1 on 1

Map Title Author Players
DM-1on1-Frenzy DM-1on1-Frenzy Patrick 'KillRoy' Buijs 2-4
DM-1on1-Frenzy][ DM-1on1-Frency][ Patrick 'KillRoy' Buijs 2-4
DM-1on1-Oxide DM-1on1-Oxide John-Layton "Jenkins" Jenkins 2-3
DM-1on1-Suspicion(a) 1on1-Suspicion Niall Moody 2


Map Title Author Players
AS-AtomixDeath Atomix Death Esko 'Varpu' Ilola 8-16
AS-GolgothaAL GolgothaAL Grz 12-14
AS-GolgothaAL GolgothaAL Grz 12-14
AS-UFR2-SS03-Incident UFR2-SS03-INCIDENT Carey "Gator" Grayson 8-12
AS-WG-BergamoBeta2 Bergamo Unknown Unknown


Map Title Author Players
CTF-BT+(CN)Bunnycula-SE CTF-BT+(CN)Bunnycula (Special Edition) Unknown Unknown

Capture The Flag

Map Title Author Players
CTF-AKoJinSpace A Knight of Judgement in Space Yeti 2 - 16
CTF-AncientBattles CTF-AncientBattles Ryan "RayZer16" Diaz 8-12
CTF-Antipody Antipodean Worlds Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull 10-16
CTF-Aquarium Aquarium Kevin "Skorch" Little ?
CTF-ArenA2 Ultimate Arena [www.Heldsite.de] 8-16
CTF-Aron Aron Facility Sjoerd ''Hourences'' De Jong 2-8
CTF-Aztek Pyramids Azteck Pyramids Ryan Smith 12-14
CTF-Aztek Pyramids[SE] Aztek Pyramids][ Ryan Smith 14-16
CTF-Aztek Pyramids][ Aztek Pyramids][ Ryan Smith 14-16
CTF-BloodySabbath Bloody Sabbath IronMan_Oz Unknown
CTF-Brittanica CTF-Brittanica Jan "Sanguis" Van Regenmortel 12+
CTF-cargo CTF-cargo Unknown Unknown
CTF-CasCoBase15 CasCoBase #15 Casey "Caseyjuana" Collins 4-16
CTF-Catherine Catherine's Dream Angel_Mapper 6 - 8
CTF-Church Church Joe Tidmarsh 12 - 16
CTF-CityscapeXB Cityscape CTF Xtra-Brite Mike "Hellscrag" Wilberforce 10 to 14
CTF-Civilwar_Monster Civil War-Monsters [Monsters-Michhhhael]-[Original-BONE]-[N64-Wizputer] 8-16
ctf-civilwarN64Ver2 N64-Civil War [N64]Wizputer-Original BONE 8-16
CTF-CoolieBasin CTF-CoolieBasin Chris 'slayerA' Powell 6-16
CTF-Crater_of_SnipersDCSE Crater of Snipers DC SE Hobi-Wan 6-10
CTF-Demolition101 DFA Map 'Demolition' Merijn 'MaXiMizE' Westveer 10
CTF-Derelict CTF-Derelict Kevin "Skorch" Little 4 to 12 Players
CTF-DiannsRetreat Diann's Retreat NaTaS aka... ¦:¬) 6-12
Ctf-DomeKiller Dome Killer Nuker{RoA} 6-12
CTF-Dust_i4g CTF-Dust (i4games edition) stealth219.Kiev, unreal.com.ua 6-8
CTF-EarthOrbit International Space Station 2041 Peter][Kongstad 12-16
CTF-eNVy e|NV|y NV|Sh0ck 4-8
CTF-EternalCave][Blue EternalCaves ][ Blue Juan Pancho ' XceptOne ' Eekels & FlakHarvester 4 - 8
CTF-Ethical CTF-Ethical G. Garau 8-12 players
CTF-Facing The End 2 Facing The End Will "{M.G.E.F.}HELLKITE" Parson III 4-16
CTF-Faction LM Faction de_Code and Danio Unknown
CTF-Fayal The Fayal Alexander Lehmann 6-10
CTF-Figure8 Figure 8 NV|Quick 6-8
CTF-Flame-Cove Flame Cove Lacerate 12 - 16+
CTF-Gravija The Gravija Research Center Michael 'Bot_40' Rippon 12-16 (Serving suggestion)
CTF-HideoutCE CTF-HideoutCE Mike "Nebel" Abbotts 2 - 8
CTF-Intimate CTF-Intimate duber 4-10
CTF-Maelstrom-LE102 The Maelstom -- League Edition v1.02 Peter 'MiliMeter' Tew -- LE by Larathiel 2 - 6
CTF-Maelstrom-LE102 The Maelstom -- League Edition v1.02 Peter 'MiliMeter' Tew -- LE by Larathiel 2 - 6
CTF-MatrixFace][ CTF-MatrixFace][ Zencoder 12-16
CTF-MatrixFaceIII CTF-MatrixFace III Zencoder 12-16
CTF-MidWay CTF-MidWay Norman E Voigt 4 to 20
CTF-MortalMetal_REMIXED CTF-Mortal Metal REMIXED René "Elite6" Bokhorst - remixed by eko 8 -16
CTF-MyFlag CTF-MyFlag Norman E. Voigt 6 to 20
CTF-NairobiArena NairobiArena Brofar 6
CTF-Nalibaths Nali baths Oliver Ellis 6
CTF-nalideathdome CTF-nalideathdome Unknown Unknown
CTF-Nightfall CTF - Nightfall Squacky 8 to 12
CTF-NivenCE100 Niven Experimental Lab Clan Edtition Alan 'Talisman' Willard CE: [J]-Outsiders71 4-6
CTF-NoFrills No Frills Hobi-Wan 4-10
CTF-OddityB CTF-OddityB Xeno 8
CTF-OldCruelBarn CTF-OldCruelBarn duber 8-12
CTF-OpenWide_BETA ??? HortonsWho 14-20
CTF-Osiris Osiris Andy "Chrysaor" Monroe 6-12
CTF-Pagoda Tokagi Mountain Pagodas Mike "Hellscrag" Wilberforce 6-16
CTF-Passage][ Sacred Passage Juan Pacho Eekels 6-12
CTF-PlanetSpartan PlanetSpartan blito3 Unknown
CTF-Radian >> CTF-Radian << Squacky 8-12
CTF-Rails Rails Randy "DevNull" Eichman 6 - 12
CTF-Railwork][ Railwork Shifters Michael 'Axiom' McNally 2-4
CTF-Ravel-XG CTF-Ravel |E|WinegumS 10
CTF-RBColony CTF-RBColony Norman E. Voigt 4 to 20
CTF-Realmpf Realm BadKarma 8-16
CTF-RedNeckGiants RedNeckGiants blito3 10 to 16
CTF-RedNeckWoody RedNeckWoody blito3 8 to 16
CTF-RimeIsle100 Rime Isle v1.00 Michael Darnell 10 - 16
CTF-ROARocksFX RoARocksFX Some1else{RoA} Unknown
CTF-Roavallley CTF-RoAvalley][ Some1else{RoA} 8-12
Ctf-RockingLava Rocking Lava Nuker{RoA} 10-16
CTF-Savid CTF-Savid Xeno 8
CTF-SGTPolishHussar SGTPolishHussar[KoJ]'s Dream Yeti 2 - 16
CTF-SiberianWarefare Siberian Warfare Gareth 'Ulukai' Spring 12-16
CTF-SkyPower ...::: The Sky Power:::UNREAL.VOV.RU:::... -=GLADIATOR=- 8-10
CTF-SkyTitan A New Nest for Big Bro Robin 'Rob' Pamart 8-16
CTF-SnowJob CTF-SnowJob Norman E. Voigt 4 to 16
CTF-SolidRock Solid Rock Deathbliss 8-16
CTF-Something i'll think of one later Kenneth "PA_Pheadrus" Hagins 4
CTF-SpaceDock CTF-SpaceDock Norman E. Voigt 4 to 16
CTF-Swamp CTF-Swamp Chris A Weidert "Ares" 6 - 8 Players
CTF-Tater CTF-Tater Unknown Unknown
CTF-TF8472 Deep space training facility 8472 Aahz 8 to 20
CTF-TheZoo The Zoo Chris 'slayerA' Powell 4-12
CTF-Timeportals Portales del Tiempo Alex "Alucard" D.G 6-14
CTF-Towering Islands CTF-Towering Islands Simon "Sh0ck][PuF][2" Murdock 10-16
CTF-Trial ...:::T-r-I-a-L:::UNREAL.VOV.RU:::... -=GLADIATOR=- 4-8
CTF-TundraExtreme CTF-TundraExtreme Myscha the Sled dog, modified by Pelide 6-10
CTF-unMeasured CTF-un*MeasureÐ KingLollo 8-16 Player
CTF-UrbanSniper UrbanSniper David 'DarkSniper' Brown 10-20
CTF-Vector2 Battlement2Vector Moo Cow Designs 16+
CTF-Vendetta CTF-Vendetta Nova-C1- 10-20
CTF-Verne The Verne Research Station Tom "TomCom" Davies 6-12
CTF-Vortex The Vortex David 'Sdruifos' Castel 5-14
CTF-WarfareValley Warfare Valley Matthew "[sKc]-xSsHOCKRx-nz" Beal 8-16
CTF-WaterBase Water Base Michael "Hagman" Petersen 2-12
CTF-Witness Witness Niall Moody 8-10
CTF-Wonderland CTF Wonderland Moo Cow Designs 16
CTF-Xezium XeZiuM [X] Mapdesign (Lars Kerff) 2-12
CTF-Yard CTF-Yard ]OfC[Saint 4


Map Title Author Players
DM-1566 1566: Iconoclasm Bart "Megistos" Schotten 2-6
DM-3Liftsdown 3 Lifts Go Down Das Puter 4-8
DM-]M[-Unworthy Unworthy ]|M|[_-Eliminator-_] 4-10
DM-A_Rogue_Mall_[ZSZ] DM-A Rogue Mall Wendy dePriest [ZSZ]^^Bree*wolf 10-16
DM-Acer Acer Lord Simeon 8
DM-Agony][ The Pit Of Agony ][ Upaul 12-16
DM-Ainum-b5 AinumXL Aaron "Platinum" Ingersoll 2-6
DM-Aleph Aleph Joar 'Qbic' Lillerust 2-6
DM-ANALGhotic AnalGhotic ^ArChAoN^ 10-16
DM-Applehouse DM-Applehouse Lee Appleby Unknown
DM-Applehouse(Music) DM-Applehouse(Music) Lee Appleby Unknown
DM-Aquarium New World Aquarium John Edwards 6-8
DM-Architech Architech Niiara Michael 'Axiom' McNally 2
DM-Arena-High City Central Sky Arena Lacerate 12 +
DM-Arena-High-][ Stormfront Sky Arena Lacerate 16 +
DM-ArmyWar ArmyWar Michael "Hagman" Petersen 2-6
DM-Bathroom-[FSW] DM-Bathroom-[FSW] [FSW] Dilligas 8-16
DM-BathroomSPE][ai Dm-BathroomSPE][ ai - Bot enabled Twinsen: BathroomSPE][ Updated by DarkMantis-Pathing by Gaussian 2-16
DM-Battle for the Bathroom Battle In The Bathroom Enigmus 8-10
DM-BDC-Deck-17 DM-BDC-Deck-17 ¦ßÐǦ«ÐøGGZz»¦²ººº¦ AND Myscha Unknown
DM-BDC-Kitchen DM-BDC-Kitchen ¦ßÐǦ«ÐøGGZz»¦²ººº¦ and Dremoan 12-16
DM-BDC-OfficParty][ BDC Office Party][ Devin Amin & Rick (rICo) Troppman 8-16
DM-Bedrooms][a Revenge of the Small Jake "Kid Ying" Byrd 8-12
DM-Blister Blister Jonah 'Unsavo®y' Lounsbury 2-4
DM-CastleMonk DM-CastleMonk Ryan "RayZer16" Diaz 6-9
DM-Castlev2 Realm of the Pineapple - Second Fortress Kenneth "PA_Pheadrus" Hagins Unknown
DM-ChamberofDeath The Spiral Pit Stefan Leever 20
dm-conformity Steady Conformity MJK 'Sob3r' V 2-4
DM-Crokk Crokk Jared Eaton 2
DM-dark-t2 DARK T2 Fabian "]BiH[ChangeR" Klein 2-4
DM-Darkfield DM-Darkfield Max Kerfoot Unknown
Dm-DeathFan][ Death Fan orig. by Myscha ][rem. by cerebral cortex 1-6
DM-Delirium Delirium MikeB 2-12
DM-Dig DM-Dig Taco 2001 8-16
DM-Dig][ DM-Dig Taco 2001 8-16
DM-DiningRoom][ Coret Facility Alan 'Talisman' Willard 6-12
DM-dukesplace Duke's place [Rdam]_DukeCicken 2-6
DM-Egyption Spa Egyption Spa JonnyDigets 6 - 8
DM-Emanon The Emanon Zone Psycho Manson 2-8
DM-EmberTemple EmberTemple Matthias 'Tronic' Dörflinger 8 - 12
DM-Equinoxe Project Equinox Claudio "Prometheus" Ramasco Volpon 2
DM-ETT E.T.T. Sören 'smattbac' Mattbäck 3-6
DM-FoT-Adenora Adenora Outpost Aalexanderrr 4-8
DM-FoT-Adenora Adenora Outpost Aalexanderrr 4-8
DM-Fragmont DM-Fragmont Pat Comerford MegaFrag-=/\=- 2-8
DM-Frenzy - Frenzy - Hunter '_UE_Hunter' Wiebush 2 - 8
DM-FridayTeamArena Friday Team Arena Gubar 2-4
DM-GhostCompound Ghost Swamp Compound Kevin Letz 8-16
DM-Hall Of War Hall Of War Pasi "LuhtisLR" Luhtala 2-16
DM-HallOfUltimateWar The Hall Of The Ultimate War! Pasi "Luhtis" Luhtala 2-24
DM-HallOfWar ][ Hall Of War ][ Pasi '<-PaLu->-=Finnish=-' Luhtala 4-14
DM-HamsterDance DM-HamserDance Sir Posty 4 - 24
DM-HamsterDanceDD DM-HamserDance Sir Posty 4 - 24
DM-Hope No Hope Andrea "Palka" Varnier 4-10
dm-IceCavernsF2 The Ice Caverns, Floor 2 Ryan Armstrong (Zerker) 3-8
DM-Industrialized][ Industrialized][ Max '[RiAx]RaptoR' Brown 2-6
DM-Infinity Infinity Palace Malignus (Craig Stern) 2-8
DM-Innercity Inner City Deathmatch Arena Gaminguru 2-4
DM-Iota Hell's Iota David "Raving" Hummel 2-4
DM-Iron The Iron Heart Of The Future Manuel 'booman' Schwab 4
DM-Justify DM-Justify Max Kerfoot Unknown
DM-Kavorka DM-Kavorka Digitron Unknown
DM-Lirst Lirst Xaero_r 3-5
DM-LivingRMSD DM-LivingRMSD ¦SpearofDestiny AND [HR]CHAOS AsMany
DM-livingroomDD DM-livingroomDD [HR]CHAOS 6-16
DM-logopolis DM-logopolis Aussie Bob Unknown
dm-medical Medical Level Ryan Armstrong (Zerker) 8+
DM-Metophosic Metophosic Willis "Apoc" Perry 2-3 players
DM-Mighty-Thunder-Dome A Hole in the Void Robert "Rabit" Bailey Unknown
DM-MortalFight Mortal Fight Psycho Manson 2-8
DM-Munch DM-Munch Max Kerfoot Unknown
DM-Namek Tranquility of Namek Lord Archon 5-10
DM-Nameless Nameless World RIP & Morfeus 8-12
DM-Nanisol Nanisol Jason 'Fleshwater' Tucler 6-16
DM-Noor N00r Processing Plant Darren 'Mame' Yohan 2-6
DM-Octogone DM-Octogone Jacob Ensign Unknown
DM-Oron Oron SkySearch Facility Jared "FrEaKy" Lacey 2
DM-OvErKiLL][ DM-OvErKiLL][ Unknown Unknown
DM-Pharaoh][ Pharaoh's Pyramid Complex Nermin '||XaRUs||' Sijaric 5-15
dm-PitsOfCarnage The Pits of Carnage Ryan Armstrong (Zerker) 4-16
DM-plain Plain of No Return Kenneth "PA_Pheadrus" Hagins 6
DM-PlanetSpartan PlanetSpartan blito3 Unknown
DM-Project_Sea_Storm Project: Sea Storm Jason 'Fleshwater' Tucker 6-16
DM-Pumping Station [] Pumping Station Jazz Burgess 4 - 12
DM-Purgatory Purgatory Roberto 'Homeslice' Tobar 6
DM-QIII_ArenaGate DM-QIII_ArenaGate Ken ''DrunKenobi'' Lynch 4 - 6
DM-QIII_HouseOfPain DM-QIII_HouseOfPain Ken ''DrunKenobi'' Lynch 4 - 6
DM-Quatro DM-Quatro Firefly 2 - 4
DM-Raptor DM-Raptor Dave "VeNDeTTa" Webber 4-16
DM-Raven Quoth the Raven 'Nevermore Scott "djlowtek" Loader 2 - 4
DM-Reactive-Duel Reactive - Duel Simon 'Flakvin' Merry 2 - 3
DM-ReAlign ReAlign Jeremy'SureShot'Whiting 2-6
DM-Rebound-Factor Z-Factor Emmanuel``stimpack``Houle 8
DM-Relics DM-Relics AngelHeart Unknown
DM-RestRoomV2 Dm-Rest RoomV2 Optimized for UT by Raven 8-16
DM-ReticentVM Reticent ViceM 2-8
DM-Revenge Revenge Tom "TomCom" Davies 2-6
DM-RF RF Fabian "]BiH[ChangeR" Klein 2
DM-Roon -DM-Roon- DavidM Ran Out Of Names - 2nd Version David 'DavidM' Münnich 2
DM-RP-Water_World Water World Peter "Raven" Blunden 4-5
dm-security Security Level Ryan Armstrong (Zerker) 4 -16
DM-Shunt DM-Shunt Frank 'Die Harder' Scholten 3-6
DM-Skaaj TechGothic DM-Skaarj TechGothic Loki ( Bilczynski) 2-12
DM-SkaarjTechGothic DM-Skaarj TechGothic Loki ( Bilczynski) 2-12
DM-SkrilaxRefugium Skrilax Refugium Rudi the Searcher 3 - 6
DM-SkyScratcher High in the Sky Sharko 2-8
DM-SmallSoldiersDD DM-Small SoldiersDD David 'DavidM' Münnich as many
DM-Smoke Smokescreen --== El Pakeecho ==-- 2 - 4
DM-SouthForkBasement Southfork's basement Michael "Hagman Petersen 2-6
DM-Space_Shit Space Shit Sharko 4-10
DM-Spheres Mighty spheres Arto Sankala 4-12
DM-ST-alte_Fabrik DM-ST-alte Fabrik Stefan (mmf)=St_66= Schaefer 4-8
DM-subdued Subdued Mark Davidson 4-10
DM-Summerpalace SummerPalace HB2001 Unknown
DM-Summerpalace SummerPalace HB2001 Unknown
DM-Swank DM-Swank Squacky 6 - 10
DM-TBCombatDunes DM-Sanddunes Matt "Silencer" Murphy 16
DM-TBSkatePark DM-TBSkatePark BRIGZY Unknown
DM-Teroc Teroc Facility Michael 'Bot_40' Rippon Serving suggestion - 2-4 players
DM-Tetrisv3 Tetris Anton Tolken / Fred Maxx 3-5
DM-TF8472 Deep space training facility 8472 Aahz 8 to 20
DM-The Matrix Trylogy The Matrix Trylogy neo_b Unknown
DM-TheMatrix Inside the Matrix Stefan "LegalAssassin" Siverud 3-6
DM-Throne Emperor's Throne Room James Whitmore 4-6
DM-Titania][ Titania ][ Squacky 8 to 12
DM-Titania][ Titania ][ Squacky 8 to 12
DM-TotheFront To the Front SARGE 8-12
DM-Town DM-Town Unknown Unknown
DM-TumulteInTheben TumulteInTheben aesweh 2-4
DM-UNAT-TOURNEY The Unreal Nerf Arena Tournament Gary McLean 2-4
DM-Versai Versai Chris S. 2-4
DM-WaB-TOURNEY Wait and Bleed! Psycho Manson 2-6
DM-WarStorage WarStorage [DS]Dark_Soul 8 - 16 (lots of players)
DM-Wste2 DM-Wste2 Unknown Unknown
DM-X GreyC's & LLR's X GreyC & LLR 16
DM-{aka's}House! DM-{aka's}House {aka}{+D0MIN/\T0R+} Lots!
DM-~TeenyRoom DM-TeenyRoom Dmitry "QuickSilver" Strizheus 2-5


Map Title Author Players
DOM-AncientTitanV110 The Ancient Titan Robin 'Rob' Pamart 8-16
DOM-ArcaneTemple][ Arcane Temple Shane Caudle 3-8
DOM-Beyond Sky Beyond Sky SHAMAN 4-8
DOM-Dock Danger Dock Roberto 'Homeslice' Tobar 8
dom-IceCavernsF2 The Ice Caverns, Floor 2 Ryan Armstrong (Zerker) 3-8
DOM-OldMineVM The Abandoned Mine Domination ViceM 2-4
DOM-RedNeckWoody RedNeckWoody blito3 8 to 16
DOM-The Mummy][ DOM-The Mummy Hannes "Traktordriver" Kieser 5-6


Map Title Author Players
AS-INF-Coup The Coup d'Etat Aahz 4 to 10
DM-INF-Belfast1972 DM-INF-Belfast1972 Old Geezer 8-24
DM-INF-Grozny DM-INF-Grozny Old Geezer 8-24
DM-INF-IndustrialMayhem Industrial Mayhem Excelsiore 8-16
DM-INF-Marble Construction-b4 TDM-Marble Construction Michael Giese 2 to 24
DM-INF-MarbleConstruction TDM-Marble Construction Michael Giese 2 to 24
DM-INF-MarbleConstruction_2 TDM-Marble Construction2 Starstreams 2 to 30
DM-INF-MorbidCuriosity Morbid Curiosity Mr 16
DM-INF-Relics Relics AngelHeart 8-16
DM-INF-ReturntotheKillingFields DM-INF-Return to the Killing Fields David 'DarkSniper' Brown 16-48


Map Title Author Players
JB-ConstructionOnline Under Construction - Online Enhanced Eric "SnowDog" Ettes 8-16
JB-CrypTitan-200 Crypt Of Titans Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull 6-12

Monster Hunt

Map Title Author Players
MH-KrallCellars]I[ MH-KrallCellars {MHM}HellFire` Unknown

Multi-Team CTF

Map Title Author Players
CTF4-Maze The Maze of Egnatia Raiden_gl 10-17
CTFM-Bunker Bunker Christophe 'Crokx' Cros 4x4 => 16
CTFM-GateofAges Gate of Ages Hugues 'Merkalinam' Beauchemin 12-16
CTFM-November November Submarine Elliot "Myscha" Cannon (Conv. Weenydog) 8-12
CTFM-Railwork][ Railwork Shifters Michael 'Axiom' McNally 2-4

Rocket Arena

Map Title Author Players
RA-MarkusW RA-MarkusW Markus "Walm" Wallmüller mail me: [email protected]

Single Player

Map Title Author Players
NalisSaw NalisSaw Unknown Unknown


Map Title Author Players
SD-Mount Mountain Edge frostymoss 2-8

Tactical Ops

Map Title Author Players
SW-MallRats Mall Rats Si "Kain" Cass 8
TO-Lisgar Lisgar Patrol Vessel Tynan "Dr. Crowbar" Sylvester 8 - 14