- Terraniux, the Dutch mapper 31
- Terry "Caster" Harjanto 3
- Terry "Key-Vynn" Bodnar 2
- Terry Stewart 2
- tes 4
- Tesco 2
- Testiclese 3
- TexasGtar 11
- Tezzanator 3
- TF, Plasma1, 2001 2
- Tgz://SAFeCRACKeR 2
- Tgz://SAFeCRACKeR - IRC #tgzclan 3
- Tgz://Savior & >[D$]N!GhT'//!$H< 2
- TH-Custom Content Development 6
- Th3 Duk3 2
- Tha KillaTwinz 14
- Tharkon 2
- That_ guy 2
- THC-Hellspawn{URC} 2
- The ''Terr0r'' ?3rr0r? 2
- The ''Terror'' ?3rr0r? 3
- THE ]V[ATTerminator 2
- The Brazilian Novice 2
- The Chief7 4
- The Chuft 2
- the CreaTurE 2
- The Crew 3
- The Cursed Enterprises Inc 2
- the DJ 3
- the evil 2
- The Helios 5
- The Immortal Caleb Child 2
- The Iron Knuckle 6
- The Jay 2
- The Joeman 7
- the kitbox 4
- The Lost Warrior - Einherjer][Fafnersbane 10
- The Mad Scrawler 8
- The Mule 6
- The Oagh 2
- The Porcelain Aardvark 3
- The Postman 2
- the Publisher or 17
- The Purple Bunny 2
- The Q Public License 6
- The Returning Christ 2
- The Roel-R 48
- THE SAVANT !!! 2
- The Sequence of QUAD 2
- The System Lord 4
- The Unknown Mapper 7
- the UT2K3 2