1 on 1
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
DM-1on1-Frenzy | DM-1on1-Frenzy | Patrick 'KillRoy' Buijs | 2-4 | |
DM-1on1-Frenzy][ | DM-1on1-Frency][ | Patrick 'KillRoy' Buijs | 2-4 | |
DM-1on1-Oxide | DM-1on1-Oxide | John-Layton "Jenkins" Jenkins | 2-3 | |
DM-1on1-Suspicion(a) | 1on1-Suspicion | Niall Moody | 2 |
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
AS-AtomixDeath | Atomix Death | Esko 'Varpu' Ilola | 8-16 | |
AS-GolgothaAL | GolgothaAL | Grz | 12-14 | |
AS-GolgothaAL | GolgothaAL | Grz | 12-14 | |
AS-UFR2-SS03-Incident | UFR2-SS03-INCIDENT | Carey "Gator" Grayson | 8-12 | |
AS-WG-BergamoBeta2 | Bergamo | Unknown | Unknown |
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
CTF-BT+(CN)Bunnycula-SE | CTF-BT+(CN)Bunnycula (Special Edition) | Unknown | Unknown |
Capture The Flag
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
DOM-AncientTitanV110 | The Ancient Titan | Robin 'Rob' Pamart | 8-16 | |
DOM-ArcaneTemple][ | Arcane Temple | Shane Caudle | 3-8 | |
DOM-Beyond Sky | Beyond Sky | SHAMAN | 4-8 | |
DOM-Dock | Danger Dock | Roberto 'Homeslice' Tobar | 8 | |
dom-IceCavernsF2 | The Ice Caverns, Floor 2 | Ryan Armstrong (Zerker) | 3-8 | |
DOM-OldMineVM | The Abandoned Mine Domination | ViceM | 2-4 | |
DOM-RedNeckWoody | RedNeckWoody | blito3 | 8 to 16 | |
DOM-The Mummy][ | DOM-The Mummy | Hannes "Traktordriver" Kieser | 5-6 |
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
AS-INF-Coup | The Coup d'Etat | Aahz | 4 to 10 | |
DM-INF-Belfast1972 | DM-INF-Belfast1972 | Old Geezer | 8-24 | |
DM-INF-Grozny | DM-INF-Grozny | Old Geezer | 8-24 | |
DM-INF-IndustrialMayhem | Industrial Mayhem | Excelsiore | 8-16 | |
DM-INF-Marble Construction-b4 | TDM-Marble Construction | Michael Giese | 2 to 24 | |
DM-INF-MarbleConstruction | TDM-Marble Construction | Michael Giese | 2 to 24 | |
DM-INF-MarbleConstruction_2 | TDM-Marble Construction2 | Starstreams | 2 to 30 | |
DM-INF-MorbidCuriosity | Morbid Curiosity | Mr | 16 | |
DM-INF-Relics | Relics | AngelHeart | 8-16 | |
DM-INF-ReturntotheKillingFields | DM-INF-Return to the Killing Fields | David 'DarkSniper' Brown | 16-48 |
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
JB-ConstructionOnline | Under Construction - Online Enhanced | Eric "SnowDog" Ettes | 8-16 | |
JB-CrypTitan-200 | Crypt Of Titans | Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull | 6-12 |
Monster Hunt
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
MH-KrallCellars]I[ | MH-KrallCellars | {MHM}HellFire` | Unknown |
Multi-Team CTF
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
CTF4-Maze | The Maze of Egnatia | Raiden_gl | 10-17 | |
CTFM-Bunker | Bunker | Christophe 'Crokx' Cros | 4x4 => 16 | |
CTFM-GateofAges | Gate of Ages | Hugues 'Merkalinam' Beauchemin | 12-16 | |
CTFM-November | November Submarine | Elliot "Myscha" Cannon (Conv. Weenydog) | 8-12 | |
CTFM-Railwork][ | Railwork Shifters | Michael 'Axiom' McNally | 2-4 |
Rocket Arena
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
RA-MarkusW | RA-MarkusW | Markus "Walm" Wallmüller | mail me: [email protected] |
Single Player
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
NalisSaw | NalisSaw | Unknown | Unknown |
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
SD-Mount | Mountain Edge | frostymoss | 2-8 |
Tactical Ops
Map | Title | Author | Players | |
SW-MallRats | Mall Rats | Si "Kain" Cass | 8 | |
TO-Lisgar | Lisgar Patrol Vessel | Tynan "Dr. Crowbar" Sylvester | 8 - 14 |