1 on 1

Map Title Author Players
DM-1on1-Judith(Twee) DM-1on1-Judith (Twee) D>Fantom 2-4
DM-1on1-Pyramid2k4 Floating Pyramid MsM & Fugersterf 2-4
DM-1on1-Runa Runa Matthias (Tronic) Dörflinger 2-4
DM-1on1-Viridian2k4 Viridian Dreams MsM 2-4

Bombing Run

Map Title Author Players
BR-BrokenGorge Broken Gorge Mr Evil 8-12
BR-Bullet1Down Bullet 1 Down ! 1M1B-Gib_Mongrel Unknown
BR-Hangar16-WWRY BR-Hangar16-WWRY -SeWeRsIDe Unknown
BR-HoopsofAnubis Hoops of Anubis John|fD|Lask 12
BR-Legacy Caverns of Legacy Anthony "Radeon" Vogt 10-16
BR-Warzone War Zone Blitz 8-16

Capture The Flag

Map Title Author Players
CTF-(BeerWars) - Beer Wars - Zencoder 12-16
CTF-(BeerWarsLite) - Beer Wars - Zencoder 12-16
CTF-(RingOfFire) - Ring of Fire - Zencoder 20
CTF-AncientEvil-DCSE Ancient Evil DCSE Toonces T. Cat 14-20
CTF-Apophis Apophis Abyss 8-14
CTF-Ardiumus Ardiumus David 'DarkSniper' Brown 16
CTF-Attrition_XGEOX Attrition George "XGEOX" Wilkins 4-6
CTF-BlackGold Black Gold Chris "Jebidiah" Poole 8
CTF-BridgeXL BridgeXL Tranzcoder Unknown
ctf-cellarbase CellarBase Tux0r @ EFnet - #datagruppa 8-20
CTF-Chrome-LE105 Chrome-LE105 CliffyB - LE105 by German community 8
CTF-ColaWars2003[UT1] ColaWars2003 kavia Edit by: Sho 12
CTF-DeepSprinta Deep Sprinta Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull 10-14
CTF-Delusional2 CTF-Delusional {OSHA}Cptn Cyanide Unknown
CTF-EBOK Rev A EBOK Robert LaPrade 16
CTF-Egyptcube CTF-EgyptCube Ghooster s
CTF-eko-Mythos-2k3 Mythos-2k3 Jorge 'eko' Salas 4-8
CTF-Extortion][-LE100 Extortion][ - League Edition v1.00 Ken "Quick" Paddle, LE Snaps Provolone 8
CTF-Face1 Facing Worlds {OSHA}Viper 14
CTF-ForgottenDesert Desert of the Forgotten Joe "Daedalus" Conti Unknown
CTF-LS_Drain CTF-LS_Drain Lord Simeon Unknown
CTF-LS_Drain][ CTF-LS_Drain Lord Simeon Unknown
CTF-MoonlightFVX MoonlightFVX K. Rutkowski (WarMech) Unknown
CTF-MP-Torrent Torrent MortalPlague 4
CTF-Ominous Ominous Moon 2K3 SiR_CharLZ 8-16
CTF-Oraxin Oraxin Installation Nicholas 'CyMek' Richards 8-14
CTF-Painbender PainbenderV2 Swartz&Osiris 10-16
CTF-PotBoiler CTF-Potboiler HortonsWho 8-16
CTF-ShrunkAndQueer ShrunkAndQueer [SOB]Valen 12
CTF-SkyBase2 CTF-SkyBase2 Neo|2oo8 Unknown
CTF-StationXigon StationXigon K. Rutkowski (War Mech) Unknown
CTF-Suppository CTF-Suppository P@t PsychoP@t L@F Unknown
CTF-TerraNova The Terra Nova Valley ProjectX 8-12
CTF-ThermalPlayGround-IG Thermal Play Ground |qF|GIA 12
CTF-TwoTowers Two Towers BadKarma 8-16
CTF-Unearthed Unearthed City Chris 'Plutonic' Blundell 4-8
CTF-Vally Vally Sean 'Foresst' Fried Unknown
CTF-Vanguard CTF-Vanguard P@t PsychoP@t L@F Unknown
CTF-WarArena WarArena K. Rutkowski (War Mech) Unknown


Map Title Author Players
DB-Carrier Carrier Dome Dana 'Birelli' Cartwright Unknown
DB-Kukulkan Wrath of Kukulkan Laurent Jean-Vincent 14
DB-LostGael DB-LostGael Death-MonKey! (modified from DB-Cube) 8-12
DB-SpaceBalls][ SpaceBalls Devon 'Blaaguuu' Carlson Unknown
DB-U DB-U HarvesterUT 12


Map Title Author Players
dm-4everduke Duke Forever! pan_Stachu 2-8
DM-Abandoned Factory Abandoned Factory Brad "BLUES_MAN" Schlievert Unknown
DM-AbandonedFactory Abandoned Factory Brad "BLUES_MAN" Schlievert Unknown
DM-Agony2k4 Pit of Agony MsM/Yournan 4-6
DM-Agony][ Agony][ Xxyz 2
dm-akf-dizzy_beta_ DM-AFK-Dizzy(BETA) -[AKF]-TheLoneKro 9
dm-akf-dizzy_nukeedition_ DM-AFK-Dizzy(BETA) -[AKF]-TheLoneKro 9
DM-AlgoDiferente DM-AlgoDiferente XeivMaN 1
DM-AlienShip Alien Ship d@rk-z3r0 Unknown
DM-Alleria Alleria Complex Damien Floch 8
DM-AmrakPass[DriveBy] Amrak Pass [DriveBy] Kyle "K6599" Keiderling Unknown
DM-Aqua Aqua Mr Unknown
DM-ArcaneTemple Arcane Temple CJ "Eliminator" Kent 3-8
DM-Assiduous-Industry DM-Asiduous_Industry Richard V3 Powell Unknown
DM-BadMootie_bata2 DM-BadMootie_bata2 craig George 24
DM-Banished][ DM-Banished Mersil 10-16
DM-BDC-Bathroom][ DM-BDC-Bathroom][ DoGGZz20o0 12
DM-BlackIsle DM-BlackIsle Mersil 8
dm-Bleedingsteel Bleedingsteel Tom 'Snoef' Vandebergen 8
DM-Carcer The Carcer Uranium Mines ProjectX Unknown
DM-Corridor Corridor Richard Matthews 2
DM-CrookedForest CrookedForest God's Hand 2-24
DM-Crush DM-Crush {RYTS}Toke&Smoke&Headshot 4-16
DM-Darkened DM-Darkened Arweezy Unknown
DM-DeathJump Death Jump Rogue Potatoe 1
DM-December24th[FuT]SShock Dec. 24th (SS VER) teddabod & dirtybob 8
DM-deck16-]FUSION[ Deck16-]FUSION[ Sean Wilson 2-8
DM-Dusk13 Dusk Andreas Blixt 2-5
DM-Edge2003 Edge 3 ifrit_and_sputt 2-8
DM-ElitelArena Elite Arena Bhadan Sandhu 12-18
DM-Enders2003_V2 Enders game! Orion(Co30) aka Mouse(Co30) 4-12
DM-Enders_2004 Enders game! Orion(Co30) aka Mouse(Co30) 4-12
DM-EternalDeath Eternal Death ]BMR[Ares & ]BMR[VorLoN 4-12
DM-Frag-Base Frag-Base Piou 7-16
DM-Fraggenstein Fraggenstein Francis 'MrBee' Briau 2-5
DM-FraghouseXMas Fraghouse Christmas [CD]Icedude 10-16
DM-GhostShip DM-ghostship David "Kabraxis" Courtemanche 4-16
dm-girderMADDNESS dm-girderMADDNESS Unknown Unknown
DM-GreenHills DM-Green Hills TQM`s Industry 8
DM-HAPuertasFalsas H.A.:Puertas SuiciSpai 8
DM-HellsGate HellsGate deth502 2-4
DM-HouseOfChton2k3 House of Chton 2003 Dead Ghost 2-4
DM-Kael DM-Kael Unknown Unknown
DM-Kael Kael Kyle "K6599" Keiderling 2-4
dm-KO_Valley_of_the_Kings Valley of the Kings Kryss Oroborus 10-16
DM-Lost_Temple Lost-Temple Ric1 2-4
DM-LS_UTHealthpack DM-LS_UTHealthpack Unknown Unknown
DM-MP-Harbinger Harbinger MortalPlague 3-6
DM-neuromancer Neuromancer UnPfhorgiven 8-12
DM-NomadsLand DM-NomadsLand KaRaR 3-5
DM-Parasphere Parasphere MacHine Unknown
DM-PPP-BachelorPad][-Dx DM-PPP-BachelorPad][-Dx Michael{PPP}«(DxTrEmeFx)»Lalla Unknown
DM-PsYbeRDeLiC PsYbeRDeLiC|ut2k3 FinaL Beta =RoTTeN_AnGeL= 2-4
DM-Pyramid Pyramid Un1ucky 3-9
DM-PyramidClassic Floating Pyramid Morten 'MMV' Vatndal 2-8
DM-Q2Rgb DM-Q2Rgb KaRaR 2-3
DM-Ra'sFury DM-Ra'sFury |cTmX|-Prometheus 2-5
DM-RAJudgmentX RA's Judgment X -={JUDGE}=- 2-4
DM-Reliquiary DM-Reliquiary EvilVey Unknown
DM-ReliquiaryV1_1 DM-Reliquiary EvilVey Unknown
DM-Ridiculous DM_Ridiculous Chuck Ramrod 4-32
DM-Russian_Psychodelia DM-Russian-Psychodelia &Mike Timoshin --=[GC]Guyver_1.1=-- 4
DM-Sandbox Sandbox Derek (Searcher) Chatwood 4-12
DM-Santalus Santalus Dave Ewing (& Jackazzzzzz) 4-6
DM-sHoK-PingPong][ Ping Pong ][ sHoKaZuLu 2-14
DM-Spade Spade DarkElf 4
DM-Sphereoffear Sphere of fear Landofshadows 10-20
DM-Starfall STARFALL Paul `Sharpfish` Timson 4-8
DM-StationXigon StationXigon K. Rutkowski (War Mech) Unknown
DM-Street Streets K '1/2LuNaTiC' J 2-6
DM-Tarsonis Tarsonis AlhuKar s
DM-TempleofBOOM TempleofBOOM [SC]deth502 2-4
dm-the_river The river Bigcheese 10-16
DM-TheRock The Rock Cedric 'Inoxx' Fiorentino 12
DM-TwinpeaksArena Twinpeaks Arena Smokin 12
DM-two towers Two Towers Pnyx 8-12
DM-twodrills Two Drills Kai-Eerik "Turha." Komppa 5
DM-UnearthlyPillar Unearthly Pillar Michael 2-4
DM-Vertigo Vertigo LondonsDArkestChild 6
DM-Vesuvius Vesuvius New Pencil, Inc Unknown
DM-VSK-BombingRing DM-VSK-WarZone3 [VSK]Roy Unknown
DM-VSK-ClanArena DM-VSK-Clan2k3Arena [VSK]Roy Unknown
dm-w33darena_beta_ DM-w33dArena(Beta) Lon3Kr0[AKF] Unknown
DM-WarpyZoneOfWarpness Warpy Zone of Warpness Underscore 2
DM-WsWGarage][ DM-WsWGarage Wikid Unknown

Double Domination

Map Title Author Players
DOM-Arcane_Temple2k3 Arcane Temple MsM Unknown
DOM-DMP-Cidom2k4 City Domination MsM 6
DOM-LS_Shallow_Grave DOM-LS_Shallow_Grave Lord Simeon / Cobra 8-20
DOM-MayanRuins Mayan Ruins Ed Duke-Cox 4-8
DOM-NuclearWinter Nuclear Winter Anthony 'Bean' Nichols 8


Map Title Author Players
JB-EpicBoy2k4 EpicBoy MsM (JB by 4WD) 8
JB-Relic Relic Will 'ZedMaestro' Zeal Unknown