Unreal Tournament / Maps / 1999 / December



Map Title Author Players
AS-Instigator AS-Instigator Lestat 4-8
AS-PanzerPower Guardia Fortress Cliff Bleszinski 6-12
AS-RailBridge RailBridge T. "LeTigre" Ahlen....RebuiltByJIM236 2-10
AS-Resurrection Resurrection of the Warlock NarkyBark 6 - 12
AS-Solstice Solstice -Entropy- 4 - 8


Map Title Author Players
CTF-BTGoldenKrall Golden Krall Necropolis B. TEXIER 8-10

Capture The Flag

Map Title Author Players
CTF-2fort_ver_a 2fort MUD 8 to 16
CTF-2Fortsinhell CTF-2Fortsinhell Lestat Unknown
CTF-Aldenax Aldenax- CTF in Reinkultur! JudgeGrantor 6-10
CTF-AusUT_Deagle Deagle's Neighborhood Ken "Smeerkat" Hwang 8-12
CTF-Bioterror Biohazard Dörflinger Daniel Unknown
CTF-BollWerK104 Das BollWerK 2 {WM}HaPPyHiPPie 8-12
CTF-Cappen CTF-Cappit Rob "UP" Unknown
CTF-Cappenit CTF-Capit Rob "UP" Unknown
CTF-CarPark CTF-CarPark Unknown Unknown
CTF-Ceremonial Ceremonial Chambers Mikael Holm 8+
CTF-Citadel CTF Citadel MUD 8
CTF-City City Streets Matthew Figg 4-6
CTF-CTF CTF DC-DeathCircus 4 - 8
CTF-DarkKeep Dark Keep Eric Evans -- Conversion by Chris Taylor 8-16
CTF-Deathfan CTF D-E-A-T-H-F-A-N Myscha the Sled dog, edited by DC-DeathCircus 8 or more
CTF-Deck16][ Deck16][ Elliot "Myscha" Cannon 2-16
CTF-DE~1 CTF-DeepSpace Mike Hermetz 10
CTF-FireBlast][ CTF-FireBlast][ Chris Airey 8-14
CTF-ForestsOfTuul Forests of Tuul Tihomir Marinov 8-12
CTF-Forts Forts Ira "Wizard" Taraday 8-10
CTF-Freespace -=Freespace=- GM-HypErioN 8-12
CTF-InstaGibSpecial InstaGib Special Noah (Madness) Obringer 4-6
CTF-Kanton Kanton Nick "Kruel" Herres 6-10
CTF-KillGore CTF-KillGore Hayden Wilkinson 6-14
CTF-Lightsout CTF-Lightsout Kevin Standley 6-14
CTF-Metropolis CTF-Metropolis DDS 16
CTF-Milk Pour The Milk Eric Evans -- conversion by Chris Taylor 8-12
CTF-NoMansLand CTF-NoMansLand Dave Ewing 4-8
CTF-noname CTF-noname v1.6 Piece Of Shit [KaG] 6-8
CTF-NoVa_Surf_Comp NoVa Surface Complex Steve 'Slick Willy/Oh yeah!' Nabors 6-16
CTF-Orbital Oribital Station 12 Dave Ewing 12-24
CTF-Playboy CTF-Playboy Unknown Unknown
CTF-PlayboySE CTF-PlayboySE Unknown Unknown
CTF-Rock CTF-Rock Christian'Cobra'Trepanier 14-16
CTF-rSFountain][ CTF-|rS|Fountain heath 4-16
CTF-Shiggy CTF-Shiggy Unknown Unknown
CTF-Sketchpad The Sketch Pad dolomite of Dteam 8-12
CTF-SpacePirates! CTF-SpacePirates! Jennifer Diane Reitz 2-8
CTF-TwinValley Twin Valley Mark "OZ" Austin 4-8
CTF-Underdwellers UnderDwellers Eric Evans -- Conversion by Chris Taylor 8-12
CTF-UrbanCarnage Urban Carnage DarthSalamander 6-12
CTF-UrbanHotZone Urban Hot Zone "Slapshot" Robert J. Missionario 8-16
CTF-UrbanHotZone][ Urban Hot Zone][ Slapshot and Toonces 14 - 16
CTF-UrbanReality CTF-UrbanReality John Unknown
CTF-Valkon Valkon Complex Chris 'Bullet' Martin 4-8
CTF-Wartorn Wartorn Jarrett Lee 12
CTF-WarZone Warzone 4 to 14 Players None Unknown


Map Title Author Players
TDK-DarkZone Darkmatch Quake1 DM6: Darkzone DavidM (Darkmatch rebuild by Wlashack) 4 - 8


Map Title Author Players
DM-1 DM 1 DC-DeathCircus 2 - 4
DM-11nthHourFlightRisk 11nth Hour Flight Risk James Staton Richardson 12
DM-4NY 4NY LillSatchMo 3
DM-Abomi Abomination Complex Apocalypso the Miraculous 2-4
DM-Abomination Abomination Complex Apocalypso the Miraculous 2-4
DM-ABO~1 Abolished ShadowBow 1-12
DM-ADAM DM-ADAM Adam Sims aka Oblivion_Soldier Unknown
DM-AF-Catacombe-097 DM-AF-Catacombe-097 Action-Force© Studios Unknown
DM-Afterglow Nuclear Afterglow Doug 'Atma' Weller 4 to 6
DM-Amariner DM-Amariner AngelHeart Unknown
DM-Ancient Ancient SuPZ 2-4
DM-Antargos Antargos Crypt Thomas 'MisterRioes' Grimm 2-4
DM-Archives DM-Archives Si "Kain" Cass 2-8
DM-Arena DM-Arena Rangarig 2-4 Players
DM-Ariza][ DM-Ariza][ Myscha + {LoD} Dr. Doom and Ultron! 10
DM-Aspire DM-Aspire Matthew M Ramshaw 8 - 12
DM-Asteroid Asteroided Thomas "Julebakst" Wollbekk 4
DM-Base9 Base9 Andy "Sinistral" Allison Unknown
DM-BASEM DmBasement Si "Kain" Cass 2-8
DM-Basement DmBasement Si "Kain" Cass 2-8
dm-betagrove Beta Grove Ryan Armstrong (Zerker) 3 - 6
DM-BLissII DmBLliss2 Sean "The GuRu" Tierney 2 - 6
DM-BlockParty Block Party ! Cheney "Chilly" Lansard 2 -8
DM-Bridge City Bridge T. "LeTigre" Ahlen....RebuiltByJIM236 2-6
DM-Brittle The Brittle Machine Nimrod 2-16 Players
DM-BTDaikatanUT Daikatana-like DeathMatch B. TEXIER 2-5
DM-Chainarena DM-Chainarena Brian "Grey Loki" Foley Unknown
DM-Chamber DM-Chamber Sprint1 4 (Slow) - 10 (Fast)
DM-CityPart][ The Part of City ][ -=Redook=- 4-8
DM-CloserToHeaven Closer To Heaven Mikee 2-6
DM-ColdMaze DM-coldmaze §löth(CöA) 6-8
DM-Concussion DM-Concussion CyanLongBow 4-12
DM-congo][ Dm-Congo][ Adam Sims aka Oblivion_Soldier 2-8
DM-congo][2 Dm-Congo][ Adam Sims aka Oblivion_Soldier 2-8
DM-CYBER3 DM-CYBER3 T.C. Fleming Unknown
DM-Dakar16 DaKaR-16 ¤ßôñ매<V> 2-8
DM-Dangerous DM-Dangerous "Dangerus" Dave O Unknown
DM-DarkZone Quake1 DM6: Darkzone David 'DavidM' Münnich Unknown
Dm-DeathCastle DeathCastle mkilla Unknown
DM-DeathCity DM-DeathCity Marc Roussel 12
DM-DeathDungeon Death Dungeon Polaris 6-16 players
dm-deathship Death Ship mkilla Unknown
DM-DeCyberEscherUT The House of Escher V2 EZkeel 10 - 15
DM-Demoncity DM-Demoncity Norbert '[=_DEMON_=]' Molenkamp Unknown
DM-DesertRaid_INF DM-DesertRaid Ryan 'CoffeyCan' Coffey 4-6
DM-DHouse99 DM-DHouse99 Sebastian Schmidt 3-6
DM-Doomed DOOMED DaMasta Fetze ( RoNiN ) 2-8
DM-DS-dreams}{E DM-DS-dreams}{E map of Dreamer Series by Zark Clan mapsters Unknown
DM-Egypt DM-Egypt fozzie Unknown
DM-Egypt DM-Egypt T. "LeTigre" Ahlen....RebuiltByJIM236 2-8
DM-Fury][ DM-Fury][ Zacx and Neyk 3-7
DM-GIGA GIGA 4 EVER Fabian Walden - 2-4
dm-giga studio Giga Studio Ronny \Skaarj Unknown
DM-Glib Glib Las 2 - 4
DM-GoneUp DM-GoneUp Kizo Unknown
DM-Hamguard Hamguard Dörflinger Matthias 2 - 10
DM-Haphazard DM-Haphazard Thomas Bladh 2-5
DM-Hell_Fortress][ The Hellfortress Alexander Hoffmann 2-4
DM-Hothscavrens DM-Hothscavrens Unknown Unknown
DM-Huntingtown DM-Huntingtown Norbert '[=_DEMON_=]' Molenkamp Unknown
DM-KingofmyCastle King of my Castle FABS 6-8
DM-Lara C House DM-Lara C House Chris Airey 6 - 12
DM-Library DOM-Library Si "Kain" Cass 4-10
DM-Lostarena Lost Arena Peter "McMoo" Ward 2-4
DM-LostCause DM-LostCause Phil "-=¤willhaven¤=-" Cole 1-1 is best, but 2-3 is also fine.
DM-LS_Agression_reliever Agression reliever Lord Simeon 0 bots (SP), 1
DM-LunarExtacy LunarExtacy Sean "The GuRu" Tierney 2-6
DM-Manic_Satanic Manic_Satanic Jonny Mellis Unknown
DM-Marica * * * DM-Marica * * * Marc 'MarcEG' Gravett 4 - 8
DM-Maze Maze Warchild & MysticDwagon 2-8
DM-Mean Street DM-Mean Street Chris Airey 16
DM-MementoMori Memento Mori Matthias Worch 4-8
DM-MissionImpossible Mission Impossible by Ablation Ablation 6-12
DM-MorbiusXtreem-H === MORBIUS-Xtreem === Myscha ===Modified by ESAD=== Unknown
DM-MoreSkillz MoreSkillz Dan "Wraith" Hetrick 2-8
DM-Moribund][ Moribund][ Rich 'Akuma' Eastwood No more than 4
DM-Morpheus2 Morpheus2 Dave Ewing modified by Matthew Seddon 6 to 8
DM-NaliTomb DM-NaliTomb lucifix 6-8 maybe more....
DM-NoLimit DM-NoLimit TheMadMonk 2-5
DM-NoRedemption CTF-NoRedemption TheMadMonk 8-12
DM-pavillion the pavillion maxta 4-8
DM-Piggy Piggy Plus Patrick "Razuur" Healey 2 - 6 badass
DM-PiggyPlus Piggy Plus Patrick "Razuur" Healey 2 - 6 badass
DM-Q317 Quake III Arena: The Longest Yard, UT-style! DAVID MÜNNICH + {LoD}Ultron and Dr. Doom 10
DM-Q3Demon1 http://fb.meristation.com Phantom3D" and "Dhârânâ 6
DM-Raiden Raiden Jeff "DarkAngel" Amaro 3-8
DM-Ramp Death DM-Ramp Death Unknown Unknown
DM-RedStorm DM-RedStorm Dave "ARITH" Lesko 10-16
DM-RoninMaze RoninMaze RC1 Mitchell "-1337ster-" LeBlanc 2-12
DM-RumblePitt Rumble Pitt Shamus Young 8-16
DM-SADcity DM-SADcity Unknown Unknown
DM-SADcity2 SADcity2 Norbert '[=_DEMON_=]' Molenkamp 4-8
DM-Sands DM-Sands Steve "Luv-Studd" Keene 10 +
DM-SapphireUT Sapphire Randy Shrader <<RedEye(Co30)>> 4-10
DM-Schwarena Schwarena Brian "Doctor Schwa" Kelly 4-12
DM-Shanes_Dames Shane's Dames Shane Caudle, tweaked by Captain Mellow 2-3
DM-SikUT_1 Brushes and Such Sikkpin 6-16
DM-Sirius SIRIUS Norbert Boldt PANDORA 10-16
DM-Slapshot DM-Slapshot (UT) Slapshot "Robert J. Missionario" 8 to 16
DM-Slapshot-UT DM-Slapshot (UT) Slapshot "Robert J. Missionario" 8 to 16
DM-Slime_Temple Slime Temple Devon 3-12
dm-SLudgeFarm Sludge farm S T O R M 3-5
DM-SNIPERWAR DM-a_sNiPeRwAR Adam Sims aka Oblivion_Soldier 2-8
DM-SpaceStadium][ DM-Space Stadium][ TheToadWarrior 2-8 Players
DM-Sphere DM-Sphere Unknown Unknown
DM-Squat Slums DM-Squat Slums Boris [] Tesankic 2-4
DM-Stack DM-Stack Si "Kain" Cass 2-6
DM-Starlight Starlight Krono 2-4
DM-Temple Temple Victor Ellison 2-4
DM-Temple The Temple Si "Kain" Cass 3-8
DM-The Rock The Rock Dörflinger Matthias 8-16
DM-Tight2 DM-Tight 2 Danish Cake Unknown
DM-Tobias Dm-Tobias Bastiaan 'Checker' Frank 2 / 4
DM-tok1 Temple of Kaffeine Nick "Kruel" Herres 4-8
DM-toms DM-toms None Unknown
DM-Toxicity DM-Toxicity Crash7 Unknown
DM-trophy_room End of Ladder James Schmalz, tweaked by Captain Mellow 2-3
DM-Tundra][ DM-Tundra][ Myscha the Sled dog/ Modified by Rabauke Dec´99 4-6
DM-Tundra][ wopic DMTundra Myscha the Sled dog Unknown
DM-Tunnel The Wasted Tunnels Matthew McMillion 4
DM-Turbulence - Tùrbuleñçê - Illusion 4-5
DM-Twisted Twisted Powerbait-C{S9} From Section 9 Clan Unknown
DM-TWP TWP XDude 4-10
DM-Tyard Train Yard T. "LeTigre" Ahlen....RebuiltByJIM236 2-4
DM-Ultra DM-Ultra Joseph Callan Unknown
DM-UnderGround UnderGround Calle Persskog 2-6
DM-UnderGround The UnderGround Callep 2-4
DM-UndertheMoonlight][ Under the Moonlight ][ Michael Pfuetzenreuter 6-12
DM-Unfettered_Access DM-Unfettered Access Steve "Luv-Studd" Keene 10-12
DM-Unsettled DM-Unsettled Steve "Luv-Studd" Keene 4
DM-UrbanHotZone Urban Hot Zone "Slapshot" Robert J. Missionario 8-16
DM-UTCP-NoLimit DM-NoLimit TheMadMonk 2-5
DM-UTCP_Antisphere DM_AntiSphere Big A 8-16
DM-UTCP_Gallows UTCP - Gallows of the Misfortuned UTCP Maddmapper: Dave {Maddog} Mortensen 2-12
DM-UTCP_GallowsV2 UTCP - Gallows of the Misfortuned UTCP Maddmapper: Dave {Maddog} Mortensen 2-12
DM-UTCP_GallowsV3 UTCP - Gallows of the Misfortuned UTCP Maddmapper: Dave {Maddog} Mortensen 2-12
DM-UTCP_Nubis Where Anubis Resides Seth Krieg 4-6
Dm-UTCP_Onslaught The Onslaught Tony Garcia - " Wolf" 4-8
DM-UTCP_ThePen The Pen. Tony Garcia "Wolf" Unknown
DM-UTCP_Unwanted unwanted Seth Krieg 4-6
DM-Vfight DM-Vfight UP Unknown
DM-VRiker DM Vortex Riker Heiko Dreyer 2-6
DM-Warehouse The Warehouse Clay (=BiG_GunS=) Templeton 2-4
DM-Warzone][ DM-Warzone][ Nathan Keogh 8-16
DM-Water DM-Water Craig Nisbet Unknown
DM-waterworks waterworks Brendan MacLean 6
DM-WIZ~1 WizardMt. ShadowBow 1-16
DM-WZ2 Warzone 2: Temple Gary 'GrimWar' Blauvelt 8
DM-WZ2-AdDominus Ad Dominus Gary 'GrimWar' Blauvelt 8
DM-WZ3][DT Liandri Platform 92 ver2.0 Orig: GrimWar Mod: JigglyPuff 2-8
DM-WZ4 Technophobe Gary 'GrimWar' Blauvelt 4-8
DM-WZ5-Revolution War Zone V: Revolution Gary 'GrimWar' Blauvelt 2-6
DM-WZArena1 Warzone Arena 1 Gary 'GrimWar' Blauvelt 2-8
DM-Xfiles DM-Xfiles Unknown Unknown
DM_hell_arena DM_hell_arena Justin Haessig Unknown
DMAsylum][ DMAsylum Dave Webber aka Vendetta Unknown
DMbathroomSE-UT DmBathroom-Special Edition. Twinsen.....Optimized for UT by JoeTallica Unknown
DMBattleDome BattleDome RGrobb Unknown
DMNightowl DMNightowl Lestat ][ Unknown
DMnightowlsmth DMNightowl Lestat ][ Unknown
dmwz2 Warzone 2: Ad Dominae Gary 'GrimWar' Blauvelt 8
Duskto Dawn Duskto Dawn AngelHeart Unknown


Map Title Author Players
DOM-11nthHourDomination 11nth Hour Domination James Staton Richardson 12
DOM-4 Towers 4 Towers Phil "Fatcat_UK" Stowell & Gaz "!$HU!&" Morgan 8-16
DOM-Cinema Countryside Cinema Tyson Walker 6-10
DOM-Golmud DOM-Golmud fragswill 4-8
DOM-Hell_Fortress The Hellfortress Alexander Hoffmann 4
DOM-Library DOM-Library Si "Kain" Cass 4-10
DOM-MementoMori Memento Mori Matthias Worch 4-8
DOM-Morpheus Domination Morpheus Dave Ewing (modifed by TheMadMonk) 4-8
DOM-TAFT The Ancient Frag Temple Evil Atje 8-12
DOM-TempleOfKaffeine Temple of Kaffeine Nick "Kruel" Herres 4-8
DOM-tok1 Temple of Kaffeine Nick "Kruel" Herres 4-8

Monster Hunt

Map Title Author Players
MH-UM-FromDuskToDawn MH-UM-FromDuskToDawn Bret "Hitman" Hart Unknown

Multi-Team CTF

Map Title Author Players
CTFM-Random <^RANDOM^> DeathCircus 12 - 24

Rocket Arena

Map Title Author Players
RACE-Dev RACE-Dev Austin Fatheree(SkileSare) Unknown

Tactical Ops

Map Title Author Players
TO-007Basementv1 007 Basement [FBNOps]Camel 8-16
TO-007Cavesv1 007 Caves [FBNOps]Camel 8-16
TO-007Complexv1 007 Complex [FBNOps]Camel 4 to 6
TO-007Stackv1 007 Stack [FBNOps]Camel 8-16
TO-UT-ToysII TO-UT-Toys II Brian "Notintheface!" Kim 8