF-Drakk-Coyote Coyote was a RURU map sleo, EvilGrins (Drakk edit) 2 - 6
CTF-Drakk-HallOfGiants Hall Of Giants EvilGrins 8-16
CTF-Dramest][102 CTF-Dramest][ oV/JennaJ-Bot 10-20
CTF-Dreadlock CTF-Dreadlock Matt "Silencer" Murphy 10 - 16
CTF-DreadsRoom CTF_Dread's Room {TLB}Dreadnought 4-8
CTF-DreamFields Dream Fields Mr_Invincible Max of 8
CTF-DreamOutland Welcome into Dream Outland Dreamland 16-20
CTF-DreamPyramides Dream Pyramides Dreamland 16-20
CTF-Dreamtheater Dream Theater {ROS}_slayMEnow 6-14
CTF-Dreamtheater3 Dream Theater 3 slayMEnow 1337
CTF-Dreamtheater][ Dream Theater 2 {ROS}_slayMEnow 6-14
CTF-Dreary Dreary Outpost Shane Caudle 8-12
CTF-DrearyCE Dreary Outpost Clan Edition v.0.99 Shane Caudle /\ CE by xera 8-12
CTF-DrearyLE100 Dreary Outpost League Edition Shane Caudle LE: [J]-Outsiders71 8-12
CTF-Dreko-V2 CTF-Dreko Version1 Bruno "CharGer_GTi" Rodrigues 8-20
CTF-Dreko-V2 CTF-Dreko Version1 Bruno "CharGer_GTi" Rodrigues 8-20
CTF-DRMBednBath Master Bed and Bath Dremoan 8-12
CTF-DRONE ][ CTF-DRONE][ Sam Plate 14
CTF-DropMan Drop Man Jace LongFingers 6-12
CTF-Dropoff Dropoff FireHaze Unknown