Map Title Author Players
CTF-&VMHolidayParty!! CTF-&VMHolidayParty!! Muffin Unknown
CTF-((Viking)) Viking JoMaX Nero 4-16
CTF-(-Vp-)Trenches-Beta2 (-Vp-)Trenches l-Vp-l Daedman 6-10
CTF-(V)ajjin-WAR-G0D-2 (V)ajjin-WAR-G0D *(V)*WAR-G0D*(V)* 4-16
CTF-(V)CavernInfinity CTF-(V)CavernInfinity Vicky_Vette 6 - 12 Players
CTF-(V)Tandemonium CTF - (V) Tandemonium Majjin VejittA Unknown
CTF-(VIP)2Rings2014 CTF-(VIP)2Rings2014 (VIP)ER 4-20
CTF-(VIP)=(V)=$ CTF-(VIP)=(V)=$ (VIP) Viper 2-20
CTF-(VIP)=(V)=Sidewinder CTF-(VIP)=(V)=Sidewinder (VIP) Viper 4-20
CTF-(VIP)=A(V)A= CTF-(VIP)=A(V)A= (VIP) =(V)iper= 2-20
CTF-(VIP)er'sRealm CTF-(VIP)er'sRealm (VIP) Viper 8-32
CTF-(Vp)1vs1_Destruction (Vp) 1vs1 Destruction 2-6
CTF-(Vp)CampgroundsBeta |-Vp-| Sinjins Campground |-Vp-|_F/AXL 8-10
CTF-(Vp)Cleopatra_Beta (Vp) Cleopatra 4-14
ctf-(vp)egyptianpalace (Vp) Egyptian Palace 4-14
CTF-(Vp)EgyptianPalace2 (Vp) Egyptian Palace 4-14
CTF-(Vp)FragWhorE |-Vp-| FragWhoreArena |-Vp-|_F/AXL 4-12
CTF-(Vp)FragWhore[ZPC] |-Vp-| FragWhoreArena |-Vp-|_F/AXL 4-12
CTF-(Vp)GreekThorns CTF-(Vp)GreekThorns Unknown Unknown
CTF-(Vp)Greekthorns-V2 CTF-(Vp)Greekthorns-V2 Unknown Unknown
CTF-(Vp)HallOfFame l-Vp-l Hall Of Fame 4-14
CTF-(Vp)InsaneAsylum-Beta2 Insane Asylum |=ALPHA=| |-Vp-|_Exyst 10
CTF-(Vp)Pass-A-FistV2 |-Vp-| Pass-A-FistV2 |-Vp-|_F/AXL 6-12
CTF-(Vp)Pass-A-FistV3 |-Vp-| Pass-A-FistV2 |-Vp-|_F/AXL 6-12
CTF-(Vp)PicturePerfect (Vp) Picture Perfect 2-12
CTF-(VP)ThereGoTheGunClick (VP) ThereGoTheGunClick |-Vp-|_Exyst 10-16
CTF-(VP)ThereGoTheGunClickV2 (VP) ThereGoTheGunClickV2 |-Vp-|_Exyst 10-16
CTF-(Vp)Tribunal |-Vp-| Tribunal |-Vp-|_F/AXL 4-14
CTF-=(V)=DividedSpace Nothing Vicky_Vette 6-12
CTF-=(V)=Jet-Testing Jet Testing Muffin 40000
CTF-=(V)=WinterBlast[Sieged] CTF-=(V)=WinterBlast KiLLaH! aka Christina T 1-16
CTF-][VIB][-Thorns -][VIB][-Thorns -][VIB][-Çå±åstrõphy 8-12
CTF-]V[alaclypse23_B01 CTF-]V[alaclypse23_B01 ]V[DaddyFatSacks, aka Nathan Z 8-16
CTF-]V[CivilTrainingCamp Civil Training Camp ]V[DaddyFatSacks aka Nathan R. Z Unknown
CTF-]V[CivilTrainingCamp_B02 Civil Training Camp ]V[DaddyFatSacks aka Nathan R. Z Unknown
CTF-]V[egaMont ]V[egaMont Ivan Gastaldo - ]V[PhOeNiX 2-8
CTF-]V[egaRooms ]V[egaRooms Ivan Gastaldo - ]V[PhOeNiX 8-12
CTF-]V[FaceV2 Facing Worlds Cedric 'Inoxx' Fiorentino 4-10
CTF-]V[FlaxMine CTF-]V[FlaxMine ]V[DaddyFatSacks, Nathan Z 6-16
CTF-]V[ini]V[ayhemB02 CTF-]V[ini]V[ayhem ]V[DaddyFatSacks 4-12
CTF-]V[Psychotic CTF-Psychotic ]V[DaddyFatSacks, Nathan Z 6-12
CTF-]V[RiPShiTuPbeta3 Created By ]V[Cat Balou Unknown 6 To 20 Players
CTF-]V[RipsNRamps CTF-]V[Rips&Ramps ]V[DaddyFatSacks 8-16
CTF-]V[Thistles_Beta-1 Thistles of Hate Kris ]V[RiDdLeR Erwin 12
CTF-]V[USSCatBalou USS Cat Balou Unknown 10 To 22 Players
CTF-]V[Valley_B01 CTF-]V[Valleys B2 ]V[DaddyFatSacks 8-16
CTF-V-Luna Luna-45 Dima 'Venom' Smirnow 6-8
CTF-V-Zone Void-Zone .kinGy^|fu 4-6
CTF-Vacuums Vacuums Brian "IceMan" Zuvich 10-32
CTF-Vae Victis Vae Victis Dennis ''GenMoKai'' Speijers 8-16 players
CTF-Vagrant Vagrant Story James "F l u k e" Beech 8-10
CTF-Valkon Valkon Complex Chris 'Bullet' Martin 4-8
CTF-Valley Valley of War Jonah 'No Nick' Falcon 16+
CTF-Valley The Valley of the Shadow of Death Sand Jack Unknown
CTF-Valley1940 Valley1940 VHMMAN & MR.SECURITY 12 -16
CTF-Valley][XL Valley of s0uL's S0ULTAKER[XL] 8-16
CTF-ValleyofGiants Valley of Giants Eric 'Avenger' Poggel 8-12
CTF-ValleyoftheKings Valley of the Kings Matt "Silencer" Murphy 12+
CTF-ValleyoftheKings4T Valley of the Kings with UTDMT Matt Murphy (original), EvilGrins (edited) 12+
CTF-ValleyOfTheW00ts Valley of the W00ts Joe 'Ironblayde' Farrell 8-12
CTF-VallyDuel CTF-VallyDuel Unknown Unknown
CTF-VaMe VaMe Vainkey 4-14
CTF-Vanadium CTF-Vanadium eK|niX and McKnight Unknown
CTF-Vandora Vandora Gates Deepak OV (Ranjith OV) 4-8
CTF-Vandora-LE101 Wrath of Vandora -- League Edition v1.01 Michael Darnell 8 - 14
CTF-Vandora100 Wrath of Vandora v0.85 Michael Darnell 6 - 12
CTF-Vandora100 Wrath of Vandora v1.00 Michael Darnell 6 - 12
CTF-Vandora[FF] Vandora SpEcTra_7 6-10
CTF-VanillAI VanillA.I Gallery Virgile 'Vile' Bornemann 8-12
CTF-Vaultcity CTF-Vaultcity Daniel "KaMi" D�az 4-10
CTF-Vaultcity CTF-Vaultcity Daniel 'KaMi' Diaz 4-10
CTF-Vaultcity-LE101 CTF-Vaultcity-LE101 Daniel "KaMi" Díaz -edited by xebo/sidrar 4-10
CTF-Vaultcity-LE102 CTF-Vaultcity-LE102 Daniel "KaMi" Díaz -edited by xebo/sidrar 4-10
CTF-Vaultcity-LE105 CTF-Vaultcity-LE102 Daniel "KaMi" Díaz -edited by xebo/sidrar 4-10
CTF-Vector Battlement Vector Moo Cow Designs 16+
CTF-Vector2 Battlement2Vector Moo Cow Designs 16+
CTF-Veigar][aNzI CTF-Veigar][aNzI Unknown Unknown
CTF-Veitnam CTF-Veitnam John "The Body" Garber 6-12
CTF-Velocity][ Velocity Uncle_Bob 4-16
CTF-Veltor][TB Veltor Stage 2 Sidney 'Clawfist' Rauchberger 2-8
CTF-Vendetta CTF-Vendetta Nova-C1- 10-20
CTF-Vendetta][ CTF-Vendetta Nova-C1- 10-20
CTF-Vengador Vengador Jesús "N3oDoc" Díaz 8-14
CTF-Vengeance Vengeance Jesús "N3oDoc" Díaz 6-10
CTF-Vengeance-CE103 Vengeance Jesús "N3oDoc" Díaz, minor bugfix by noeff.ketsuzoku 6-10
CTF-Venus Venus HortonsWho 8-14
CTF-Venus Lavastation Venus Lavastation Stormhowler 6-16
CTF-verbod CTF-verbod AmoV Unknown
CTF-Verdun Verdun's Mud JjuL 6-10
CTF-Verne The Verne Research Station Tom "TomCom" Davies 6-12
CTF-VerosKache Veros Kache Islands Kelvin 'WhiteRaven' Beaumont 8-10
CTF-VerosKache Veros Kache Islands Kelvin 'WhiteRaven' Beaumont 8-10
CTF-Versus Versus Chris' WaR_CrY) 'Anaya 8-14
CTF-Vertical Assault DavS Vertical Assault Davor Saric 4-10
CTF-Vertigo CTF-Vertigo Alex Bowen 6-10
CTF-Vertigo State of Vertigo Brandon "Storm" Warncke 4-8
CTF-vertigo CTF-vertigo Unknown Unknown
CTF-VertigoW00T VertigoW00T by:Seismic-> :) :) SEISMIC Unknown
CTF-Vertika Vertika Solution 001a Matt 'Shuriken' Richardson 6-18
ctf-vertina CTF-Vertina Klaus "Titanus" Kremser 6-12
CTF-Victoria CTF-victoria scott'phalanx'oldfield 8-16
CTF-Vietnam][ Vietnam][ Molnár "makemeunreal" Balázs 8
CTF-VietnamWarMonsters CTF-VietnamWarMonsters Louise & John" The Budy" Garber 8- 16
CTF-Vieux CTF-Vieux 16MentalTempest 6-10
CTF-ViewAskew ViewAskew (aka Scuzzbuster's Ramp) Scuzzbuster{VLD} 4-14
ctf-vigilance-demo CTF-Vigilance-demo Amisa 8
CTF-Vilinius The Vilinius Arena Matt 'Phatboy' Mendell 5-6
CTF-Village Village Garth 'Atolicus' Gibson 2-16
CTF-Viper The Viper Pit Overdraft Studios 2-16 players
CTF-VipersBunker CTF-VipersBunker {OSHA}Viper 6-16
CTF-Virgin Virgin (CTF edition) Markus 'Walm' Wallmüller 4 - 12
CTF-Visage Opposing Visages Karl 'The Machine' Mitton 2 - 16
CTF-Visse Visse Florian 'Strogg' Oswald 6-10
CTF-Visse-UGL Visse-UGL Florian 'Strogg' Oswald 6-10
CTF-VitaWar Vita War {PCF}AkwardTiming 8
CTF-Vitreo Vitreo Palace Simon "@5t0" Laudati 4 - 8
CTF-VM-(Hel)SkyBreakers_II CTF-VM(Hel)Skybreakers_II Modder - VM Kevster 8-16
CTF-VMHolidayParty!! CTF-VMHolidayParty!! Muffin Unknown
CTF-VMLockerRoom_Fixed CTF-VMLockerRoom VM Kevster 7-10
CTF-VMLockerRoom_v1l CTF-VMLockerRoom VM Kevster 7-10
CTF-Volatile Volatile Derek "HellFire" 10-12
CTF-Volcano CTF-Volcano Unknown Unknown
CTF-Volition VOLiTiON inder 10-16
CTF-Volliandra Cybrosis][ Alan 'Talisman' Willard 4-12
CTF-Voltair Voltair Johan 'IceCat' Samuelsson 6-12
CTF-VoltonsJoust CTF-VoltonsJoust Forks_M7 2-6
CTF-Vortex The Vortex David "Sdruifos" Castel 5-14
CTF-Vortex2 CTF - Vortex Rikers (AdrenaliZed) Cliff Bleszinski (CTF conv by Cmndr A. Killer) 16 players
CTF-VorticeFinal CTF-Vortice James 'Stilgar' Stringer 6 - 14
Ctf-Vow CTF-Vow Michael "Jimbo" Cordingley 8-16
CTF-VOY1 Voy_beta by dan dan moceri 6-10
CTF-VPS-Epsilon Volcanic Power Station Epsilon Steve 'Slick Willy/Oh yeah!' Nabors 6-10
CTF-VShip Vegetus's Spaceship Vegetus 8-12
CTF-Vulcan Vulcan's Wrath [Snak]Cessivael 8-16
CTF-VulcansAnvil Vulcans Anvil **Monarch** 8-16
CTF-Vulkan-XG Vulkan-XG-LE101 azazel -Modded by WinegumS 10