- Oak 4
- Ob1-Kenobi 3
- Obi-Wan 3
- oblivion100 2
- Occam 2
- Octavian "VikingWasDead" Ornoch 12
- Octopussy 2
- OddMods Team 3
- Odedge 15
- Odhinn Kohout 3
- Odin "Bareodin" 2
- ODM 2
- Odysseus 2
- OFG 4
- Ogr81 2
- Ogr81<DVP> 2
- Ok-Billy 3
- Oki "MAVERICK" Blatnik 2
- Oki "MAVERICK" Blatnik and "King Henri" 2
- Ola 'Jolle' Frid 11
- Ola and Emil Frid 2
- Olav "" Gjerde 9
- Olav 'Tonito' Åsheim 2
- Olav Gjerde Port by LaTeRaLuS 2
- Olav Groenaas Gjerde 2
- Old Geezer 10
- old_man_funk 5
- OldeDevil 3
- Olethros 2
- Oli "Olister" Wood 10
- Olindo -=BlueSilver=- Bottura 4
- Oliver 'PlagueLord' Gerestein 3
- Oliver 'Raz' G 2
- Oliver 'Raziel31' Garrigue-]|YO!|[ 2
- Oliver 'WinRAZ' Garrigue 2
- Oliver Jones 2
- Oliver'Raz'G 2
- Olivier "NEURO" Chapuis 2
- OmegaDelta 2
- OmletteDuFromage 3
- On@g@ 4
- Ondrej Vojta in 2003 2
- One_Man_Clan 2
- ONS-Recon 2
- oo6 (-Roel`) 2
- opiumunknown 4
- OpNox 5
- OpticalShadows 3
- orbitx 5
- orc00 (modified from jetskimod) 3
- Ordzo 4
- Organized Evolution 2
- Original by [FED]Billy_B, Remake by SK 2
- Original by BONE, redone by theswarm 2
- Original by Eric Ettes, Edited by brett` 2
- Original by Myscha, Sieged by SK 2
- Original Concept by Rare(c), Modified by Mr. Bond 6