Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / DeathMatch / DM-TheCrystalEntity


Map Information

The Crystal Entity
November 2003
First discovered by the forest people of Tebulan 10000 years ago. The Crystal Entity lies in a cave in the beautifull icy valley of Bujaran high in the Upper Harijan Mountains, home of the Ice faerie Lilliana. For hundreds of years the people of Tebulan would carry there sick and injured from far below in there forest city of Anitek up into the cave to use the magical healing powers of the Crystal Entity. When the evil Draken Trolls of Garbon heard of the Crystal Entity a violent struggle to gain control of the cave raged and the forest people were being slowly wiped out. To end the violence and to stop the Draken Trolls from gaining control of the Entity, Lilliana blocked the only entrance to the valley with impenetrable ice shards and she used the magical Icicles given to her by Icobin the ice sprit, to forever stop any of the crystals being removed....
4.0 MB

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Name Size Hash Also In
DM-TheCrystalEntity.ut2 8.4 MB 07987770f6ae492107c010f11ef28042843f6517 -
Tension.ogg 674.0 KB a34f5c60ac02b8ac6ddc90a9ce8ce0615da49b8d 1

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