1 on 1

Map Title Author Players
dm-1on1-Blatha Blatha's Sanctuary Emanuel 'Krolizard' Da Roit 2-4
DM-1on1-FatalInstinct(2k3) Fatal Instinct 2003 A. Karenovics (Orig. by id Software) 2
DM-1on1-Qapla DM-1on1 Qapla Kaplah_No1 2-6
DM-1on1-Shrubbery The Shrubbery James "Parser" Ritson 2
DM-1on1-Strogg][ 1on1-Strogg][ Florian 'Strogg' Oswald 2
DM-1on1-UltraViolence UltraViolence Speaker 2-4

Bombing Run

Map Title Author Players
BR-ScorchedEarth[FtUCv1] Scorched Earth (BR) Bastiaan (Checker) Frank, Marcel Smit 8

Capture The Flag

Map Title Author Players
CTF-AngelBay Angel Bay Macavity 8-12
CTF-BuA-2v2-TunnelVisionv2_1 CTF-BuA-Tunnel_Vision �BuA�Lurker_71 2-4
CTF-Conquer_281103 Die große Schlucht Kenny 8-16
CTF-DevilsLair CTF-Devil's Lair v1.60 Dale "DevilDog" Muha 8-12
CTF-Exiled Exiled Alex 'Schwong' Luong 4
CTF-FestiveWorlds CTF-FestiveWorlds Paul 'Sharpfish' Timson Unknown
CTF-Galvanic CTF-Galvanic Andrew Cooper 12
CTF-Hunter Valley Of The Hunter Unknown Unknown
CTF-Orbital CTF-Orbital Unknown Unknown
CTF-Rav4 Rav4 Disector and Hointar Unknown
CTF-Skyline_WGS Skyline WGS Lee "Eepers" Perry 16
CTF-Theatrum2 Theatrum Michael 'Axiom' McNally 4-8
CTF-UTronic_Rev CTF-UTronic_Rev1 Unknown 12-16


Map Title Author Players
DB-DragonIsle Dragon Isle Scott "Twigstir" Twohig Unknown
DB-Sunset Sunset Scott "Twigstir" Twohig 8


Map Title Author Players
DM(GU)BurritoAndTD-1stGo GU°Burrito-TD-First-Crack GU°Burrito & TD Unknown
DM-(GU)-1-Clean-Ass-Livingroom (GU)-Living-Room-Final GU*Version7 14
DM-(GU)-DECK-1331_ESR_Depot Deck-1331 ESR Depot GU*~TokeS 15
DM-(GU)-Lair_Of_Virus Virus's Lair GU*||Virus|| Unknown
DM-(GU)Viral_Infection GU° Viral Infection GU°||Virus|| 2
DM-99on99-RageArena RAEG AREENA!1 ANONYMOUS!11HAXD!11 98-99
DM-=ST=CoolBlue_102 CoolBlue =ST=DarkEagle 2-12
DM-=ST=MEGA_Arena The Huge ZARK Arena =ST=General 8-16
DM-Abaddon Abaddon Chris Caldera Unknown
DM-Amphi The Amphitheater. ::PURITy-Kin)- 2
DM-Ani-CAMP_and_DIE-FINAL www.clanani.com <Ani><REDBEARD Unknown
DM-Asbestos-TE Asbestos-TE CliffyB 4-8
DM-Barathrum DM-Barathrum "rimmy" (www.bonecellar,com) 2-4
DM-CBP-Arkanos[Final] Arkanos Sanctuary Marco "Vorlon" Fritzsche 2
DM-CBP-BlackJackal_1.1 DM-BlackJackal Jim Russell [Saturnfive] 4-7
DM-Colonial DM-Colonial AngelHeart Unknown
DM-Cube DM-Cube Joshi 2-6
DM-Eire Eire Callum "Spiff" Ogden 2-6
DM-Exploited DM-Exploited |||Loz Hippy :-) 2-8
DM-Exploited DM-Exploited |||Loz Hippy :-) 2-8
DM-Fragtime2k3 DM-Fragtime2k3 [R.S.C]Big_Show Unknown
DM-Gael-SL Gael James Schmalz 2
DM-GladiusDaytime Gladius Daytime Mark 'Scrotius' Barton 2-3
DM-GridSlide GridSlide ReNeGaDe-DeAtH Unknown
DM-Grims-Keep DM-Grims-Keep John Meissner 4
DM-HoggingSomeonesMachine Crappy Map made on someone elses machine SabbathCat Unknown
DM-Infinity][ Infinity ][ Comlex Nic "oti2:" Jackson 2-8
DM-InnerLife Inner Life Erik Corradino Unknown
DM-MatrixLobby_RELOADED The Matrix LobbyRELOADED Mercieca (007) REMIXED BY: Chaos 6
DM-MindGames DM-MindGames Paul 'Sharpfish' Timson 4
DM-Mourning Mourning Callum "Spiff" Ogden 4-12
DM-PharoesTomb101 Pharoes Tomb zemo 2-6
DM-PPP-BattleArena-Dx DM-PPP-BattleArena-Dx Michael«(DxTrEmeFx)»Lalla Unknown
DM-PPP-BattleDome-Dx DM-PPP-BattleDome-Dx Michael«(DxTrEmeFx)»Lalla Unknown
DM-Reactor16G DM-Reactor Evan McKay 2-4
DM-Red-October Red October Cyborg Demon 2-8
DM-SealedDreadFinal Sealed Dread Jurij "Aggressor" Kristan 3-5
DM-Talos Talos Erik Corradino 2-4
DM-TheCrystalEntity The Crystal Entity Greg Manthey {Gargorias} 8
DM-TheMarsMine DM-The Mars Mine Shaytu Schwandes 4-8
DM-twintowers DM-twintowers Unknown Unknown
DM-Wilderdeath DM-Wilderdeath Jaspos 2-3
DM-Wisp Wisp Kyle 'Dace' Brunette 2-4

Double Domination

Map Title Author Players
DOM-FestiveWorlds FestiveWorlds Paul 'Sharpfish' Timson Unknown
DOM-Invasion Invasion Warbeast 10-16

Red Orchestra

Map Title Author Players
RO-zusha-seige RO-Zusha-Seige Paul Rhodes (Aka) Baghead_uk 32


Map Title Author Players
EXC-SleepyLands The Sleepy Lands James "Parser" Ritson 1-15