Unreal Tournament / Maps / 2011 / February


1 on 1

Map Title Author Players
DM-1on1-!!![Bionic] DM-BIONIC [UT]Chaos 666 AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies

Bombing Run

Map Title Author Players
BR-((frequency))v2 ((frequency)) - Modified by DeadlySin Charles "DemonLord" Yakish 10-14 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-((SMP))XenonCore SLV XenonCore by .:]OsL[Madis .:]OsL[ Madis Kybarsepp 12 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-(KoR)AReNAv3 SLvA KoRAReNA v3 Mike 'ATHoS' NiGHTViSiON 6-12 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-(Nav)MegArena(NiA)V2 MegArena Nav [MSuLL edit, BR |KOA|The_Dave] 8-16 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-2Pyramids][v4 2Pyramids][ (BR by |KOA|The_Dave) Nathan 'Scoby' Killoran 6-12 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-ACIDPIPE CTF-Acidpipe Boris.Niclas@fen-net.de 6-10 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-BadNeighborsV2 Bad Neighbors V2 Eric 'Sataninski' Dahl 8 to 24 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-BatlleChess Battle Chess BR|KOA|The_Dave Unknown AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-BedroomsSGE Battle of the Small Special Ghetto Edition Ghetto Smack 4-10 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-Bridges MSULL'S Bridges Hobi-Wan (MSULL's Edit) 6-10 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-CivilWar(winter)V2 BR-CivilWar[WinterEdit] BONE [edited-Fn>Metalfist] 8-16 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-CivilWar2 Civil War BONE 8-16 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-ColaWars CTF-Cola Wars - BR by DeadlySin Dirk_Diggler 6-20 AI/Bot support Missing dependencies
BR-Contact-v2 CTF-Contact [UrS]SytesTyun 10 AI/Bot support Missing dependencies
BR-Dom CTF Dom(ination) Per$oX-UK 16 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-Face BR-Facing Worlds - Modified by DeadlySin Cedric 'Inoxx' Fiorentino 4-10 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-Goat_Oki Goat's Oki HailtheGoat, BR|KOA|The_Dave 8-12 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-Knot][ Knot ][ Berzerker (Second EditionMSULL) Unknown AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-LavaGiant LavaGiant Juan Pancho ' XceptOne ' Eekels 8-14 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-Lets_Rock]I[ Lets Rock ]I[ Hobi-Wan (BR|KOA|The_Dave) 6-10 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-OfMiceAndMenV2 CTF-Of Mice And Men DireIce, BR|KOA|The_Dave 6-16 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-PowerRun CTF-PowerRun Norman E. Voigt (BR |KOA|The_Dave) 4 to 16 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-Powerslave BR-Powerslave edited by TACUARA Charles "Slain" Yakish 6-10 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
BR-TwinTowersV1 TwinTowersV1 'Rambo[ASS]' (BR|KOA|The_Dave) 10-20 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies


Map Title Author Players
BT-[BLK]-PsychedelicWorld BT-[BLK]-PsychedelicWorld Blackdeath Unknown Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT+(ow)Dodgeng-vF5 BT+(ow)Dodgeng-vF5 OwYeaW 1-16 Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT+(ow)Guess-vF BT-(ow)Guess (vF) OwYeaW 1-16 Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT+(Roel)BehindTheWaterfall-vF BT+ Behind The Waterfall (vF) The Roel-R 1-16 Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT+(Roel)Skaarjified BT+ Skaarjified The Roel-R Unknown AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-(Chn)ECG CTF-BT-(Chn)ECG ChA1NsAw 14 Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-(CN)FatherAndSon CTF-BT-(CN)FatherAndSon [i4g]CouilleNoire Unknown Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-(CN)LookingForClues-vF2 CTF-BT-(CN)LookingForClues (vF2) [i4g]CouilleNoire Unknown AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-(DD)Roflmaze-v2 CTF-BT-Roflmaze Dark_Demon 10-16 Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-(DN)-BerlinWall BerlinWall DukeNukem 8-12 Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-(DN)-DukeNukem3D Duke Nukem 3D DukeNukem Unknown Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-(L)Forstruppi_vF BT-Forstruppi -=(FBT)=-LotuS` Bunnytrack Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-(LT)EternalCave-V3 Eternal Cave L "NightTerror" T 1-8 Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-(LT)FOUR CTF-BT-FOUR L "Night Terror" T 1-14 AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-(LT)Nobility-V3 Nobility L "Night Terror" T 1-8 Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-(Roel)Energized-v3 BT: Energized (v3) The Roel-R Unknown Has images Missing dependencies
CTF-BT-(ShaDiE)Eitje-v3 CTF-BT-(ShaDiE)Eitje (v3) ShaDiE 12 Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-(UTW)Time-2-Rush Time 2 Rush [UTW]R@m$e$ 2-8 Bunnytrack Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-AgonyRush-v2 The Pit of Agony Sidney 'Clawfist' Rauchberger 4-12 Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-CursedGround BT : Cursed Grounds Cliff Bleszinski & Chr1st 4-12 Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-III-(LT)-TheHorror A Journey Of A Past Lauren "Laurrie" Taylor 3-6 Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-Interscope-v2 BT-Interscope-V2 Whitey 2-10 Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-MegaNoob_dbl2 MegaNoob Ozma777 Unknown Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-Postmodern_dbl-v2 PostModern Map Ozma777 Unknown Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-Shizbizzles CTF-BT-Shizbizzles Whitey 1-8 Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-SkittlecaekCB BT-SkittlecaekCB -dsm.OLOL- Unknown Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-TrainingDay CTF-BT-TrainingDay {UTA}Jake Unknown Has images No dependencies
CTF-BT-Troitsky BunnyTrack: Troitsky's Fable -=(FBT)=-Raylen 2-20 AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies

Capture The Flag

Map Title Author Players
CTF-((CINDY))vs((BONKER))- CTF-((CINDY))vs((BONKER)) SuB Unknown AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
CTF-((CircleJRK-Zon))-SLV-FIX Zon's ((CircleJRK)) - SLV Edit by |KOA|The_Dave Edit|KOA|The_Dave, originalZon{TSU} 12-14 AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
CTF-((PsK))-PowerChainXLed CTF-PowerChain <<Psk>>Repo Unknown AI/Bot support No dependencies
CTF-((PsK))LetterMatch CTF-((PsK))LetterMatch SuB & <GF>-REX!! Unknown AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
CTF-((PsK))QuickRun][ CTF-((PsK))QuickRun Zope Unknown AI/Bot support No dependencies
CTF-((PsK))vs((IG)) PsyGods tension |IG|Defrost and *=PsK=*SuB 8-16 AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
CTF-(Fn)WackyCorridors CTF-(Fn)WackyCorridors Unknown Unknown AI/Bot support No dependencies
CTF-(UTW)Hall_of_Fame2011 Hall of Fame 2011 [UTW]R@m$e$ 4-16 CTF AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
CTF-(ZM)STEELABYSS Steel Abyss Zacman 4-16 No dependencies
CTF-A_Trn CTF-A_Trn Unknown Unknown Missing dependencies
CTF-SKArena SKArena iCTF jvnkie Unknown AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies


Map Title Author Players
DM-!!![Factory] [Factory] Mapsforut99 69 AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
DM-!!![Hills-Have-Eyes] Hills-Have-Eyes [UT]Chaos Unknown AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
DM-[TsF]-ColorsV2 DM-[TsF]-ColorsV2 Blackdeath Unknown Has images No dependencies
DM-[TsF]-ColorsV3 DM-[TsF]-ColorsV3 Blackdeath Unknown Has images No dependencies
DM-Agugu2][666 Agugu Arena 2 ][ 666 Jim 'alienSkull' Siddon and Doug 'Atma' Weller 2-8 AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
DM-Perihelion Perihelion Mining Facility Aalexanderrr 5-8 AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
DM-UK-DJ-Booth DM-UK-DJ-Booth Frank "Scorpion" Meyer 6-20 AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
DM-UK-Newcastle-City- DM-UK-Newcastle-City -=Scorpion=- 8-20 AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
DM-{ISC}-TheLastJob DM-{ISC}-TheLastJob Blackdeath Unknown AI/Bot support No dependencies


Map Title Author Players
JB-(KOA)((frequency))f2 ((frequency)) - JB by |KOA|The_Dave "DemonLord" & |KOA|The_Dave 10-14 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
JB-(KoR)Arena(b1) KorArena JailBreak Edition CTF-ATHoS JB-|KOA|The_Dave 12-16 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
JB-(Nav)MegArena(NiA)V2 JB-MegArena Nav and Msull /JB versionSp0ngeb0b 8-16 Has images Missing dependencies
JB-(SLV)ACIDPIPE AcidPipe JailBreak [v2BySuB] 6-10 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies

Monster Hunt

Map Title Author Players
MH-(MHA)MysticalBridge2011[THUNDERBOLT] MH-(MHA)MysticalBridge2011(THUNDERBOLT) THUNDERBOLT 12/14 AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
MH-(MHA)SuperMarioBros2011Ultimate SuperMarioBros2011 THUNDERBOLT 6/10 AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
MH-Die(R) MH-DIE_Silent [UT]Chaos 1-10 AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
MH-HTD-Abyss Aybss [HTD]_Jimbo 2-8 AI/Bot support No dependencies
MH-HTD-ExPeriMental-Facilty MH-HTD-ExPeriMental-Facilty Michael "Jimbo" Cordingley 2-4 AI/Bot support No dependencies
MH-HTD-Human_PreyS HTD-Human_Prey Michael "Jimbo" Cordingley 2-4 AI/Bot support No dependencies
MH-HTD-Liandri-CorpPT1 HTD-Liandri Corp-Part1 [HTD]_Jimbo 2-4 AI/Bot support Missing dependencies
MH-HTD-LiandriCorp-Part2 LandriCorp Part 2 [HTD]_Jimbo 2-4 AI/Bot support Has images No dependencies
MH-HTD-NightMare_Canyon MH-NighMare-Canyon-HTD Michael "Jimbo" Cordingley 4-6 AI/Bot support No dependencies
MH-HTD-SpaceExterminator Space Exterminator Michael "Jimbo" Cordingley Unknown AI/Bot support Missing dependencies
MH-Human_PreyS-HTD+ HTD-Human_Prey Michael "Jimbo" Cordingley 2-4 AI/Bot support No dependencies
MH-JumpingToSpace2011-Beta2 MH-JumpingToSpace2011-Beta THUNDERBOLT 12/14 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies
MH-LiandriCorp-PT1-HTD+ HTD-Liandri Corp-Part1 [HTD]_Jimbo 2-4 AI/Bot support Missing dependencies
MH-NightMare_Canyon-HTD MH-NighMare-Canyon-HTD Michael "Jimbo" Cordingley 4-6 AI/Bot support No dependencies
MH-NightMare_Canyon-HTD+ MH-NighMare-Canyon-HTD Michael "Jimbo" Cordingley 4-6 AI/Bot support No dependencies
MH-UM-Canyon Icy Canyon Kenneth "Shrimp" Watson Up to 8 AI/Bot support Has images Missing dependencies