Map Title Author Players
CTF - IslandCombat Liandri Island Mine Combat Centre James "Chezdog" Mclean 10 - 12
CTF- InstaGib Special InstaGib Special Noah (Madness) Obringer 4-6
CTF-(+)-Icarus High Icarus HIGH[+]AdRiaN 10+
CTF-(IG)5_Bridges 5 Bridges Original by Hobi-Wan Remake by |IG|Defrost 6-10
CTF-(IG)Falcon The Falcon reactor Daan 'Defrost' Scheerens 8-16
CTF-(IG)Reverse Reverse Arena |IG|Defrost 6-12
CTF-(IG)Second Secondary base |IG|Defrost 6-14
CTF-(IG)TheCell The Cell Daan 'Defrost' Scheerens 2-10
CTF--{ISC}-Mano-vs-Yama CTF--{ISC}--Mano vs Yama (only sniper mod) Mano Santa 6-10
CTF--}i{--DeepV1 CTF-}i{-Deep DreamCodes}i{ 8-14
CTF-I-Future CTF-Future Ow2k 8-16
CTF-i2-SmallGods i2 Small Gods LGI Map Occam 16
CTF-I75 I-75 Derrick "Error" Kotel 10
CTF-I_B_Bangin I_B_Bangin Scuzzbuster{VLD} 6-10
CTF-Ice_FuryWID Ice Fury Michaqel "Widowmaker" Cranston 6 - 12
CTF-IceCavernV2 CTF-IceCavern |KB|AIDS 4-10
CTF-IceFlow Ice Flow Hobi-Wan 4-8
CTF-Icepost Siege - Icepost uK\W! 6 - 10
CTF-Icewoes CTF-Icewoes Richard "maxdamage" Nadrowski 2-10
CTF-IcewoesBeta Icewoes Richard "maxdamage" Nadrowski 6-10
CTF-IceWold[Shadow] Ice World [Shadow] Maxim "Shadow" Panin, original CS mapper from |-DD-| CLAN 4 - 16
CTF-IcyBeach Icy Beaches Alexander Hoffmann 6-10
CTF-IdontNo CTF-IdontNo Created by Eremit 6-14
CTF-Iguacu The Rocks of Igacu Janis 'Flux' Bode 10-14
CTF-iKes CTF-iKes Kris (R3plicant) Andrews 10-16
CTF-iKes[V2] CTF-iKes[V2] Kris (R3plicant) Andrews 10-16
CTF-Ikonoclast CTF-Ikonoclast s1Co 10
CTF-IllumineHF Illumine CyanLongBow and Entropy 8-14
CTF-ImpactArena Impact Arena Bruce Bickar (BDB) 12
CTF-ImperialCircles CTF-Imperial Circles Jorge 'eko' Salas 10-32
CTF-ImperialHanger CTF-ImperialHanger Unknown Unknown
CTF-Impossible Impo§§ible The_Ownage Unknown
CTF-IN_HELL{FOCR}Remix} IN_HELL{FOCR}Remix Bruce_Mangy remake by {FOCR}StR¥ÇH9 8-16
CTF-InABoxV3_{HoF} CTF-InABoxV3_{HoF} SC]-[LO]\[G_{HoF} 4-12
CTF-InABoxV4_{HoF} CTF-InABoxV4_{HoF} SC]-[LO]\[G_{HoF} 4-12
CTF-Inca Aztec Pyramids Gareth V Williams 8 - 10
CTF-Inca ][ CTF-Inca ][ QuillioN 2-8
CTF-Inca-2on2 CTF-Inca Erik 'Drazic' Punt 2-6
CTF-Inca-II~eo CTF-Inca-II~eo 3inSi3dleR 2-8
CTF-Inca][ CTF-Inca ][ QuillioN 2-8
CTF-IncaManned IncaManned Tony "Horse" Ginko 4-16
CTF-IncaManned][ IncaManned][ Tony "Horse" Ginko 8-16
CTF-Incendium Incendium DarkFlow 2-16
CTF-Incinerator CTF-Incinerator Charles "DemonLord" Yakish 8-20
CTF-Incinerator-CTFLE-102 CTF-Incinerator-CTFLE-102 - edited by Hundefaenger hx0red by Hundefaenger 4-10
CTF-Incinerator-MLCTF-test1A Incinerator-MLCTF DemonLord vs. ^y3Pp-, edit: khxmz 4-10
ctf-incinerator-ugl-le102 CTF-IncineratorLE - modificated by ^y3Pp- DemonLord vs. ^y3Pp- 4-10
CTF-Incinerator1b CTF-Incinerator Charles "Slain" Yakish 8-20
CTF-IncineratorLE-102 CTF-IncineratorLE - modificated by ^y3Pp- DemonLord vs. ^y3Pp- 4-10
ctf-incineratorle-mooni-final CTF-IncineratorLE - modificated by ^y3Pp- DemonLord vs. ^y3Pp- 4-10
CTF-Incomming-Boom Incomming!!!! {Bombs Away} [MCS]Wolverine 2-16
CTF-Increase Increased Matter Niles "Skankey" Sankey 6-10
CTF-Increase[NEW] Increased Matter Niles "Skankey" Sankey 6-10
CTF-Indigo Ground Indigo L33test 10+
CTF-IndoorSoccerFix CTF-IndoorSoccerFix Uncledumpy 10-20
CTF-IndusRage Industrial Rage! Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull 6-8
CTF-IndusRage-UGL-LE101 Industrial Rage! UGL-Edition 1.01 Cory Spooner 'TheSpoonDog'--Edited by fanat1c 6-12
CTF-IndusRageXL Industrial Rage! XL Edition Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull 12
CTF-IndusRageXL Industrial Rage! XL Edition Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull 12
CTF-IndustrialThorns CTF-IndustrialThorns Unknown Unknown
CTF-Inferior CTF-Inferior EpsiTrog 4-8
CTF-Inferno Inferno [C4] Timo "SnakeCobra" Sehrbruch 2-16
CTF-Inferno Inferno Fabiano Raffaelli Da 4 a 8 giocatori
CTF-Infested CTF-Infested Emil 'HypErioN' Attlid 4-8
CTF-Infested-LE101 Infested -- League Edition v1.01 Emil 'HypErioN' Attlid -- LE: Larathiel 4-8
CTF-Infested-LE101 Infested -- League Edition v1.01 Emil 'HypErioN' Attlid -- LE: Larathiel 4-8
CTF-Infested-LE101 Infested -- League Edition v1.01 Emil 'HypErioN' Attlid -- LE: Larathiel 4-8
CTF-Infested-UGL Infested - UGL - League Edition 2.00 HypErioN -- Ed. by -fanat1c- | Gandhi | prom6 4-10
CTF-Infested-UGL-LE102 Infested - UGL - League Edition 1.02 HypErioN --- modified by -fanat1c- 4-10
CTF-Infested-UGL-LE103 Infested - UGL - League Edition 1.03 HypErioN --- Edited by -fanat1c- 4-10
CTF-Infested-UGL-LE103-Hardcore Infested - UGL - League Edition - Hardcorer HypErioN --- Edited by -fanat1c- Stuff deleted by Gandhi :< 4-10
CTF-Infested-UGL-LE200 Infested - UGL - League Edition 2.00 HypErioN -- Ed. by -fanat1c- | Gandhi | prom6 4-10
CTF-Infested-UGL-LE201 Infested - UGL - League Edition 2.01 HypErioN - Ed. by -fanat1c- | Gandhi | prom6 4-10
CTF-Infested-UGL-LE202 Infested - UGL - League Edition 2.02 HypErioN - Ed. by -fanat1c- | Gandhi | prom6 & WinegumS! 4-10
CTF-Infinite(8) Infinite-Eight Bastard Guy ned_ 10-16
CTF-infinity CTF-Infinity blueraven32 4 to 16
CTF-Influx[[ice]] CTF-Influx[[ice]] LexiconDevil 4-20
CTF-Infrastructure The Infrastructure Niles "Skankey" Sankey 8-16
CTF-Innocuous CTF-Inocuous (MNSG)DarkRanger 6 - 10
CTF-Innocuous2 CTF-Inocuous II (MNSG)DarkRanger 8 - 14
CTF-Innovative CTF-Innovative QuillioN 12
CTF-Inoxiation Family Fry Peter "McMoo" Ward 4 a team
CTF-Insan1ty CTF-Insan1ty EpsiTrog 4-10
CTF-Insane CTF-Insane Matthijs "MatthijsM" Meerman 8-10
CTF-Insanity-LE102 CTF-Insanity-LE101 Sky 4-12
CTF-InSayne InSayne Avernus 2-10
CTF-Inside Insider Arena Nemezis + ApPLeE 4-10
CTF-Inside Inside Niklas "TheJokeR" Nolte 10+
CTF-Inside][ Inside][ Niklas "TheJokeR" Nolte 10-20
CTF-InsideEarth CTF-InsideEarth Unknown Unknown
CTF-InsideorCH CTF-InsideorCH Christian Hovington 8
CTF-InsodeV1 Insode Dan "general" King 8-16
CTF-Insomnia CTF-Insomnia Casey "Caseyjuana" Collins 8-12
CTF-Insomnia Insomnia Edo` 10
CTF-Insomnia CTF-Insomnia Eric 'Ezwold' Horn 6-12
CTF-Inspiration2 CTF-Inspiration Scott 'Pudd' Fowler Unknown
CTF-Instagib(killer)Room Instagib(killer)Room M&J 8-16
CTF-InstaGibSpecial InstaGib Special Noah (Madness) Obringer 4-6
CTF-Instant[X] CTF-Instant[X] Dr.Pikko 4-10
CTF-InstaWar Insta War Fieaz 'Suicide Guy' Ismail 4-10
CTF-InstaWar][ Insta War ][ Fieaz 'Suicide Guy' Ismail 4-10
CTF-Integral Title: CTF-Integral Author: Chili Cork Rec. Players: 8-10
CTF-Intergalactic Iñtergå|åct¡ç Åreñå Çërw¡ñ Végå 8 - 18
CTF-InTheCity In The City The-Crow For 4 to 10
CTF-Intimate CTF-Intimate duber 4-10
CTF-Intro CTF-Intro Unknown Unknown
CTF-InuitFactory The Inuit Factory Sid 'SoniBang' Lannord 10-12
CTF-InversalStation Inversal Station - The warp space lab station Feralidragon 14-16
CTF-Invertatron Invertatron 5000 Richard "Arcturus" Dunn Upside Down
CTF-Inverted Inverted Castle Ted Chauviere 12-14
CTF-invisible CTF-invisible scott 'phalanx' oldfield 2-8
CTF-iOn_LE iOn Sylvain "zOil" Derosne 6-8
CTF-Irgendwas2n2 2n2-Irgendwas Erik "Einheit" Schneidereit 4-6
CTF-Irgendwas_0201 Irgendwas Erik "Einheit" Schneidereit 8-12
CTF-Irgendwas_0201_V2 Irgendwas Erik "Einheit" Schneidereit 8-12
CTF-Iridium Iridium Bases Sjoerd ''Hourences'' De Jong 8-14
CTF-Iridium2][Rev Iridium Bases ][ Reversion Sjoerd ''Hourences'' De Jong 8-16
CTF-Iridium][ Iridium Bases ][ Sjoerd ''Hourences'' De Jong 8-16
CTF-Iridium][End Iridium Bases ][ End Sjoerd ''Hourences'' De Jong 8-16
CTF-Iroha Iroha Author: Neptor Kriegor 4 - 16
CTF-Iron-Hell Iron-Hell Iron-Hell 8-16
CTF-IronFort][ Iron Fortress2 Scott "Deathschy_Hell" Hrivnak Unknown
CTF-IronW00t IronW00t Joe 'Ironblayde' Farrell 8-12
CTF-IrregularSpace Irregular Space FlakKitty 8
CTF-Islanda CTF-Islanda Sl!co alias Nicolas Charretier 6-10
CTF-Iso-v3 Isolation Charles "Slain" Yakish 10-16
CTF-Isolation Isolation Charles "Slain" Yakish 10-16
CTF-Itaco CTF-Itaco Arderkrag Unknown
CTF-Italy Italy [...]_lGremlin 8-16
CTF-IUO`1on1-Trainmap IUO`1on1-Trainmap TaboeN_hai 2
CTF-IUO`Departy IUO`Departy TaboeN_hai and SpiRiT` 6
CTF-IUO`Departy2 IUO`Departy2 TaboeN_hai 6
CTF-IUO`Getover IUO`GeTover TaboeN_hai 10
CTF-Izezi Izezi Joel "Scorpion" Persson 8-16
CTF-}i{ClanMirrorImage CTF-}i{ClanMirrorImage Sam Plate 10-16