Map Title Author Players
DM-TheOldTomb [~TheOldTomb~] Marco{~MARCUS~}Giorgini 2-6
DM-THEPIT THEPIT Jeff{Death4u2}Greer/Co Author John{War_Dog}Walker 8 To 12
DM-ThePit The Pit GypsyAssassin 4-10
DM-ThePond_DNB "The POND" Dust{N}BonZ 2-18
DM-ThePond_DNB(EMB) "The POND" Dust{N}BonZ 2-18
DM-thepsychoscreamer the psycho screamer rene kelder 10 to 15
DM-Thermosteel ThermoSteel Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull 2-8
DM-Thermosteel-x2 ThermoSteel Cory Spooner 'TheSpoonDog' - 2-8
DM-Therr Therr Power Plant Joscha 'Zacx' Steinbrenner 2-5
DM-TheSethExcavationP The Seth ]II[ Excavation Shadow 'Tricky' Dragon 2-6
DM-TheShoppingMall DM-TheShoppingMall KingJosh 8 players
DM-TheSims Unreal Sims NikNak 2-4
DM-TheStratosphere The Stratoshere Shawn "Buddha337" Johnson 6-8
DM-Theta Theta Florian 'Strogg' Oswald 2-5
DM-TheTerrorDome The TerrorDome Thing 2 - 3
DM-TheTower The Tower of Babylon Shuhou "XepptizZ" Tse 2-8
dm-thetutorial Death Match Tutorial Shane Caudle 1
DM-THETutorial1 Abandoned Starbase Oblivion Eric Buhl 2-4
DM-TheUnderground The Underground Lee 'Deceased' Kay 18 - 24
DM-theundergroundcave The underground cave Alex 'you know who' Hansson 8-16
DM-TheWaterWorks Waterworks Tom Browett 8-16
DM-TheyCrave TheyCrave SuperBee 4-6
DM-The~bitch DM-The~bitch hemortal Unknown
DM-Thirdeye ThirdEye Training Facility MJK 'Sob3r' V 2-4
DM-ThisIsGhey ThisIsGHEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Aalexanderrr It GHEY with 6 players!!!
DM-Tholos Tholos Ruin Jannes "Jamer5" Riemann 2-4
DM-ThorinsKeep][ Thorins Keep][ IndySkyz 4-12
DM-Thorn Thorn's Shelter Mthras 8 - 14
DM-Thorne][ DM-Thorne][ Dr.Pikko 4-6
DM-Thoth The Tomb of Thoth Paul 'Tonnberry' Fahss 2-6
DM-THPS2{Warehouse} THPS2 Lord Simeon 5
Dm-Threshold Threshold fallonme 16+
DM-Throat DeepThroat Denis "RedFox" Kuznetsov 4-6
DM-Throne Emperor's Throne Room James Whitmore 4-6
DM-Throwdown DM-Throwdown Norman E. Voigt 2 to 12
DM-Thrust Thrust launch site Mirage 2-4 players
DM-Thryll DM-Thryll Kries 4 - 8
DM-Thunderdome Thunderdome Jared "DarkJared" Benson 6 or more
DM-ThundeRMountaiN[uSa] ThundeRMountaiN[uSa] [uSa]ThundeR 12-20
DM-thunders_dome_of_Vengence DM-thunders_dome_of_vengence {PPP} farrier 2 to 12
DM-Thursday DM-Thursday David 'DavidM' Münnich 4-12
DM-Ti_Vu_Taedoma Ti Vu Taedoma FRèéߥTë§ ¤§ê¢TõR¤ 3 to 5
DM-Tiberty DM - Tiberty BikeMike 8-16
DM-TieBay][ DM-Tie Bay][ -Dangler- 8-16
DM-Tier The Tier Facility DarkED 2 - 6
DM-TierDivision The Tier Facility DarkED 2 - 6
DM-TierDivisionn The Tier Facility DarkED 2 - 6
DM-TigerHunt Old Quarry Ruben "Silver Ibex" Hunt 6
DM-TigerHunt][ Tiger Hunt ][ Ruben "Silver Ibex" Hunt Unknown
DM-TigerHunt][-[MrP] Tiger Hunt ][ Ruben "Silver Ibex" Hunt Unknown
DM-TigerHunt][new Tiger Hunt ][ Ruben "Silver Ibex" Hunt Unknown
DM-Tight Tight Arena Jim 'monstertronic' Sullivan 2-5
DM-Tight-Walk2-HTD TightWalk Michael "Jimbo" Cordingley Unknown
DM-Tight2 DM-Tight 2 Danish Cake Unknown
DM-TightPaths TightPaths LizardGres 2-8
DM-Tihocan The Tomb of Tihocan Roberto"Firefox"Cortese 2
DM-Tikal Tikal Tempels Jauko 4-8
DM-Tilt TILT Jeff Martin Unknown
DM-TimeCrash -Time Crash- Mister_Prophet 8-16
DM-TimeKeep Time Keep Cryoburner 4-16
DM-TimeRift TimeRift Desiato 8 - 10
DM-TimeRip DM-TimeRip EZkeel 16 or more
DM-Timor Ruins of Timor Heiko Dreyer 2-8
DM-Titan DM-Titan MORPHEUS MAP !!! Unknown
DM-Titan_Arena Titan Arena Simon "Mr_Nuts" Harrison 2-6
DM-TitanArena DM-TitanArena Unknown Unknown
DM-TitanCity DM-TitanCity Nick_C 16
DM-Titania][ Titania ][ Squacky 8 to 12
DM-Titania][ Titania ][ Squacky 8 to 12
DM-Titanium_Deck DM-Titanium_Deck Unknown Unknown
DM-TitansArena Titan's Arena Marc 'nEo' Ueberall 8-10
DM-TitJob-Pornstar- DM-TitJob-Pornstar- * Pornstar * 2-6
DM-TM-Demeter TM-Demeter Tomasz Mankiewicz 5-9
DM-TM-Nemesis TM-Nemesis Tomasz Mankiewicz 3-5
DM-Tm1 DM-Tm1 Unknown Unknown
DM-TMC-Narean Narean Ruins Swanky / FraGnBraG 6-10
DM-Tmorpheus Tournament Morpheus Shredded by Netkid <VFX> - All Respects to Author 1 to 69
DM-TNP-Funnel{music}666 DM-TNP-Funnel{music}666 Unknown Unknown
DM-TNP-Funnel{music}667 TNP Funnel 667 {TNP}Fordtech Unknown
DM-TNT_edit_Home5 *TNT*editHome *TNT*Tater 16
DM-TNT_Slash_Hollow[Tater_edit] Slash_Hollow Authored by Cryptkeeper edited by Tater 10 to 16
DM-Toberus DM-Toberus John 'Rukee' Unknown
DM-Toberus][ DM-Toberus][ Rukee 8-16
DM-Tobias Dm-Tobias Bastiaan 'Checker' Frank 2 / 4
DM-TobMia DM-Tobmia Rukee 6 - 18
DM-ToborsOffice DM-ToboresOffice 6-10 Players
dm-ToiletRaider dm-ToiletRaider Johnny Fathead Unknown
DM-tok1 Temple of Kaffeine Nick "Kruel" Herres 4-8
DM-Tokay's Towers Tokay's Towers Eclipze 2-4
DM-Tokay's][ Tokay's Towers ][ School Kid Unknown
DM-TokaysTowers][ Tokay's Towers ][ The Porcelain Aardvark 3 to 10 players
DM-TokaysTowers]I[ Tokay's Towers Exhumed The Porcelain Aardvark 5 to 12
DM-Tokyo Tokyo Jeff Martin Unknown
DM-Toll -Toll- Paul 'Tonnberry' Fahss 2
DM-Tomb Egyptian Catacombs Grawdavae 16 and Over
DM-tomb DM-tomb William Kauffman 3-5
DM-Tomb Tomb of Khamoon DuckMan 4-10
DM-Tomb of Horus Lost tomb of Horus Radek A. "Adamo" 2 DM Players - 4 TDM
DM-Tomb-a-lomb Tomb a Lomb King Henri 4-6
DM-Tomb-Of-Ra Tomb Of Ra I Fernando "Wixo" Prz 2 - 4
DM-Tomb_of_Fraggamemnon-][ Tomb of Fraggamemnon ][ Andrew "the Waffle King" Ridings 16-20
DM-Tomb_of_Horus Lost tomb of Horus v 2.00 Radek A. "Adamo" 2 DM Players - 4 TDM
DM-TombArena DM-Tombarena Stuart "Stu_man" Fitzsimmons 2-4
DM-tombofdeath Old Tomb Graeme "darth_weasel" Hutton 4-6
DM-Tombs DM-Tombs Dauda Bappa 4-8
DM-Tombstone Tombstone-Justice Is Coming Wes Germer 4-6
DM-Tombstone1 Tombstone-Justice Is Coming Wes Germer 4-6
DM-Tombstone_Night Tombstone-Justice Is Coming Wes Germer 4-6
dm-Tombstone{SUF} Tombstone-Justice Is Coming Wes Germer 4-6
DM-tombstruck DM-tombstruck Unknown Unknown
DM-Tombworld][ TombWorld ][ Claudio "Prometheus" Ramasco Volpon 6 -10
DM-TomGToms Tom_GTom´s 1st Tom_GTom 8-16
DM-toms DM-toms None Unknown
DM-TOON-Streetwar DM-TOON-Streetwar Thomas Browett & Edited by SC]-[LONG_{HoF} 8-16
DM-TOON_TOWN TOON_TOWN blito4 12 - 18
DM-ToonRun_[AMLP] DM-ToonRun_[AMLP] [AMLP]SkAaRj 2 - 10
DM-TopFox Top Fox Eric "SnowDog" Ettes 2-3
DM-TopFox-FNE Top Fox Eric "SnowDog" Ettes 2-3
DM-TopGun DM-TopGun KilleFrag 3-4
dm-Torment Place of Torment James ~ØT~CreepingDeath Morgan 4-8
DM-Torrero DM-Pipifax Tim 'Northpack' Graf 2-3
DM-Torus Torus Shield Test Facility Tim 'Xene' Keeling 2-8
DM-Tostitos Tostitos!!@&^ Jon "Shrapnel Cruz" 4-12
DM-Total Destruction][ Total Destruction ][ Tecviper 8-16
DM-Total Kaos DM-Total Kaos _UE_ZoMbiE 4-6
DM-TotalArena DM-TotalArena by Weird Beard Weird Berad Unknown
DM-TotheFront To the Front SARGE 8-12
DM-Tournament Dm-Tournament [B*]Xplosiv 2-4
Dm-Tournamentmorgul Dm-Tournamentmorgul Unknown Unknown
DM-Tourney4 Tourney4 : Vertical Vengeance Paul Jaquays - UT version by Tiziano "T¢~¹ " Brutti 2 - 4
DM-Tourney_DeathMatch_City Halflifer Presents ... Tourney Deathmatch City 2-20
DM-Tower Mysterious Tower Vicomt and The Mysterious Mr J 6-12
DM-TowerMatch DM-TowerMatch Sir Posty 4-12
DM-TowerOfReds Tower of Reds Oryan Unknown
DM-Towers Towers X-MAN (XPW) 2-6
DM-Towers Towers of Krondor Pino, CNN Crew 2-10
DM-TowerSniperPro-B1 Tower Sniper Pro Raphael "HardPCM" Couturier Unknown
dm-towertrouble Tower trouble Tom 'Snoef' Vandebergen 2-3
DM-Town DM-Town Unknown Unknown
DM-Towne CTF-Towne PJ Leffue 10-16
DM-ToxicDump Liandri Toxic Dump][ Paul Maddox 4-12
DM-Toxicity DM-Toxicity Crash7 Unknown
DM-Toxicity][ Toxicity ][ Crash7 6-16
DM-ToxicShock DM-Toxic Shock Merlin X 4 - 8
DM-Toys Toys Brian "Notintheface!" Kim 8
DM-Toys][ Toys][ Brian "Notintheface!" Kim 8
DM-ToysII Toys II Brian "Notintheface!" Kim 8