Unreal Tournament / Maps / 2002 / August


1 on 1

Map Title Author Players
DM-1on1-Ages DM-1on1-Ages Denis "RedFox" Kuznetsov 1+1
DM-1on1-Carbon DM-1on1-Carbon (The Carbon Chamber) Andy "The Twiggman" Gollat 2
DM-1on1-Crooked DM-1on1-Crooked Andy "The Twiggman" Gollat 2 only

Capture The Flag

Map Title Author Players
CTF-(Pr}i{maL) CTF-(Pr}i{maL) EncoR, no [high] world texture detail support 14-20
CTF-12H-B3ShipYards2 CTF-12H-B3ShipYards blito3 Unknown
CTF-12H-Scourge Scourge of the Dry Docks GregB 'Sinnical' 4-10
CTF-12H_BrokenBoats CTF-12H_BrokenBoats uncledumpy 10-20
CTF-12h_GoldenMouse 12h_GoldenMouse Michael "GoldenMouse" Cordingley 6-10
CTF-12h_LostDock 12h_Lost Dock Michael "GoldenMouse" Cordingley 6-10
CTF-12H_NavalJelly Naval Jelly Arne "Switch" East 8-16
CTF-[Sinnical] Chamber of Sinnical Sacrifice Greg Baldwin, torches by innox, faces by shane caudle 8-16
CTF-[UoD]-WarFare CTF-[UoD]-WarFare Bio-Hazard 8-16
CTF-AncientBases CTF-AncientBases [LoW]Skull 4-12
CTF-Bodiam-Sewers][ Bodiam Sewer System ][ Flesh Head 4-12
CTF-Boons_XMAP Boons_XMap Boons 4-6
CTF-CarnageReactor The Carnage Reactor Nate "TomWithTheWeather" Overman 6-10
CTF-CMNschoolDD CMNschoolDD CTF EDITION W00T Common&DoctoR_DeatH CTF BY RyKnow 8 to 16
CTF-Darkend_Worlds][ Darkened Worlds 2 Jigga_Man 8-16
CTF-Docks-mini Control The Docks (mini-map) Kevin "Magnetite" Barrios Ideal Player Count: 2-8
CTF-EgyptTomb Egyptian Tomb {OSHA}Viper 12 to 24
CTF-ElectricParadise_ancient Electric Paradise Mapper: Pudd, Beta tested: -Hound- Unknown
CTF-Equality Equality Bio-Chemic facility Wael 'cooloola' Ben Dhia (10 is best)8-14
CTF-Face520324 Teh l33t vershun of facign wrolds! Richard "Arcturus" Dunn COMPLETELY STUPIFIED
CTF-Face_Lo-Grav Facing Worlds (Lo Gravity) Cedric 'Inoxx' Fiorentino 4-10
CTF-FaceOffCTF Face Off CTF Magnus and Chris 2-8
CTF-Floating CTF-Floating Zach {Cloud_Nine} Linsky 4-8
CTF-FNB-BarrelOfFun CTF-FNB-BarrelOfFun FraGnBraG 8-16
CTF-GodsCivilWar GoDsCivilWar {GoD}Snake - Chris 8-16
CTF-IndoorSoccerFix CTF-IndoorSoccerFix Uncledumpy 10-20
CTF-LavaPitv1 Lava Pit Joe 'Relic' Unik 8-10
CTF-Leftovers Leftovers Tom "Repoman" Stone 4-10
CTF-LS_Coloured_Blocks CTF-LS_2Coloured_Blocks Lord Simeon 16
CTF-LS_Salty_SemenV2 CTF-LS_12H_Salty_Semen Lord Simeon Unknown
CTF-LS_Sunday_Mass(acre) CTF-LS_Sunday_Mass(acre) Lord Simeon 20
CTF-MoreactionV3 Moreaction 3 [MCS]Wolverine 2-12
CTF-NoxRequiem Requiem of Discord Kurt "Nox-Aloric" Van Der Dijs 4-12
CTF-Phobos][ Return To Phobos Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull Unknown
CTF-Pillars CTF-Pillars Rustbucket Unknown
CTF-Radonv2 Radon Research Facility PrIeSt_HoOd 8-10
CTF-Rotor Rotato! (Thanks Mokey! ;)) Andries '3s' van der Meer 10 - 14
CTF-SmallRoomBigBridge CTF-SmallRoomBigBridge Unknown Unknown
CTF-SmallRoomBigBridgev2 CTF-SmallRoomBigBridgev2 Unknown Unknown
CTF-Space2002 - Space 2002 - Zencoder 16-20
CTF-SpaceMonorail Space monorail stations Simon "@5t0" Laudati 4 - 8
CTF-SpamFactory - Spam - Zencoder 12 - 18
CTF-SquirrelDive Squirrel Dive Squirrelinabox 10-20
CTF-Strelm The Stelm Compound Jamie 'azzido' York 4 - 12
CTF-Strelm The Stelm Compound Jamie 'azzido' York 4 - 12
CTF-Sucaam][b Sucaam][ Joe "HailtheGoat" Rushing 12-18
CTF-System77 System77 Cheney "Chilly" Lansard 10
CTF-System77v2 CTF-System77v2 Cheney "Chilly" Lansard 10-12
CTF-TB_Hall_Of_Assholes2 CTF-TB_Hall_Of_Assholes 2 [TDK] BRIGZY Unknown
CTF-Tele-Station CTF-Zhu-Dre Made By: Zhu Hui 4 - 6
CTF-ThinIce - Thin Ice - Zencoder 12 - 16
CTF-ThinIce][ - Thin Ice - Zencoder 12 - 16
CTF-Xtreme-G CTF-Xtreme-G WinegumS Unknown
CTF-}GDI{Illusions CTF-}GDI{Illusions »hïþþö«}GDI{ Unknown


Map Title Author Players
DM-462 462, Slaughter Avenue MJK 'So|3eR' V 6-10
DM-[1]_pressure_2 DM-[1]_pressure_2 Unknown Unknown
DM-Auriga USS Auriga Brendan 'Slayster' Ellis 8-12
DM-beta_Funnel_II_dual Funnel II Voxel Unknown
DM-beta_Funnel_II_remix Funnel II Voxel Unknown
DM-Billy_Funny DM-Billy_Funny Unknown Unknown
DM-BOP-ClanArena DM-BOP-WoodDome.unr Chris - {B.O.P}Snake 24
DM-BurningFever Burning Fever [KBEC]Aristlan 2-8
DM-Coke Coke Birdieman 4 - 16
DM-Coke][ Coke][ Birdieman as many as 22
DM-Construction DM-Construction *-MoRpHiN-* 2-6
DM-Deck16][v3 Deck16][ Elliot "Myscha" Cannon (Updated by "Mocz@rus" & "O_krowa?") 2-16
DM-Deck17][ Deck17][ Miguel "Neo Mks" Silveira 8 - 12
DM-Draven Draven birdieman 4 - 8
DM-Duality DM-Duality Dark Element 3-4 players
DM-Enigma Enigma Karl 'The Machine' Mitton 2-8
DM-Enigma][ Enigma 2 Karl 'The Machine' Mitton 2 - 8
DM-Envy][ Shadowed Envy Tristan '.:GCA:.' Hendricks 2-6
DM-FoggyZone The Foggy Zone of Truth Richard Arcturus Dunn 2-5
DM-Freefall Freefall Firefight Jordan "Rattyocaster" Appleton 16
DM-FSW-Bathroom DM-Bathroom-[FSW] [FSW] Dilligas 8-16
DM-FSW-Rave DM-RaveClub Tweak 8-10
DM-FzS_Arena1 FzS_Arena1 John'Hammerman'Erhardt 4-12
DM-FzS_SkateHouse SkateHouse John'Hammerman'Erhardt 4-12
DM-GiBall DM-GiBall Lorenzo 'Darkstar' Giorgieri 2
DM-GreatCathedral The Great Cathedral Marvin 'Smarf' Raymakers 8+
DM-Grizzle-TOURNEY Grizzle Deathmatch Arena Yoeri 'Cursed Soul' Vleer (pathed by stoneviper) 2-6
DM-Guarden Guarden Vasileios Papadimitriou 2 - 6
DM-HighestGround The Highest Ground (JumpStyle) Stefan "Sonic" Hilpp 3-6
DM-IHSG-BunkBed IHSG BunkBed Enhanced by Roebuck 8 - 12
DM-IHSG-LivingRM DM IHSG LivingRM (Modified Edition) Dremoan 8-16
DM-K.I.A.X K . I . A . X Deck Miguel "Neo Mks" Silveira 2 - 4
DM-Klim Klimical Arena {ISV-K}Punkamatic 4-6
DM-Lava Lava Jordan "Rattyocaster" Appleton 2-8
DM-Loan The Loan Watchtower Jordan "Rattyocaster" Appleton 12
DM-Local42][ Local 42][ Birdieman 4 - 10
DM-Mars_Orbital Mars Orbital Jeremy "Black_Plague" McEntee 6-12
DM-Maze Floating Maze Karl 'The Machine' Mitton 2-8
DM-NearFuture Arena : Near Future ... NuKeR 2-4
DM-NephtheysReach DM - Nephthey's Reach Geddy Lee 2
DM-Next_Project Next Project Marcin "Mr_Hyde" Winkowski 2-8
DM-Next_Project Next Project Marcin "Mr_Hyde" Winkowski 2-8
DM-nightwitch Nightwitch AlkazeX 2-4
DM-Ougoula Ougoula ti bobofi koutou Romain 'G.e.c.K.o.o' Verdier 4-8
DM-Permanent][ Permanent Waves][ Frostblood 2-4
DM-Pink dream DM-Pink dream Unknown Unknown
DM-Proton DM-Proton Jacques "Blueyes" Goulet 4-6
DM-PurinaLE Purina LE Tom 'Twrecks' West 2-8
DM-Q3Tourney2 The Proving Grounds ÝouZacK & SED 1 on 1
DM-Rash][ Rash ][ Arena Koen '@||_Y0UR_B@SE' Heltzel 2 - 8
DM-Relinquished DM-Relinquished Rob Collins + Nachimir Two to Four
DM-Rigon Rigon Outpost Jared "FrEaKy" Lacey 2-8
DM-SArea Stocking Area 5 Some 6 - 12
DM-Skylark -The Skylark Facility- Roberto 'Homeslice' Tobar 2-8
DM-Stadium2 The Abandoned Stadium][ Roberto 'Homeslice' Tobar 2-10
DM-Stoker Stoker Birdieman 4-10
DM-Storm JWF-Strom is0s 8-16 (Max 16)
DM-Street Street KJ 4-16
DM-Summit_V2_Ecliptic DM-Summit_V2_Ecliptic Nathillien Thilsa ideal for 2-5
DM-Ultimum][ Ultimum][ Thomas 'Chameleon' Seufert 2-6
DM-Watery Watery Grave Jordan "Rattyocaster" Appleton 16
DM-Xxplosive DM - Xxplosive Andy "The Twiggman" Gollat Around 10
DM-{CBGB}CleopatreESR {CBGB}Cleopatre {CBGB}Dr.GreenThumb 1-20
DMBlastZone BlastZone Raptus Unknown


Map Title Author Players
DOM-Dockyard Dockyard Andrew "AmberEyes" Rohs 8-16
DOM-Herrschen DOM-Herrschen El_Madiro 8-14


Map Title Author Players
FB-Central][ Central Conflict 2.0 Slewfoot 12-16
FB-Courtyard Ancient Frag Courtyard Slewfoot 8-16


Map Title Author Players
DM-INF-SKTACTICS SK Tactics Michael 'Seeker' Parisien 8-16


Map Title Author Players
JB-12-Cubes The 12 Cubes Esko 'Varpu' Ilola 8+
JB-AF-Castell-106 UTJB - ActionCastell Action-Force© Studios 12-24
JB-AF-Coloraido-105 JB-AF-Coloraido v105 Action-Force© Studios 6-12
JB-AncientTitanV110 The Nest of the Ancient Titan Robin 'Rob' Pamart 8-16
JB-Antipody-110 Antipodean Worlds Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull 10-16
JB-Antipody][ Antipodean Worlds II Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull 10-14
JB-Asylum1 Asylum v1 [XA]HoopDawg Unknown
JB-Bell The Bell Castle Underscore 6-12
JB-Cage Cage Christophe 'Crokx' Cros 4-6
JB-CavernV1a Lava Caverns Dana 'Birelli' Cartwright 8-20
JB-Cellblock-100 Cellblock James "Chezdog" Mclean 8 - 12
JB-Ceremony JB-Ceremony Tyler A. Perry 6-12
JB-Chasm][ Chasm Morgan 'Botman' Eves -- Converted by /=- 12-16
JB-CrypTitan-300 Crypt Of Titans Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull 6-12
JB-Deck16][ Deck16][ Elliot "Myscha" Cannon 2-16
JB-Deck16][plus-110 Deck16][+ JB-Deck16][ modified by Sexmachine 2-16
JB-Deck32-110 JB-Deck32 Conversion by Sexmachine 8-16
JB-DI-100-BioForge JB Bio Forge Bill "DireIce" Hamilton 6-16
JB-DI-100-CarpeDiem JB Carpe Diem Bill "DireIce" Hamilton 8-20
JB-DI-100-EternalCave EternalCaves Juan Pancho ' XceptOne ' Eekels: Modified by DireIce 4 - 8
JB-DI-100-Face JB Facing Worlds Cedric 'Inoxx' Fiorentino: Modified by DireIce 4-10
JB-DI-100-November JB November Elliot "Myscha" Cannon: Modified by DireIce 8-12
JB-DI-200-PitofDespair-NT JB Pit of Despair V2 Bill "DireIce" Hamilton 4-12
JB-Dreary Dreary Outpost Shane Caudle (JB by Robin 'Rob' Pamart) 8-12
JB-Durante-100 JB-Durante Axel Gneiting - Mod. by Sexmachine 4-16
JB-Eclipse Biodome Eclipse Eric "SnowDog" Ettes 4-6
JB-Enemyatthegates-V2a JB Enemy At The Gates Bill "DireIce" Hamilton 8-18
JB-EpicBoy EpicBoy Warren Marshall - Mod. by TheSpoonDog 6-10
JB-Forrester-B2 Castle Forrester Daikiki 10-14
JB-Freya Freya Eric "SnowDog" Ettes 12-20
JB-FrostbiteNSBG Frostbite Eric "SnowDog" Ettes 4-8
JB-Gauntlet-III-130 The Iron Gauntlet Cliff Bleszinski (JB by Robin 'Rob' Pamart) 6-8
JB-Hydro16-320 JailBreak Hydro Bases Sidney 'Clawfist' - Mod. by TheSpoonDog 6-12
JB-Hydro32v2 Hydro Forever Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull 10-16
JB-HyperBlast HyperBlast Peoplez; Original map: Inoxx, Juan Pancho 'Xcept One' Eekels 2-8
JB-Isis Isis Eric "SnowDog" Ettes 6-8
JB-IslandCombat Liandri Island Mine Combat Centre James "Chezdog" Mclean 10 - 14
JB-LavaGiant LavaGiant Juan Pancho ' XceptOne ' Eekels 8-14
JB-Lostfalls-R1 The Lost Falls Daikiki 8-12
JB-Mafia Godfathers Halls ElBundee 6 - 12
JB-MidnightCity3 JB-MidnightCity3 WillySurvive 16+
JB-MilitiaThunder JB Militia Thunder v1.0 Bill "DireIce" Hamilton 12-32
JB-miniFace miniFace WillySurvive 8 - 10
JB-Morbias][ Morbias][ Elliot "Myscha" Cannon 4-12
JB-Mutiny-100 Aircraft Carrier Mutiny Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull 10-16
JB-Nightmoves-R1 Night Moves Daikiki 12-16
JB-Niven_2 Niven Experimental Lab Various 4-6
JB-Oblivion12 Oblivion 12 James "Chezdog" Mclean 8-12
JB-Orbital-100 Oribital Station 12 Dave Ewing converted by Chezdog 10-16
JB-Orphobeus Orphobeus Surveillance Station Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull 8-12
JB-Phasma-R1 JB-Phasma ElBundee 4-16
JB-Pooltable JB Pool Table John Egan 8-12
JB-Scumbucket Scumbucket Cooper "BigBird" Faust 6 - 12
JB-SkullDrudgery SkullDrudgery - Jailbreak Muad'dib 6 - 8
JB-Spazio JB-Spazio Will 8-12
JB-TempleBarandGrill TempleBarandGrill Alek Kolchak 8-14
JB-TheEye3 The Eye ]|[ Rev Billy G 8-16
JB-War War Ira "Wiz" Taraday 14
JB-Warehouse-III JB-Warehouse-III Unknown Unknown
JB-WithoutPurpose JB Without Purpose Bill "DireIce" Hamilton 6-14
JB-XC-{dFb}-X-Mas-2012 X-Mas 2012 {dFb}MattMan 8-16

Monster Hunt

Map Title Author Players
MH-HouseOfPsychos+SBMod1 House of Psychos Unknown/Fixes by Barbie 1-2
MH-Invasion_4+SBMod1 Invasion Part 4 - Massigula S.West-Bulford (EZkeel)/Mods by Barbie Unknown

Single Player

Map Title Author Players
AboveTheClouds Above the Clouds Mike "Hellscrag" Wilberforce Unknown
FotW-_Unreal_Map1 Escape from the Skaarjbase !!! Marcel "_Unreal_" Hottewitzsch 1
onp-Thejourneylevel1 Sneaking..... Shaun "MMAN UGITU" Friend Unknown


Map Title Author Players
GDM-ArenaOfCrater Crater Arena Robert "one_gundam_war" Pavel Either 1on1 or 2on2