Unreal Tournament / Maps / 2001 / January


1 on 1

Map Title Author Players
DM-1on1-Dante's_Playground DM-1on1_Dante's_Playground Steve "Luv-Studd" Keene 2
DM-1on1-DemiFate Demiphile: Satan's Fate Matt 'Shuriken' Richardson 2
DM-1on1-DemiKnock Demiphile: Odin's Knock Matt 'Shuriken' Richardson 2
DM-1v1Aqua][ 1v1 Aqua Garden][ Richard "Iron Jaw" Stanley 1v1 or 4


Map Title Author Players
AS-Coup The Coup d'Etat Aahz 4 to 10
AS-Eiffel The Eiffel tower Esko 'Varpu' Ilola 6-16
AS-EventHorizon][ Event Horizon II Ketan 'KeK' Joshi 5-10
AS-Golgotha Golgotha Grz 12-14
AS-OceanFloorAL OceanFloor 'Station 5' Juan Pancho Eekels + Phear 12-16
AS-RiverbedAL Riverbed AL Grz 10-16
AS-RTrain Racing the train BadKarma 8-16
AS-Vortex2 AS - Vortex Rikers AdrenaliZed Cliff Bleszinski - AS conv by Cmndr A.Killer 10 - 16

Capture The Flag

Map Title Author Players
CTF-[FFF]-Facility [FFF] Training Facility Merijn 'WingmanX' Westveer 2-6
CTF-Antic CTF-Antic Ruins Jim "IggyC" Fagerlund 6-12
CTF-Aquamarina X-32 AquamarinaX32 Submarine Base El Chicoverde 14-16
CTF-Aquamarina X32 AquamarinaX32 Submarine Base El Chicoverde 14-16
CTF-ASStation2000 Station Axle_Striker2000 10-12
CTF-Avacena Ctf-Avacena Mattias "Maekh" Ekh 12-16
CTF-BattleClans CTF-BattleClans Unknown Unknown
CTF-BloodyDestiny Bloody Destiny SyCoDaWgg 6-10
CTF-BrokenLimits CTFRM3-BrokenLimits Josh "ReMoRsELeSs" Tyrell 8-12
CTF-bw44-BrokenLimits CTFRM3-BrokenLimits Josh "ReMoRsELeSs" Tyrell 8-12
CTF-Chamber Chamber of War Timothy 'Amazing Grace' Tweedle 16
CTF-CityscapeSkW Cityscape CTF [SkW]-=Griffin=- 10 to 14
CTF-Colours CTF-Colours Peter"pBOOST"Oostrik 10-14
CTF-DarkHorse Dark Horse CyanLongBow and Entropy 6-16
CTF-Darklite Station Darklite Station MikeB 6-12
CTF-DeNovo De Novo Mining Outpost Gareth 'Ulukai' Spring 8-12
ctf-exor][ Ctf-Exor][ Mattias "Maekh" Ekh 4-10
CTF-ExtremePain Extreme Pain Rip 8-14
CTF-Face-LE103 Facing Worlds League Edition v1.03 Cedric 'Inoxx' Fiorentino -- LE by Larathiel 4-10
CTF-FaceBases Facing Bases Brandon 'DimX' Husbands 8 to 12
CTF-Fetid][ Fetid Sewer Base Cedric 'Inoxx' Fiorentino 8-12
CTF-Galleons The Spanish Armada Peter [Aprilla] Kongstad 8-10
CTF-Gothech Gothech René "Elite6" Bokhorst 8 - 16
CTF-Grey CTF-Grey tAlignmen 8-16
CTF-hallway The Hallway Air Head 2-8
CTF-Harobed Harobed Village Juan Pancho Eekels converted by topman04 14-16
CTF-HeavenHell][ Heaven vs Hell _Lost_ 8-16
CTF-HighStakes High Stakes René "Elite6" Bokhorst 4 - 10
CTF-Houseopain CTF- House-o-Pain Soul Reaper 12-16
CTF-IllumineHF Illumine CyanLongBow and Entropy 8-14
CTF-Inferno Inferno Fabiano Raffaelli Da 4 a 8 giocatori
CTF-Innocuous2 CTF-Inocuous II (MNSG)DarkRanger 8 - 14
CTF-Insomnia Insomnia Edo` 10
CTF-Izezi Izezi Joel "Scorpion" Persson 8-16
CTF-Letting CTF-Letting [XA]PsychoP@t 8
CTF-Loki The Realm of Loki Sean 'C.H.U.D.' Swanson 6-12
CTF-Manic LivinOnManicStreet MishYnz 8-16
CTF-November][ November Elliot "Myscha" Cannon Unknown
CTF-OneOnOne One on One Joel "Scorpion" Persson 2 or 4
CTF-OperationBoom OperationBoom Sir_CharLZ + Trae 8-14 Players
CTF-OperationBoom OperationBoom Sir_CharLZ + Trae 8-14 Players
CTF-Outlook][ Outlook][ SiR_CharLZ 8-12 Players
CTF-OutpostG1V Outpost G1V Neil Whitlock 10-16
CTF-Pentilich Pentilich Craig Bukowski "[XA]Sp@ceY" 8-12
CTF-PumpStation The Pumpstation CyanLongBow and Entropy 8-12
CTF-Radikus CTF-Radikus [XA]PsychoP@t Original: S. Caudle 12
CTF-RandomV2 <^RANDOM^> DeathCircus 4 - 10
CTF-Realm H20 Relm Keith Hogan=Maytagman 2-16
CTF-RivDun Rival Dungeons Wolf "RABID WOLF" Trubshaw 8-10
CTF-RomraCE Romra Space Arena Clan Edition Chris 'Bullet' Martin - Jeremiah 'Byte' Fulbright 4-10
CTF-SatanHollow Welcome to Satan Hollow Sean 'C.H.U.D.' Swanson 16
Ctf-SciCoreV2 SciCore V2.0 Jonathon "Deadman" Franks Unknown
CTF-ShieldsDown CTF-SD BOBXXII and Prophetus 6-12
CTF-Small Small DeathCircus 8ish
CTF-Stratagem CTF-Stratagem Graeme 8-12
CTF-Sublevel17 CTF-Sublevel17 Peter "fKd" Ward Unknown
CTF-TechnoCenter Technoligy Center Die-Harder 6-8
CTF-TheEye][ The Eye ][ Rev Billy G 8-16
CTF-Thronesv2 Thrones **Monarch** 8-20
CTF-TijonWaterfalls The Tijon Waterfalls [DcF]BurnHead 8-16
CTF-Tri Tri Rich Lucas 16 Max
CTF-Tundra CTF-Tundra [XA]PsychoP@t Unknown
CTF-TwistingJungle Twisting Jungle Hobi-Wan 6-12
CTF-TwoFlags CTF-TwoFlags GTPaladin 12
CTF-Twoforts War on the hills Timothy 'Amazing Grace' Tweedle 8-12
CTF-UnderDark UnderDark Shock Systems 10-16
CTF-Unknown CTF-UNKNOWN Mark "Maroth" Perkins 6-8
CTF-Vertika Vertika Solution 001a Matt 'Shuriken' Richardson 6-18
ctf-vertina CTF-Vertina Klaus "Titanus" Kremser 6-12


Map Title Author Players
CTF-CUT_XV8 XV-8 for Chaos UT Silus for Team Fragadelic 8-16
DM-CUT_Agoraphobia Agoraphobia for ChaosUT Sven "Lancelot" Hinrichs 2-4


Map Title Author Players
DM-4Corners Four Corners Rich Lucas 4-10
DM-Absolom DM-Absolom Brother Numsi (Aka) Numsi 4-12
DM-AbuSimbel The Great Temple of Rameses II Steve "Solar" Schmidt 4-8
DM-Adelon Adelon Matthias -[GMA]Tronic- Dörflinger 6 - 10
DM-Agoraphobia Agoraphobia Sven "Lancelot" Hinrichs 2-4
DM-Agoraphobia][ Agoraphobia ][ - Extended Sven "Lancelot" Hinrichs 2-4
DM-Altitude][ Altitude James 'Stilgar' Stringer 2
DM-AltitudeB Altitude James 'Stilgar' Stringer 2
DM-Andosya Andosya Matthias 'Tronic' Dörflinger 4 - 12
DM-Andosya][ Andosya Matthias 'Tronic' Dörflinger 4 - 12
DM-APlaceOfDangerousMinds3 DM-APlaceOfDangerousMinds3 Unknown Unknown
DM-AppleSeed Apple Seed thegreb 2-6
DM-Archaic The Archaic Hideout Chris Airey 2-6
DM-Astronomi Astronomi Joel "Scorpion" Persson 4-10
DM-Atlantic DM-Atlantic Kyle Monster 4-6
DM-Azwahtemh DM-Azwahtemh Warren "Thunderstrike" Wescott 4-8
DM-Bane39s1 DM-Bane39s1 Bane39 2-4
DM-Bathroom-forever-dev-v2 DM BATHROOM FOREVER(ONLY FOR INTERNAL TESTING) [aSh]Toffe Unknown
DM-BatsGalleon Patrick´s Galleon Walm 2 - 4
DM-BDC-QuadBong-ME DM-BDC-QuadBong-ME BloodLord 6 to 12
DM-Begining DM-Begining Unknown Unknown
DM-Beholder Eye of the Beholder Mister_Prophet 2-6
DM-Below The City Below The City Rob Josef Unknown
DM-Bigspace Big Space Dawka 16
DM-Brotherhood Brotherhood Justin 'whisper' Hart 1on1 or 2on2, 2-4
DM-CiogO-BioBridge DM-BioBridge Jeff {Death4u2} Greer 8-10
DM-City Battle Arena City Battle Arena Walm 4 - 8
DM-City2 Rome, the lost city. Alessandro Mazzotta Unknown
DM-CityPart The Part of City -=Redook=- 3-6
DM-CityStorage The City Storage Andreas 'Uniwares' Saurwein 4-10
DM-CrushedHopesV1.0 Crushed Hopes topman04 5-14
DM-CrushedHopesV1.1 Crushed Hopes topman04 5-14
DM-CSkVessel][ Captured SkaarjVessel v2.0 GMotha 2 to 9
DM-DanzGallery DanzGallery AntiElvis (Dan McKay) 8-12
DM-Deadly Dream Deadly Dream Walm 4 - 16
DM-Death_Processing_facility_z Death Processing Facility Scott"Chester" S 4-12
DM-Delirium DeliriumII Hointar 6-12
DM-Destiny-Arena Destiny Yura2k 2-4
DM-DiningRoom Coret Facility Noah 'Madness' Obringer 6-12
DM-dtemple Desert Temple Dragonfly 2-4
DM-dummygoon DM-dummygoon Jason"Luciferion"Austin 6
DM-DustyTemple Dusty Temple Mechjock 2-4
DM-Eerie-TOURNEY The Eerie Place Joseph 'BarfLung' Cox 2-4
DM-Entos_Arena Entos Sewer System Sjoerd 'Hourences' De Jong 2-6
DM-EvilHex Evil Hex Doctor Evil 4-8
DM-Feeling Feeling - Tourney Yura2k 2-4
DM-FNB-Thadaus-UTR DM Thad�us Lament UTR FraGnBraG 6-16
DM-ForcedInduction Forced Induction PeaKr 12-24
DM-forevermountain DM-mountain blito3 16
DM-Frag Frag Dawka 2-4
DM-GibsonWing Gibson Wing, Bridgwatre College Rawns 2-8
DM-Golconda Golconda (Originally for Q3 by Bal) Biggles604 2-4
DM-Grandia DM-Grandia John "Cooltown" Palamarchuk 2-10
DM-GuyverArena][ DM-GuyverArena [GC]Guyver_1.1 2-16
dm-hallway The Hallway Air Head 2-8
DM-HammerFall DM-HammerFall José "Urizen" Baltazar 2-3
DM-HellForge DM-HellForge Tharma (Simon D.C.) 2-8
DM-HomeShip Home Ship Ryan Erickson 4-16
DM-HostileWorld][ Hostile World GrimmBrotherProductions 2-12
DM-IndusComplex IndusComplex Florian 'Strogg' Oswald 2-3
DM-Inquisition3 Inquisition ][ NaliLord ::UN:: 6-10
DM-Kilouahe Kilouahe Arena Jason " Jimmer_jammer411" Pina 2-8
DM-Kimera ][ KIMERA ][ Karnak Jugadors : 6-8
DM-Kryobreach Kryo-stasis containment breach Elroy 4
DM-KTB-AtAtBarge KTB-ATATBarge [KTB]_KING_Nipple 6-12
DM-Ktulu The Kall of Ktulu Lucifix Mourningstar 8-12
DM-LayteTower_FINAL Layte Tower Michaël aka Serial Killer 4 à 16
DM-Lazertag Lazertag Arena Neo201 4-8
DM-Lyden The Lyden Depot The Porcelain Aardvark Lots of
DM-Magmafall Magma Fall Tom Browett Unknown
DM-MaraTower The MaraTower Chrille "Electrofryer" Blomqvist 8-12
DM-Min Min ~Smith~ 8-32
DM-Min Min ~Smith~ 8-32
DM-Mummy-III DM-MummyIII Slagg 4-8
dm-MurderCrack MurderCrack Robert (crack-all) Spangenberger 2-6
DM-Murderous100 Murderous 1.00 Frostblood 2-12
DM-Overflow Overflow Doctor Frag 2-8
DM-PCRoom][ DM-PCRoom][ {LASA}PaulMuad'Dib 4-8
DM-PharohTomb Pharoh's Tomb Nate "TomWithTheWeather" Overman 2 - 6
DM-Platforms Perilous Platforms Steven Barrios 3-8
DM-PyramidTemple The Pyramid Temple Bone420 4-8
DM-Qwal401 Qwal401 zzz 2-12
DM-Rack-O DM-Rack-O Sam Fear 4-8 (max 10)
DM-Recess Recess Time Rogelio García A 8-14
DM-ReturnToGothic DM-ReturnToGothic BUILD BY <-=NO-MercY=-> 2-10
DM-RK`Arena RK`Arena R.Pritchard-AKA-Rkillah 2-6
DM-RM-Splendor DMRM2-Splendor Josh "ReMoRsELeSs" Tyrell 2-8
DM-rocktard DM-rocktard Jason 'Luciferion' Austin Unknown
DM-RP-Crypt_of_Mephisto The Crypt of Mephisto Peter "Raven" Blunden 3-5
DM-RP-The_Station_of_Chaos The Station of Chaos Peter "Raven" Blunden 4-6
DM-Rune Thorstadt Rune: Thorstadt Walm 10 - 16
DM-ruXperienced Are You Experienced? ZiPper_PiNches 4-20
DM-Salmation SalmasterZ ShiP Salmaster 2-10
DM-Savage Savage Streets Gary McLean 2-6
DM-SciCoreV2 Dm SciCore V2.0 Jonathon "Deadman" Franks 10
DM-ScreamingVoid the screaming void Jean-Paul LeBreton 2-4
DM-Showdown Showdown Papageorgio Unknown
DM-Sisteen DM-Sisteen Rob "Doublez-Down" Collins 2-6
DM-SOD_Arena SOD Arena Ireneusz "HiPiS" Dyrcz 4-12
DM-SpaceHarrier *Space HarrieR* Al ZheïmeR the Harrier 0 to 256
DM-SpellBound SpellBound Tomas 'Drevlin' Lidström 2-6
DM-Sphere2 Armageddon Sphere Doyle "The Sphere" Lowrance 12+
DM-SpiritHome SpiritHome Scott (SpiritScott) Kelley 8-12
DM-Splat Things that look like meat (DM-Splat) zzz 4-9
DM-Splat1_1 Things that look like meat (DM-Splat) zzz 4-9
DM-Square Tower of Squares Steven Barrios 2-4
DM-STATION 8 Station 8 Odysseus 6 - 12
DM-Syncronized Syncronized thegreb 2-8
dm-tarquinstairs wolk Fuzzpilz/Tarquin(brush builders) 2-4
DM-TCentre DM-Training Centre Nick_C 2
DM-TempleDimX Temple Of Dimentox Brandon 'DimX' Husbands 8 to 12
DM-Terminus DM-Terminus DarkRanger 8 - 10
DM-TheGarden The Garden. Michael "J.R." Petersen 2-16
DM-TheGreenMile DM-TheGreenMile GNAT Unknown
DM-Thelungsofhell DM-Thelungsofhell Unknown Unknown
DM-TheTerrorDome The TerrorDome Thing 2 - 3
DM-Timor Ruins of Timor Heiko Dreyer 2-8
DM-TitanCity DM-TitanCity Nick_C 16
DM-TokaysTowers][ Tokay's Towers ][ The Porcelain Aardvark 3 to 10 players
DM-TokaysTowers]I[ Tokay's Towers Exhumed The Porcelain Aardvark 5 to 12
DM-Toys][ Toys][ Brian "Notintheface!" Kim 8
DM-Traction Traction Yura2k 2-6
DM-Tuesday DM-Tuesday David 'DavidM' Münnich 65%+ Air Control recommend, 2-8
DM-UCE-MasterFunnel][ DM-UCE-MasterFunnel )( {OCB}MI$TER^BL00D Unknown
DM-Unpomade Unpomade Dr Robotnick heu... qui ose jouer à ça ??
DM-Vendetta Urban Vendetta Darren '-Mame-' Yohan 2-4
DM-Vortex2 DM - Vortex Rikers (AdrenaliZed) Cliff Bleszinski (DM conv by Cmndr A. Killer) 16-32 (or in teams of 16)
Dm-walkway Dm-walkway Unknown 2-8
DM-WhatDreamsMayCome DM-WhatDreamsMayCome Everyone 2-8
DM-Z_Axis_Blitz Z Axis Blitz Chris S. 5-10
DM-Z_Axis_FairSkiez Z Axis FairSkiez Chris S. 6-9
DM-Z_Axis_Freestyle Z Axis Freestyle Chris S. 5-7
DM-Zenathon DM-Zenathon Itchy-Muff 2-4
DM_BARRICADE_DC Orion's Barricade Cliff Bleszinski 6-12
DM_canned Canned Deathbliss 12
DMTMErrato Errato Tomasz Mankiewicz Unknown
DMwormhole DMWormhole The Hillgiant 4-8


Map Title Author Players
DOM-Arena16 Arena 16 Jerry "{LoD}" Welch 10-16
DOM-BlackMusk The Dark Space Port In The Black Hole of Musk Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull 12-16
DOM-Contained DOM-Contained Mike '[ULT]REAL' Balakin 4-32
dom-deathsdoor DOM-DeathsDoor TaroT 4-10
DOM-Diva DOM-Diva Matthew 'Shade' Ramshaw 8 - 14
DOM-Gasmine Deepspace Gasmine Daniel Maasberg Unknown
DOM-Ostonin DOM-Ostonin Schivosa 12-16
DOM-Randomv2 <^RANDOM^> DeathCircus 8 - 16
DOM-Satan Temple of Satan Walm 4 - 10
DOM-SciCoreV2 Dom SciCore V2.0 Jonathon "Deadman" Franks Unknown
DOM-Star Domination Star Jim "IggyC" Fagerlund 6-12
DOM-Vortex2 DOM - Vortex Rikers (AdrenaliZed) Cliff Bleszinski (DOM conv by Cmndr A. Killer) 16-32
DOM_HOOD_DC Industrial Hood Cedric 'Inoxx' Fiorentino 4


Map Title Author Players
DM-INF-Alpsmorning DM-INF-AlpsMorning Prewit and Toadie 16-18
DM-INF-Azteca Azteca A. Leon, aka Alpha_9 16
DM-INF-MovingDayMassacre Moving Day Massacre Mike Eheler (aka Los Pescados) 2-4


Map Title Author Players
JB-AF-Coloraido-104 JB-AF-Coloraido v104 Action-Force© Studios 6-12
JB-CloseQuarters Close Quarters Eric "SnowDog" Ettes 4-8
JB-Niven Niven Experimental Lab Various 4-6
JB-Phasma JB-Phasma ElBundee 4-16

Monster Hunt

Map Title Author Players
MH-AutoRIP(SB) AutoRIP(SB) Rev. 3 SteelHORN/Barbie 2-4

Multi-Team CTF

Map Title Author Players
CTFM--Sphere Sphere Chris(slayerA)Powell 16-24
CTFM-Ancient --Ancient-- DC-DeathCircus (Extra light effects by Hyperion) 4-12
CTFM-BurningHot _____B-U-R-N-I-N-G_____ DeathCircus 12 - 20000
CTFM-Catacomb Portal Catacomb Jasper 'Weenydog' Lodder 12-16
CTFM-Deck16][ MultiCTF - Deck16][ DM-Deck16][ <MOiN>_Lord`Coloth 8-16
CTFM-GlassBang The Glass-Bang Jasper 'Weenydog' Lodder 4-12
CTFM-HyperBlast MultiCTF - HyperBlast DM-HyperBlast <MOiN>_Lord`Coloth 8-12
CTFM-Lavaforme Lavaforme Christophe 'Crokx' Cros 4 équipes de 3 => 12
CTFM-Mazon MultiCTF - Mazon Fortress Various 12-16

Rocket Arena

Map Title Author Players
RA-TakAz RA-TakAz TAKA N' Az 2
RA-Ulukai RA-Ulukai Gareth 'Ulukai' Spring Unknown

Single Player

Map Title Author Players
EOL_Statues End of Ladder James Schmalz Unknown

Strike Force

Map Title Author Players
SFTDM-Berlin Berlin Jerome-X Unknown

Tactical Ops

Map Title Author Players
SW-UnderGround_v3 Underground Missle Silo Noah 'IVfluids' Ellison 12-16
TO-Neighbor Nice Neighbors «GiMp» 20

Unreal Fortress

Map Title Author Players
UNF-Ammunition Ammunition Thade Drakshon ]Bs[Thade 16-20
UNF-Bridged Bridged Chip-SOB Unknown
UNF-TribbionFortification Tribbion FortificationV2 Sinistral[Spirit] 8 to 16
UNF-WarlordsII Warlords II Stan "ColdSteel" Stewart 8-16