Map Title Author Players
DM-AncientArena][ The Ancient Arena ][ Michael Pierce {Modified for UT by «WäR»DeathKitten, } Unknown
DM-AncientArena][ The Ancient Arena ][ Michael Pierce {Modified for UT by «WäR»DeathKitten, } Unknown
DM-AncientArena][666 The Ancient Arena ][ 666 Michael Pierce {Modified for UT by «WäR»DeathKitten, } Unknown
DM-AncientAriza DM-AncientAriza Myscha - conv by: getteW 4-8
DM-AncientDeck16 Deck16][ 's Elliot "Myscha" Cannon Original Map - Remixed by W1p3out Dendayne 'W1p3out' Kévin 2-16
Dm-AncientDiscovery Ancient Discovery Deathj 1 - 8
DM-AncientEgyptianPalace Egyptian Palace Frank "Scorpion" Meyer 1-10
DM-AncientEgyptianPalace2][ Egyptian Palace Frank "Scorpion" Meyer 1-10
DM-AncientEvil DM-AncientEvil Unknown Unknown
DM-AncientFight Ancient Fight Scott `God_Gundam` Hrivnak 8-10 or More
DM-AncientMemories Ancient Memories Jan Philip "JP" Reister 2
DM-AncientMiniGunHall Ancient Minigun Hall i__H_unte_R__i 2-8
DM-Ancientopia Ancientopia PsiTrix[MoA] 4-10
DM-AncientSouls Ancient Souls Thomas "Julebakst" Wollbekk 2-4
DM-AncientSpirit Temple of the Ancient Spirit Deathbliss 2-6
DM-Ancona Ancona Cathedral "Timbo" Wilson 6-8
DM-Ancona][ Ancona Cathedral <- TIMBO -> 6-11
DM-Ancona][DE AnconaCathedral <- TIMBO -> 6-11
DM-anda-[1] DM-anda-[1] Unknown Unknown
DM-Anda4ever Anda4ever Myth 8-32
DM-Anda_darcustom Anda - DarMonkey Custom (DM) Unknown, edited by Eric "DarMonkey" Olson 4-12
DM-Andmoipa Andmoipa Matthias [Tronic] Dörflinger 4 - 6
DM-Andosya Andosya Matthias 'Tronic' Dörflinger 4 - 12
DM-Andosya][ Andosya Matthias 'Tronic' Dörflinger 4 - 12
DM-AndPlatsch-SE AndPlatsch-SE Socke 2-4
DM-Andromeda Andromeda Lunic Unknown
DM-Andromeda_DSedit Andromeda Lunic Unknown
DM-AngelEyesV2 DM-AngelEyesV2 Unknown Unknown
DM-AngelFunnel-RMIX AngelFunnelFinal StOnEd-SnIpEr As many as you like...
DM-AngelFunnelCross AngelFunnelCross Janne Stjernquist "Murman" "JESUS" As many as you like....
DM-AngelFunnelFinal AngelFunnelFinal Janne Stjernquist "Murman" "Jesus" As many as you like...
dm-angelfunnelfinal-big-boy2 AngelFunnelFinal big boy 2 -=SSC=-Lucifer As many as you like...
DM-AngelGate The Angels Gate Björn'Arkcoth'Braun 4-10
DM-AngelicDerision Angelic Derision Tommy 'Placid' Lundqvist 2-6
DM-AngelusDomini Angelus Domini James "Ratlord" Rakich 2-4
DM-ANGRYGODS DM-AngryGods Grosu 'Goliath-KB-' Iulian 6-10
DM-Anihilation DM-Anihilation "Dangerus" Dave O Unknown
DM-Animalistic DM-Animalistic John-Layton "Jenkins" Jenkins 2 - 6
DM-Anitta DM-Anitta Chris Halford Unknown
DM-Annama DM-Annama John Unknown
DM-Annex DM-Annex Hayden Wilkinson "Salvation" 3-4
DM-Annihilation Annihilation Damien Frankland 4-6
DM-Annihilation_Depot DM-Annihilation Depot Jigga_Man 8
DM-AnnihilationZone Annihilation Zone CS v0.70 Christopher Saunders 8
DM-Anomaly Anomaly Virus666 4-8
DM-AnotherFunnel Another Funnel Map...FFS [MOO]TurboSi 8 - Whatever
DM-Antarctica A n t a r c t i c a Jeff Martin Unknown
DM-Antares Antares Ryan F 8-12
DM-Antargos Antargos Crypt Thomas 'MisterRioes' Grimm 2-4
DM-AnthemCityV2 AnthemCityV2 By-Tor[Frnz] 8-12
DM-Antic DM-Antic Ruins Jim "IggyC" Fagerlund 4-12
DM-Antidote-LE102 Antidote subz` 2-4
DM-AntiGrav AntiGrav Chamber Kenneth "Shrimp" Watson 2-4
DM-Antika the Streets of Antika ikesTRon - 4-8
DM-AntiManifesto Anti Manifesto Timothy 'Amazing Grace' Tweedle 6-12
DM-Antipathy Antipathy Derek "Juggernaut" Nutile 4-8
DM-Anubis Anubis Mark "OZ" Austin 2-6
dm-anubis dm-anubis Unknown Unknown
DM-AnUnrealZoo[ZSZ] DM-AnUnrealZoo[ZSZ] Unknown Unknown
DM-Anxiety Anxiety Diabolik 2 - 6
DM-Apan DM-Apan Johan Jern 4-6
DM-Apartment][ DM-Apartment][ Davros Unknown
DM-ApartmentForLease Apartment Block For Lease Jim Batt 6-8
DM-Aphasia -=Aphasia Syndrom=- JiveTurkey 2-8
DM-APlaceOfDangerousMinds DM-APlaceOfDangerousMinds Unknown Unknown
DM-APlaceOfDangerousMinds3 DM-APlaceOfDangerousMinds3 Unknown Unknown
DM-ApocalypseNow Apocalypse Now Raimond *DUTCHRAI* Kuhlman 2-6
DM-Apocolypse Apocolypse Jim "King Mango" Castile 4 single/8 team
DM-Apokalypse Apokalypse Walm 2
DM-Apophis Temple of Apophis Nose of Night 6-12
DM-Appalachian-Wonderland Appalachian-Wonderland Ruben "Silver Ibex" Hunt Unknown
DM-Appalachian-Wonderland2 Appalachian-Wonderland Ruben "Silver Ibex" Hunt Unknown
DM-Applehouse DM-Applehouse Lee Appleby Unknown
DM-Applehouse(Music) DM-Applehouse(Music) Lee Appleby Unknown
DM-AppleSeed Apple Seed thegreb 2-6
DM-April --April-- Walm 2
DM-AprilSummers-Pornstar- DM-AprilSummers-Pornstar- * Pornstar * 2-6
DM-APTTYDITW A Place To Take Your Dead in The West Bryan Montgomery Unknown
DM-Aquaduct Aquaduct Tazerr 2-6
DM-Aquagen Aquagen Darko"Warhawk"Hanzic 6-16
DM-Aquarena Aquarena Bearsark 2-6
DM-Aquarium New World Aquarium John Edwards 6-8
DM-Aquarius DM-Aquarius (2-16 Players) Crankcase Unknown
DM-Aquarius The Lost Temple of Aquarius Roberto 'Homeslice' Tobar 10-20
DM-Aquarius][ The Lost Temple of Aquarius ][ Roberto 'Homeslice' Tobar 4-12
DM-Aqueous Aqueous Retainment Facility Noodles 2-4
Dm-Aquilus The Aquilus Residence Ryan Armstrong (Zerker) 2 - 6
DM-Arachnodius Arachnodius A-AlkazeX-X 4-10
DM-arbor The Arboretum Sand Jack 6
DM-Arboreal Arboreal Bobb "Default" Bittner 8 - 12
DM-ArborealNM Arboreal Bobb "Default" Bittner 8 - 12
DM-ARC-DukeNukem HOLLYWOOD HOLOCAUST Alex "Alucard" D. G 2-8
DM-ArcaneTemple Arcane Temple Shane Caudle 3-8
DM-ArcaneTemple-LE102 Arcane Temple - League Edition v1.02 Shane Caudle - LE: Mike "Hellscrag" Wilberforce 3-8
DM-ArcaneTemple][-LITE Arcane Temple][ Rob 'Max]I[muS-X' Schultz 3-8
DM-ArcaneThought Arcane Thought Myth 3-6
DM-Archaic The Archaic Hideout Chris Airey 2-6
DM-Architech Architech Niiara Michael 'Axiom' McNally 2
DM-Archives DM-Archives Si "Kain" Cass 2-8
DM-Archives][ The Archives Si "Kain" Cass 2-8
DM-ArchNemesis DM-Arch Nemesis MikeB(Mira) 4-8
DM-Arclay ][ Arclay Mountain Facility ][ Roberto"Firefox"Cortese 2-6
DM-Arctic Arctic Outpost Ed Duke-Cox 5-10
DM-Arctica Arctica Reactor Kamil 'Jammer' Wolnikowski 6-16
DM-ArcticBase Arctic Base Mark Van Dee 2-6
DM-ArcticSiege Arctic Siege Aahz 4 to 10
DM-Arcturo Arcturo Pagan Pete 2 - 8
DM-Arcturo666 Arcturo 666 Pagan Pete 2 - 8
DM-ArDoMaNiA Quick Kill Arena Plasma1, 2001 16
DM-Area DM-Area Unknown Unknown
DM-Area16 Area 16 THEBaratusII 2-4 Players
DM-AreaS392 Area S-392 [LmS]_|im 3-4
DM-Arena Frag Arena Jim Zhou 4
DM-Arena Arena of Death RIZ3 8
DM-Arena DM-Arena Wrath 4-10
DM-Arena DM-Arena Rangarig 2-4 Players
DM-Arena DM-Arena Tournament Demosthanese 2-4
DM-Arena DM-Arena AufEinemAugeBloed 2
DM-Arena of Death Arena of Death S³awek "Sakorius" Wieczorek 2-7
DM-Arena of The_Elite Arena of The_Elite *Xx_Neo-Matrix_xX* 1-12
DM-Arena-Crust Arena Mappack: Crust Walm 2 - 6
DM-Arena-Empyrium Arena Mappack: Empyrium Walm 2 - 4
DM-Arena-Extinction Arena Mappack: Extinction Walm 2 - 6
DM-Arena-Extinction Arena Mappack: Extinction Walm 2 - 6
DM-Arena-Fuel Arena Mappack: Fuel Walm 2 - 6
DM-Arena-High City Central Sky Arena Lacerate 12 +
DM-Arena-High-][ Stormfront Sky Arena Lacerate 16 +
DM-Arena-J- DM-Arena-J- Jabba 2-4
DM-Arena-Prong Arena Mappack: Prong Walm 2 - 4
DM-Arena-Source Arena Mappack: Source Walm 2 - 6
DM-Arena16 Arena 16 Jerry "{LoD}" Welch 10-16
DM-Arena2 DM-Arena 2 FallenAngel 12-16 Player
DM-Arena22 Arena Number 22 Henrik 'Deminator' Karlsson 2-4
DM-Arena42 Arena 42 Marc "ChromeBallz" Franssen 2-5
DM-Arena[PT-BR] DeathMatch Arena[PT-BR] Thiago Almeida from Brazil! 1-8
DM-Arena[PT-BR][rmx] DeathMatch Arena[PT-BR] Thiago Almeida from Brazil! 1-8
DM-Arena[PT-BR]v2 Arena[PT-BR] Thiago Almeida From Brazil 8-12
DM-Arena][ DM-Arena][ Unknown Unknown
DM-Arena_b DM-Arena_b Unknown Unknown
DM-Arena_fix DoA Arena Andy Lewis 8
DM-Arena_of_Glory Arena of Glory MaD DoG 4-6
DM-ArenaEBM -- Arena EBM -- Frank "MagotBrain" Schlatterer 4-16
DM-ArenaGate][ The Arena Gate][ Fluffy 2 - 4
DM-ArenaMorbias_x3_PKP Morbias X-3 The brazilian novice 4 - 12
DM-ArenaOfFire Arena Of Fire SST Mapping team 2 - 4
DM-ArenaRSA DM-ArenaRSA RSA Unknown
DM-ArenaSS-NB Battle Arena Space Station Psimorph 2-8
Dm-Arenax Arena X Andy "Sinistral" Allison 4 - 6