Map Title Author Players
DM-!!!!-Karl's_Basement Hot-Karl's Wonderland of Kittens David.Lightman Unknown
DM-(($kA))-ArEnA_23 -.$kA°-ArEnA_23 zrt` 2-4
DM-(Kraken)NeverEnding DM-(Kraken)NeverEnding (Kraken) 2-4
DM-(Kraken)TusCompound DM-(Kraken)TusCompound (Kraken) 8-14
DM-[KFH]-FatalFoamy2-]Y[ Fatal Foamy 2 (Real Bout) FoamyGal 3-7
DM-[KFH]-RSA-Twin-Generators][ [KFH] TWIN GENERATORS+ - a 15Mbit Foamshock :P FoamyGal 5-14
DM-[KFH]-SayYaPrayer_ESR [KFH] Say your last prayer and die FoamyGal 2-5
DM-[KFH]ClubLydia]Y[ "Swingerclub Alois" (Here i hang out with Lydia sometimes ;)) FoamyGal Unknown
dm-[KFH]DefinateESRArena ESR The Definite Arena FoamyGal 2-4
DM-[KFH]RBeyondR]Y[ Redeemed beyond Recognition FoamyGal Unknown
DM-[KISS]andGoodNight [KISS]andGoodNight [KISS]BLooD Unknown
DM-[KWS]-Hobs_Bedroom Hobs_Bedroom Nicolas 'Hobs' Villiers Unknown
DM-[KWS]BandPractice[FN] ]TKK[BandPractice ]TKK[mln Unknown
DM-[KWS]BandPracticeVer2 ]TKK[BandPractice ]TKK[mln Unknown
DM-]KAUT[Camping_Mobil ]KAUT[Camping_Mobil ]KAUT[Wildcat 5 - 25
DM-K-25 The K-25 Facility Alfred "Yuckmouth" Sherwin 3-8
DM-K.I.A.X K . I . A . X Deck Miguel "Neo Mks" Silveira 2 - 4
DM-Kaalpek Kaalpek James "Ghostwheel" Conlin 2-6
DM-Kaalpek][ Kaalpek][ James "Ghostwheel" Conlin 2-6
DM-Kabosoi 'Kabosoi Kukyo' Silus for Team Fragadelic 2-6
DM-Kahaynu Kahaynu Dennis ''GenMoKai'' Speijers 6-8
DM-Kain'sHouse DM-Kain'sHouse Si 'Kain' Cass Unknown
DM-Kalen Kalen Complex Fobos 2-8
DM-Kambodscha-Katakomb Kambodscha-Katakomb # zettel # 2-6
DM-Kambodscha1 dm-kambodscha1 # zettel # 2-8
DM-Kamchatka Kamchatka,USSR 'RussianBonusPack' NaliLorD /UN\ 6-12
DM-Kami's Kami's Floating Palace Tyson Walker 10-16
DM-KamiasXL KamiasXL Kamakazi 4-12
DM-Kamikaze DM-Kamikaze Daniel Diaz-->KaMiKaZe 4-16
DM-Kampfarena DM-Kampfarena Manfred Zilka Unknown
DM-Karfiol Karfiol Nagy Zoltan 4-12
DM-Kashmir DM-Kashmir The Unknown Mapper 5 - 10
DM-Kataris][ Kataris Communication Tower StabJoe 4 - 6
DM-Kathedral UT-Kathedral Brian'Bah_'Johnson 4-10
DM-KATRAVERONE Ka$tration$ver$uch 1 - Die Metallklauäää$$$ VirginPinkDildo on Turbo degree 3+
DM-Kavorka DM-Kavorka Digitron Unknown
DM-KaZemat DM-KaZemat Elya Iceking 8-12
DM-KBellTower Koos Bell Tower THE ]V[ATTerminator For 2
DM-KberryCastle Kingsberry Castle Michael North Unknown
DM-KBuoy Koos Buoy QuazBotch 2-5
DM-Kbuoy][pb1 DM-Kbuoy][pb1 Unknown Unknown
DM-KCL KCL's Trainingsroom MoOn 2-7
DM-Keep3 DM-Keep3 Tom 'Twrecks' West Sixtanine
DM-Keep][ DM-Keep][ Tom 'Twrecks' West 4-12
DM-Kegler DMC_ESR_KEGLER [DMC]Sixt Sense Ripper 6 -16
DM-Kellerraum Kellerraum illuminatus 2-6
DM-Kelso'sZonex[2] Kelso's ZoneX2 MADE BY MAD MATT N KELSO 8-16
DM-Keneda Keneda Fort Ian 'BaSe' Loxam 2 to 4
DM-Keops_rS468 Keops EDIT by niv3R 2-6
DM-KFH-Christmas-2k6 DM- KFH Christmas 2006 [KFH]Deathstorm 4-14
dm-KFH-Disorder Ready, steady, dead FoamyGal Unknown
DM-KFH-RSA-DeemersForHire [KFH]-RSA-Dressed to Kill FoamyGal 3-5
DM-KG_HighSchool Kwansei Gakuin High School OFG 12-24
DM-KGalleon Koos Galleon Juan Pancho ' XceptOne ' Eekels 4 - 12
DM-Khalnora DM-Khalnora Schivosa 6-8
DM-Khin Khin Warehouse Thomas 'MisterRioes' Grimm 2-4
DM-Khorne DM-Khorne Tomas 'Drevlin' Lidstrom 6-12
DM-Kick DM-Kick TheMadMonk 2-4
dm-kill_to_sucicide dm-kill_to_sucicide Unknown Unknown
DM-Killa-Rena DM-Killa-rena Pagan Pete 6-12
DM-KILLBOXv2 KILLBOXv2 Si 'Kain' Cass 6
DM-KillerCrush DM-KillerCrush Chad "GreyTiger" Barnett 4-8 Players
DM-Killeron[R] DM-Killeron[R] Dr.Pikko 2-8
DM-KillerPC_UT Killer PC Elrod 6
DM-Killfest Killfest ][AoW][NEO 6-12
DM-Killfrenzy][ The KillFrenzy Arena Ian 'Repulsar' Palmer 2-8
DM-Killhole DM-Killhole Unknown Unknown
DM-Killing-Arena Killzone Chris S. 2-5
DM-Killing_Grounds2 Killing Grounds James Whitmore and John Edwards 8
DM-KillingBox The Killing Box Andrew 'Little Bear' Baldwin-Merriweather 2-4
DM-KillingFan The Killing Fan Peeter / Myscha 2
DM-KillingFields Sniper Killing Fields David 'DarkSniper' Brown 1-10
DM-KillingFields4}PsT{ Sniper Killing Fields David 'DarkSniper' Brown 1-10
DM-KillingFieldsCB Cyberus' Sniper Killing Fields David Brown (original), EvilGrins (edited) 1-10
DM-KillingPassionsII Killing Passions II Rudi the Searcher 4-8
DM-Killy[AWG-Trailer] AWG-Trailer Killy_McGee 10
DM-Killy[SummerFreshBreak] Summer Fresh Breakroom Killy_McGee 8-10
DM-Killy[SummerFreshCooler] Summer Fresh Dairy Cooler Killy_McGee 10+
DM-Killy[SummerFreshProduce] Summer Fresh Produce Dept. Killy_McGee 8-16
DM-Killy[SummerFreshWarehouse] Summer Fresh Warehouse Killy_McGee 10+
DM-Killzone Kill Zone Reggie "Psybex" Jenkins 5-11
DM-Kilouahe Kilouahe Arena Jason " Jimmer_jammer411" Pina 2-8
DM-Kimera ][ KIMERA ][ Karnak Jugadors : 6-8
DM-Kinetica Kinetica Nick 'Kruel' Herres 4-12
DM-king King of the Hill NECRONOMACON 8-10
DM-Kingkardra Kingkardra Dörflinger Matthias 4 - 8
DM-KingofmyCastle King of my Castle FABS 6-8
DM-KingoftheCastle King of the Castle Zacx & Neyk 4-9
DM-kingofthehill{CBGB} DM-kingofthehill{CBGB} Unknown Unknown
DM-KingsMountain Outlook Peak Thomas J Dougherty 5-16
DM-KinkoYaburi DM-KinkoYaburi Hideya 2-16
DM-Kirsh Kirshs Warehouse Sören 'smattbac' Mattbäck 2-4
DM-Kitchen DM-Kitchen Drider 16
DM-Kitchen!DD DM-Kitchen!DD blito4 8 - 14
DM-KitchenBIA DM-Kitchen Unknown 12-16
DM-KitchenChaos Kitchen Chaos Chris "Nemesis" Gibbs 6-10
DM-KitchenDD DM-Kitchen Unknown 12-16
DM-KitchenND DM-KitchenND Dremoan 12-16
DM-KitchenPM{LASA} DM-KitchenPM{LASA} {LASA}PaulMuad'Dib 12-16
DM-KitchenPunkys[sSs]-Phx DM-Kitchen Punky's Snipe Hunt A Punky Brewster 12-16
DM-KitchenPunkysSnipeHuntA DM-Kitchen Punky's Snipe Hunt A Punky Brewster 12-16
DM-KitchenPunkysSnipeHuntA[revised] DM-KitchenPunky'sSnipeHuntA(rev.) PaulMuad'Dib and PunkyBrewster 12-16
DM-KitchenPunkysSnipeHuntA]EMB[ DM-Kitchen Punky's Snipe Hunt A Punky Brewster 12-16
DM-KitchenV3 DM-KitchenV3 Raven Cook 8-16
DM-KitchenVA DM-KitchenV3 Raven Cook 8-16
DM-KittyNipDreams Kitty Nip Dreams SKITTLES THE CAT Featuring da "Supa Dope Cat" 16+
DM-Klim Klimical Arena {ISV-K}Punkamatic 4-6
DM-Klingon_FinalP Klingon War Bird GOD__AM 6-10
DM-Klinik Klinikum der Universität München - Großhadern Philipp-LeFilou-Jahn 10 - 18
DM-Klose Kombat Klose Kombat gloom 2-8
DM-KneeDeep Knee Deep in the Dead Chris Hampton 6-8
DM-Knell Dead Man's Knell Nick 'Neoduck' Donaldson & Sam 'Mambo' Sutton 2 - 6
DM-KnifeEdge Knife Edge Lost Teams of 8
DM-KnifeEdge-FMG1 DM-KnifeEdge-FMG Lost Teams of 8
DM-Knos DM-Knos eBosnic Unknown
DM-Kolpath Tomb of Treachery Ivan 'Kolpath' Tefalco 2-5
DM-Kombat1 Kombat Zone Andy "The Twiggman" Gollat 8-10
DM-Konarcade Konarcade Fortress Cecilia 'Xila' Prz 4 - 8
DM-Konga The Abandoned City of Konga [BiA]Intsu-Tsuna 6-12
DM-Konosus][ Konosus][ Robert A. Wey, 16
DM-Konosus][-LV Konosus][ - LV Robert A. Wey 16
DM-KraBoliK DM-KraBoliK HyperTk 4-6
DM-Kraken Kraken Complex Jack "Spinex" Gilson 6-12
DM-KrallTemple Temple of the Krall [BiA]Intsu-Tsuna 4-8
DM-Krazy][ DM Krazy][ Shane Caudle recindled by Matthew 'Sharp' Squire 8-12 players
DM-KrazyUT DM Krazy Shane Caudle , Ivan "DIvan" Dobrokhotov 2-4
DM-Krillen][ Krillen][ Shawn Seymour Unknown
DM-Kringle Kringle Aahz 2-6
DM-Kryobreach Kryo-stasis containment breach Elroy 4
DM-Kryon Kryon Jonathan "creed" Hendricks 2-8
DM-Krypta][ Krypta][ MarkusW and The Mapper 4 - 10
DM-KTB-agiantbedroom KTB-aGiantBedroom [KTB]_KING_Nipple 2-16
DM-KTB-AtAtBarge KTB-ATATBarge [KTB]_KING_Nipple 6-12
DM-KTB-Backyard DM-KTB-Backyard [KTB]AssWaxer 4 - 16
DM-KTB-Bar DM-KTB-Bar [KTB]AssWaxer 3-16
DM-KTB-Bathroom DM-KTB-Bathroom [KTB]AssWaxer 3-12
DM-KTB-Donut DM-KTB-Donut [KTB]_KING_Nipple 10-12
DM-KTB-LivingRM DM-KTB-LivingRm [KTB]AssWaxer 3-12
DM-KTB-PainMaker DM-KTB-PainMaker [KTB]_KING_Nipple 2-16
DM-KTB-Redeemer DM-KTB-Redeemer Ed "KING Nipple" Schack 2-20
DM-Ktulu The Kall of Ktulu Lucifix Mourningstar 8-12
DM-Ktulu][ Ktulu][ - The Resurrection Lucifix Mourningstar 8-12
DM-Kubik Kubik Walm 2 - 4
DM-Kukulcan The Tomb of Kukulcan Stan "ColdSteel" Stewart 5-10
DM-Kunxar's Temple Kunxar's Temple Wiggy 6-16
DM-KutDoolhof DM-KutDoolhof Weird Beard 10
DM-KWC-Scramble KWC-Scramble {KWC}*Dauntles 2-16