Map Title Author Players
CTF-'[HHH]BulletInYourHead [HHH]BulletInYourHead NightWing 20
CTF-'[HHH]DieMF [HHH]DieMF NightWing Unknown
CTF-'[HHH]Don'tTreadOnMe [HHH]Don'tTreadOnMe! NightWing Unknown
CTF-'[HHH]FistfulOfSteel [HHH]FistfulOfSteel NightWing 6-12
CTF-'[HHH]Fuel [HHH]Fuel NightWing 4-16
CTF-'[HHH]KillingInTheName [HHH]KillingInTheName NightWing Unknown
CTF-'[HHH]KnowYourEnemy [HHH]KnowYourEnemy NightWing 6-16
CTF-'[HHH]SadButTrue [HHH]FragWhore NightWing 4-12
CTF-'[HHH]TakeYourBestShot [HHH]TakeYourBestShot NightWing Unknown
CTF-'[HHH]WhereDoIHide [HHH]WhereDoIHide NightWing 4-14
CTF-'[HHH]WhereEverIMayRoam [HHH]WhereEverIMayRoam NightWing Unknown
CTF-'{HNC}'-Liquid-SE HNC Liquid-SE [[DsK]]HEAT 4-16
CTF-'{HNC}'Bathrooms Bathrooms ]LBN[BaNd-AiD 6-14
CTF-'{HNC}'Bathrooms-2 CTF-'{HNC}'Bathrooms-2.unr '{HNC}' Menace 6-14
CTF-'{HNC}'FragnHide CTF-"{HNC}'FragArena {HNC}Devious 6-8
CTF-'{HNC}'FragYou FragYou HNC MeNacE Unknown
CTF-'{HNC}'Freyja (Vp) Picture Perfect 2-12
CTF-((HaevensTech)) HaevensTech jomax nero 2-16
CTF-((HNC-=MegatroN=-)) HNC Megatron JoMaX 4-18
CTF-((HNC-Cryptonica2)) HNC Cryptonica JoMaX 4-16
CTF-((HNC-FarOuT)) HNC FarOuT JoMaX 2-14
CTF-((HNC-Oxygen)) HNC Oxygen JoMaX 4-16
CTF-((HNC-Volcanic)) HNC Volcanic JoMaX 4-14
CTF-((HNC=CryptonicA=)) HNC Cryptonica JoMaX 4-16
CTF-(HOF)-Mountains-Jets the Mountains Ryne 'Ghost Hunter' Hammer 6-12
CTF--HOGsAirlines CTF-HOGsAirlines Sam Plate 12-16
CTF-[HOG]Chess Dedicated to Sam and Magic ARMYOFONE}X{ 12
CTF-]HkL[Armageddon Armageddon ]HkL[ShadowOne 4 - 10
CTF-]HKL[Downtown HkL - Downtown ]HkL[Matts / Shadow 2 - 6
CTF-]HkL[Gkublok'sTemple Gkublok God's Temple ]HkL[ShadowOne 2 - 4
CTF-H20Disco H20 - Disco S.Kranendonk 2-16
CTF-H2OBattleArenaV1 CTF-H2OBattleArenaV1 Unknown Unknown
CTF-H2OcastleV1 CTF-H20]castsle S.Kranendonk 2-16
CTF-H2OPool H2O Pool S.Kranendonk 2-16
CTF-H80s G88 CTF-H80s G88 Ogr81 16
CTF-Hadron_NOMUSIC CTF-Hadron_NOMUSIC Francesco Biscazzo Unknown
CTF-HalfpipeHell Halfpipes of Hell woppile 6-10
CTF-HallOfGiants Hall Of Giants Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels 8-16
CTF-HallOfGiants-II Hall Of Giants II Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels & Morphias 8-24
CTF-HallOfGiants_Monsters Hall Of Giants Monster Mix Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels - Monsters by Michhhhael 8-16
CTF-HallOfGiantsRude2 Hall Of GiantsRude2 Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels 8-16
CTF-HallOfGiantsRudeFinal Hall Of GiantsRudeFinal Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels 8-16
CTF-HallOfGiantsSE Hall Of Giants NONE 8-16
CTF-HallofGiantsV2Lego Hall Of LEGOs Juan Pancho 'XceptOne' Eekels (original), KeLLeR & EvilGrins (edited) 8-16
CTF-HallofLords&legends CTF-HallofLords&Legends Some1else{RoA} 8-16
CTF-HallOfMirrors-SCE Hall of Mirrors - Spamcup Edition [CrueL]Xen, SCE: SiNiSTeR 2-8
CTF-HallOfOptimApollo2 Hall of Optim Apollo2 [email protected] 0ptimal 134 8-12
CTF-HallOfOptimApollo3 Hall of Optim Apollo3 [email protected] 0ptimal 134 8-12
CTF-HallOfOptimApollo4 Hall of Optim Apollo3 [email protected] 0ptimal 134 8-12
CTF-HallOfOwnage The Hall Of Ownage Avernus 8-12
CTF-HallOfPyramidsGT HallOfPyramids Sasha Vasyliev 2-8
CTF-HallofRedemption][ Hall of Redemption Hobi-Wan 4-8
CTF-HallofRedemption_Challenger Hall Of Redemption Challenge Map Hobi-Wan 4-16
CTF-HallofW00ts Hall of w00ts SabbathCat 4-12
CTF-Hallsoffu Halls of FU Oh yeah! 6-16
CTF-HallsofMCS-Insta-LoGrav Halls OF MCS InstaGib Version Sean "Wolverine" Almeida 2-14
CTF-HallsofMCS_InstaGib Halls OF MCS InstaGib Version Sean "Wolverine" Almeida 2-14
CTF-HallsOfORN Hall's Of =ORN= Lars '=ORN=Black' Hersinger 8-16
CTF-HallsOfTDC Halls Of {TDC} [MCS]Wolverine 2-16
CTF-HallsOf{DV8} CTF- Halls Of {DV8} [MCS]Wolverine{DV8} 12 - 16
CTF-HallsOf{DV8}v2 CTF- Halls Of {DV8} v2 2-12
CTF-hallway The Hallway Air Head 2-8
CTF-Hallways The Dark Hallways Gandalf[GoD] 4-16
CTF-Halo_Of_Lightv2a Halo_Of_Light Blackshadow 8-16
CTF-Hammer[X] CTF-Hammer[X] Dr.Pikko 6-12
CTF-HammerBoard100Beta1 HammerBoard100Beta1 Kaal979 16
CTF-Hamster Hamster Mr Evil 4-12
CTF-Hangar Hangar team-wd.dix 6-16
CTF-Hangar Hangar team-wd.dix 6-16
CTF-Hanuta Hanuta [BSD] Bonkers 6 - 12
CTF-Harmonized CTF-Harmonized QuillioN 4-6
CTF-Harobed Harobed Village Juan Pancho Eekels converted by topman04 14-16
CTF-Harobed][ Harobed Village ][ An updated level by {OSHA}Viper and {OSHA}Cptn_Cyanide 6-14
CTF-HarobedVillage CTF- HarobedVillage Juan Pancho EekelsBrindusa Stefan 8
CTF-Harobread Harobread Village Juan Pancho Eekels edited Unknown
CTF-Harpoon CTF-Harpoon VVani:FMS: as TQA 4-12
CTF-Harry-Vs-Breave Harry-Vs-Breave Slim_Shady Unknown
CTF-Hatos CTF-Hatos EpsiTrog 4-6
CTF-Haunted][ CTF-Haunted][ /~iCe~\SamAeL 2-8
CTF-HauntedFactory HauntedFactory Bruno "CharGer_GTi" Rodrigues 8-14
CTF-HauntedHouse-fix Haunted House Michhhhael 10 to 32
CTF-Hawk The Hawk Training Camp Michael "The Deacon" Taylor 6-10
CTF-Hawking The Hawking Hole NikNak 4-8
CTF-Hazer Hazer Cinder Johan 'IceCat' Samuelsson 6-12
CTF-Headshot CTF-Darkness Wojo 10-26
CTF-HeadShot][ CTF-Headshot][ {OSHA}Cptn_Cyanide 10-26
CTF-HealPod Two flying Heal Pods Walm 4 - 10
CTF-HealPod13 HealPod #13 Martin 'M13' Rykfors 12 - 18
CTF-HealthFactory Health Factoty Chaos_Snake 8 - 16 or more
CTF-Heart Heart of the Empire Eddie "Silvermoon" Roosenmaallen 6-12
CTF-HeartOfGlass Heart of Glass IronMan_Oz 6-16
CTF-HeartOfStone Heart of the Stone of Tear Leon "Naeblis" Dexter 8 and up
CTF-HeavenHell Heaven vs Hell _Lost_ 4-16
CTF-HeavenHell][ Heaven vs Hell _Lost_ 8-16
CTF-HeavensLaw Heaven's Law SpEcTra_7 8-12
CTF-Hectic-3on3 CTF-Hectic-3on3 Fieaz 'NeM' Ismail 2-6
CTF-HecticRush]XX[ CTF-HecticRush]XX[ WhiteGhost 6-10
CTF-HeliManiaBeta The Heli Mania Francis "Fritz-x" De Block 2-6
CTF-Helix -The Double Helix- Roberto 'Homeslice' Tobar 8-12
CTF-HelixLouise3 CTF-Helix]i[ Roberto Tobar & Louise 8-14
CTF-HelixV2 -The Double Helix][- Roberto 'Homeslice' Tobar (pathed by Cobra) 8-12
CTF-HellBridges CTF-HellBridjes SIV 10-16
CTF-HellDemons-Hausmap CTF-Hell Demons Housemap HD|Eremit 4-12
CTF-Hellish-River Hellish River CJ Kent & Alex West 10 - 16
CTF-HellWay HellWay Giuseppe "il_Beppe" Giordano 6-8
CTF-heretic-e1m2-12 CTF-heretic-e1m2-12 Jay Cea Yes
CTF-Heroes The Heroes' Castles HOB 8-12
CTF-HeroesPast A Hero's Past |HERO|Duo Maxwell 6+
CTF-HeTiC CTF-HeTiC UTMAP making team visit us @ #UTmaps 4-14
CTF-Heugo CTF-Heugo Shahid Ali I could be wrong but I recommend 6 - 8
CTF-Hexagonal CTF-Hexagonal Kuja #kuja (Qnet) 2-8
CTF-HexDZONEWTFVer1 The Hexion WTF Ed Unknown 6-12
CTF-Hexpace The Hexion Space Forts Dan "cyberg][dan" Waters 6-12
CTF-HGWells HGWells: "Time Machine" Death 6-8
CTF-Hi Guys! CTF-Hi Guys! José "Urizen" Baltazar 8 to 10 players
CTF-HiddenMaze KYA's Sercet Factory Birdieman 4-6
CTF-Hideout CTF-Hideout Mike Abbotts (Mike3894) 2 - 8
CTF-HideOut CTF-HideOut Unknown Unknown
CTF-HideoutCE CTF-HideoutCE Mike "Nebel" Abbotts 2 - 8
CTF-Hiekka CTF-Hiekka bongoliath 8-14
CTF-Hiekka][ CTF-Hiekka bongoliath 8-14
CTF-High High Towers Cedric 'Inoxx' Fiorentino 16
CTF-HighandDry High and Dry Peter"pBOOST"Oostrik 8 - 14
CTF-HighRise2 Highrise Commander 8 - 14
CTF-HighStakes High Stakes René "Elite6" Bokhorst 4 - 10
CTF-HiGuys CTF-Hi Guys! José "Urizen" Baltazar 8 to 10 players
CTF-HilderstoneCity The Hilderstone City Subways Michael Rippon (Bot_40) 12 - 16 players
CTF-HillForts HillForts Big_Balou 10-16
CTF-HillForts[Siege] HillForts Big_Balou 10-16
CTF-hilltop[NE] CTF-hilltop[NE] Unknown Unknown
CTF-HipHop Hip Hop Esko 'Varpu' Ilola, Music: Kalle and Viljami 6-16
CTF-HiSpeed The Train Christiaan 4 - 8 players
CTF-HiSpeed-Express HiSpeed Express Juan Pancho ' XceptOne ' Eekels and King Henri 4-10
CTF-HiTzone HiTzone Sam Plate 10-16
CTF-HOB-SpaceStation CTF-HOB-SpaceStation Hobi-Wan 6-10
CTF-Hockey CTF-Hockey Unknown Unknown
CTF-Hogdom CTF-Hogdom Sam Plate 12
CTF-HOGFryV3 HOGFryV3 [H:O:G]jj 8-10
CTF-HOGNonsense CTF-HOGNonsense Spongebob 12-16
CTF-HoGs Imperial Yards HoGsImperialYards Sam Plate 10-16
CTF-HOGs-CircleOFDeath HOGs-Circle Of Death Secret Unknown
CTF-HOGsBarnyardz CTF-HOGsBarnyards Sam Plate 12-16
CTF-HOGsBedrooms][ CTF-HOGsBedrooms][ Sam Plate 10-16
CTF-HOGsBruteForce CTF-HOGsBruteForce Sam Plate 12-16
CTF-HOGsDomain CTF-HOGsDomain Sam Plate 16
CTF-HOGsEvilLands][ CTF-HOGsEvilLands][ Sam Plate 10-16
CTF-HOGsFacingBoobs HOGsFacingBoobs Sam Plate 10-16
CTF-HOGsFacingBoobs_Ver2 HOGsFacingBoobs Sam Plate 10-16
CTF-HOGsFlagFragArena {H:O:G}'s Flag Frag Arena -=XFree86=- 8-14