Map Title Author Players
DM-PinballBETA3 PinBall Zombie Unknown
DM-PingPong][ DM-PingPong Smallest 4-6
DM-Pink dream DM-Pink dream Unknown Unknown
dm-pinkpantherarena dm-pinkpantherarena $uperS@ndra 3-4
DM-PipeDream PipeDream Fred Blair 6-20
DM-PipeLab Pipe Lab Andy "Deatha" Leung 2-8
DM-Pipes DM-Pipes Mislav 6-8
DM-Pipifax Temple of Pipifax Tim 'Northpack' Graf 2-3
DM-PirateHideout Piratehideout Verzuz 2-6
DM-PiratesOfTheCaribbean[THUNDERBOLT] DM-PiratesOfTheCaribbean(Nigth) THUNDERBOLT 16/ 20
DM-Pit The Pit Joseph 'BarfLung' Cox 2 to 10
DM-Pit-Of-Doom Pit of Doom King Henri 6-12
DM-Pit-Of-Doom][ Pit of Doom ][ King Henri 6-12
DM-pit.of.death. DM-pit.of.death. Unknown Unknown
DM-Pitbull Urban Pitbull Searcher 2
DM-PitFighter PitFighter Rudi the Searcher 2
DM-PitMasters DM-PitMasters Blueraven 2 -6
dm-pitofdeath dm-pitofdeath Unknown Unknown
dm-PitsOfCarnage The Pits of Carnage Ryan Armstrong (Zerker) 4-16
dm-PitsOfCarnage-Air The Arena of Air Ryan Armstrong (Zerker) 2
dm-PitsOfCarnage-Earth The Arena of Earth Ryan Armstrong (Zerker) 2
dm-PitsOfCarnage-Fire The Arena of Fire Ryan Armstrong (Zerker) 2
dm-PitsOfCarnage-Water The Arena of Water Ryan Armstrong (Zerker) 2
DM-PizzaShop 1 little pizza shop John "The Body" Garber 2-3
DM-Place of many Deaths The Place of many Deaths Walm 2 - 4
DM-PlaceOfDangerousMinds A Place Of Dangerous Minds {BDC} BloodLord 8-25
DM-PlaceOfPower Place of Power Ken "Noogy" Ng 6-14
DM-Plague Plague _UE_ZoMbiE 4-8
DM-plain Plain of No Return Kenneth "PA_Pheadrus" Hagins 6
DM-Planet Telex Planet Telex Edward Dobbs 8
DM-PlanetSpartan PlanetSpartan blito3 Unknown
DM-Plant Processing Plant Kamil 'Jammer' Wolnikowski 4-10
DM-Plasma DM-Plasma Steve "Duke_it" Burns 3-6
DM-PlasmaCore Plasma Core Puck 2-8
DM-Plat-TOURNEY Platinum Tournament Aaron "Platinum" Ingersoll 2-4
DM-Platform-RSA DM-Platform-RSA MAD Unknown
DM-Platform12 Platform 12 Kenneth "Shrimp" Watson 2-4
DM-Platform8 Platform 8 Andrew "Andson" Ashcroft 8
DM-PlatformCity Space City Kuznetsoff Dmitry aka -=_Buran_=- 8-10
DM-Platforms Urban Platforms Aurel M. "Aragorn" 3-8
DM-Platforms Perilous Platforms Steven Barrios 3-8
DM-Playinwidcha][ DM-Playinwidcha][ Smax 2-4
DM-PlayTime DM-PlayTime David Cipielewski 8 to 16
DM-PlazadelTeucro La Plaza Genazo 8-16
DM-Plundered The Plundered Pyramid Apollo 8-16
DM-PMine Abandoned Mine Sir_Pepe 2-4
DM-Podium Podium Tripulum Johannes 'Antifriz' Benner 1 - 13
DM-Poe Usher III Colin "Cerebris" McKinney 10-16
DM-Pokemon)( !!!Da Pokemon Arena!!! RATIO_Fighter Unknown
DM-PokerLight {DMF}P@inbunny's Poker Nite {DMF}SAVAGE 8-16
DM-PolarisPRO Polaris "pro" Edition Various 2-6
DM-PolarisPRO Polaris "pro" Edition Various 2-6
DM-POLIGONO dm-Poligono -=Noda=- 4-10
DM-poltergueist2 DM-poltergueist2 Unknown Unknown
DM-Pong-UT Pong-UT IndySkyz 2
DM-Pool_Lounge Pool Lounge Ariel_Dario 2-8
DM-pooltable DM-PoolTable Jon Mallon 8-16
DM-PoolTableDBK DM-PoolTableDBK Dave Kaplin 3-14
DM-PoolWorld Pool World Pitiplatsch 4-12
DM-Pool{CBGB} DM-Pool{CBGB} Chris Barnett Unknown
DM-POOL{CBGB}][ DM-POOL{CBGB}][ Unknown Unknown
DM-Popcorn Popcorn Popper Aahz 2-3
DM-Porch [IFC] Clan Map Andy "[IFC]Serialkilla" Piazza 6-8
DM-Pornville Pornville Veeder 12
DM-Port-LA PortLA David "Starman" Lewis 6-10
DM-Portal-xloc Portal-v2 BlackCheetah (Edited by Chamberly - Xloc edition) Unknown
DM-Portal-xloc][ Portal-v2][ BlackCheetah (Edited by Chamberly - Xloc edition) Unknown
DM-Poseidon The Sea Base: Poseiden VRN|Xan,(shadowkid342) 6-10
DM-Positron DM-Positron Andy "The Twiggman" Gollat 6
DM-Positron2 DM-Positron 2 Andy "The Twiggman" Gollat 12 (Twelve)
DM-Postnacript DM-POSTNACRIPT Moskophoros "deda23" 6-10
DM-POT((KillingFields-Night-EMB)) ]POT[ Killing Fields III[RMX] ]POT[TheOne 4-16
DM-Potamic Cavern Potamic David "Nachimir" Hayward 5 to 12
DM-PowerCore PowerCore Mr_ 3-6
DM-PowerCrypt Crypt of Power JonnyBravo 2-6
DM-Powerslave Powerslave Gary McLean 2-6
DM-PoZi Has tirao la fruta?? D.A.C. "Stego" 6 - 14
DM-PPP-Aquarium DM-PPP-Aquarium Michael«(ÐxTrËmeFx)»Lalla Unknown
DM-PPP-Donut DM-{PPP}-Donut {PPP}farrier 10-12
DM-PPP_Big_Arena PPP_Big_Arena {PPP}farrier Unknown
DM-PPP_big_square_room {PPP}Big_Square_Room {PPP}farrier Unknown
DM-PPP_Clan_Match_Arena PPP_Clan_Match_Map {PPP}farrier Unknown
DM-PPP_Huge_Rings {PPP} Big Rings {PPP}farrier 6 to 20
DM-PPP_Jet_Cube PPP_Jet_Cube {PPP}farrier Unknown
DM-PPP_Rings_Of_War DM-{PPP}_ Rings_Of_War [FSW]«(ÐxTrËmex)» (Retex by {PPP}farrier) Unknown
DM-PPP_Rooms_of_death PPP_Rooms_of_Death {PPP}farrier 2 - 6
DM-PPP_The_Maze PPP_The_Maze {PPP}farrier 6 to 20
DM-Practice_final translocator practise Cyborg Unknown
DM-PracticeRoom PracticeRoom Martin "Fragger" Tousignant 2 (You and a Bot)
DM-Prayer A Prayer for the dying Searcher 2-3
DM-PrayForMojo][ DM-PrayForMojo][ James "Stilgar" Stringer 2-12
DM-Preach Preach Arena Darren 'Dazultra' Ladbury 2-5
DM-Predator DM-Predator Eric "Ebolt" Boltjes , Boon 2-8
DM-Predator][ DM-Predator][ Eric "Ebolt" Boltjes , Boon 2-8
DM-Premonitions Castle of Premonitions Jon "Shrapnel" Cruz 2-8
DM-Premonitions Castle of Premonitions Jon "Shrapnel" Cruz 2-8
DM-PressureDrain PressureDrain Ryan "MORG" Morgan 8-10
DM-PressurePositive Pressure Positive Chris Airey 10-14
DM-PrestigeMortgage[FBI] DM-PrestigeMortgage[FBI] [FBI]MadSquirrel 12-Whatever
DM-Pride'n'Glory Pride'n'Glory Bluantinoo "TieK FaGnoL" 3 to 8
DM-PrimalInstinct PrimalInstinct Marc "Water" Bryce 6
DM-PrimalRage DM-PrimalRage Marc "Watersharer" Bryce 6-8
DM-PrimaPorta Prima Porta 2013 Florian '[UTFC]Starfire' Ries 3-7
DM-PrimaryColors DM-PrimaryColors Jacques "Blueyes" Goulet 4-6
DM-Prime DM-Prime Dörflinger Matthias 8-16
DM-PrincessofHell Princess of Hell Melissa "WET" Fenner 2-4
DM-Prism The Prism Eric "Syn" Madsen 4-8
DM-Prism][ The Prism Eric "Syn" Madsen 4-8
DM-Prison DM-Prison{BoA} {BoA}R A W 8-16
DM-PrisonRiot DM-PrisonRiot Unknown Unknown
DM-PrisonSpamKillPowa DM-PrisonSpamKillPowa Unknown Unknown
DM-Proboscuss Proboscuss D.Abrey Unknown
DM-ProductionLine_Small Production Line (Small) Johan "the G.o.a.T" Grégoire 4-12
DM-Profacation Profaction Tim Kok a.k.a. Frieza 2-4
DM-Profacation-FNE Profaction Tim Kok a.k.a. Frieza 2-4
DM-ProFFen[X] DM-ProFFen[X] Dr.Pikko 4-10
DM-Project[X] DM-Project[X] Dr.Pikko 4-10
DM-Project_Sea_Storm Project: Sea Storm Jason 'Fleshwater' Tucker 6-16
DM-Project_Storm Project: Storm Jason 'Fleshwater' Tucker 4-14
DM-ProjectX2 CTF-ProjectX2 Shock Systems 12-16
DM-Prometheus] Prometheus Chris"MADCAP"Sheridan 8-16
DM-PrometheusFinal PrometheusFinal Chris 'MADCAP' Sheridan 2-12
DM-Prompt][ Prompt][ inder (TurnFable) 4
DM-Prong][ Prong][ Fleshdance Unknown
DM-Prospectus DM-Prospectus Mark 'Nexx' Hurst 2-6
DM-ProteKtion DM-Protektion The Unknown Mapper 2-4
DM-Proton DM-Proton Jacques "Blueyes" Goulet 4-6
DM-ProvingGrounds The Proving Grounds Diablo 2-4
DM-PryXon DM-Pryxon Dark Element 4-5
DM-PS2_Brickyard PS2_Brickyard Ken ''DrunKenobi'' Lynch 4 - 6
DM-PS2_Coagulate PS2_Coagulate Ken ''DrunKenobi'' Lynch 4 - 6
DM-PS2_Core PS2_Core Ken ''DrunKenobi'' Lynch 4 - 6
DM-PS2_Hood PS2_Hood Ken ''DrunKenobi'' Lynch 4 - 8
DM-PS2_Loathing PS2_Loathing Ken ''DrunKenobi'' Lynch 4 - 6
DM-PS2_Sorayama PS2_Sorayama Ken ''DrunKenobi'' Lynch 2 - 6
DM-PSI-DeathFan DMDeathfan Myscha the Sled dog Unknown
DM-PSI-Deck16 PSI Deck16 PSI Version: S. Hrivnak Base: E. Cannon 2-16
DM-PSI-Deck7 PSI Deck 7 PSI: S. Hrivnak Base: Bill-a-Bong 4-10
DM-PSI-Liandri PSI Liandri Central Core S. Hivnak Base: A. 'Talisman' Willard 2-14
DM-Psi-Space Psi-Space PsiTrix[MoA] 4-10
DM-PSI-StalwartXL PSI Stalwart XL S. Hrivnak Base: A. 'Talisman' Willard 4-6
DM-Pstation Porktown Station T. "LeTigre" Ahlen....RebuiltByJIM236 2-6
DM-Psychic1 Psychic Battle I sCoder 8-16
Dm-Psycho-Asylum Psycho-Asylum Colin "Carnage" Murphy 4-12
DM-Psychodelic Psychodelic Eric "SnowDog" Ettes 2-4
DM-Psychopaths Psychopaths, Inc. Henrique "Psycho" Souza 6-10
DM-PsychoScreamerDD DM-PsychoScreamerDD rene kelder 10 to 15
DM-Psychotown1 DM or Team DM Judas_Sinn 6-14
DM-psychozone the great bang rene kelder 14
DM-Psyco Liandri Core Basement Gunner 5-16