Unreal / Maps / 1999 / June


Capture The Flag

Map Title Author Players
CTF-Snowy_Rock The Hole Way to Snowy Rock Andreas "Soulbringer" Kirscht 6 - 16


Map Title Author Players
DK-Futillity Futillity DC-DeathCircus (BK-Caterman5) Unknown
DK-StepsArena DK-Steps Arena DC-DeathCircus 8
DKPsykosis-1 DMPsykosis-1 PsykoWalrus (Tony Collins) Unknown


Map Title Author Players
DM MorbiasLaserGuided DM Morbias Laser Guided Myscha the sled dog Unknown
Dm-Bridge One Bridge Too Far Eric 'Ebolt' Boltjes Unknown
DM-Chaotic Dm-Chaotic Michael "UniBomb" Edwards Unknown
DM-Condemned DM-Condemed Tomas 'Drevlin' Lidström Unknown
DM-DeathmatchArenaofDEATHANDBLUD Deathmatch Arena of DEATH AND BLUD Madison-Fuller Unknown
DM-Facility The Facility Jon Frisk 3-10 (Assumed - not tested)
DM-Futillity Futillity DC-DeathCircus (BK-Caterman5) Unknown
Dm-GenoaComplex40 Genoa Complex 40 Asylum and -Entropy- Ten
DM-IronFort][ Iron Fortress2 Scott "Deathschy_Hell" Hrivnak Unknown
DM-Killbox DM-Killbox Unknown Unknown
Dm-Lynx Dm-Lynx Eric 'Ebolt' Boltjes Unknown
Dm-Mortal DM Mortal Magna-Man Unknown
DM-MUU_3 DM-MUU_3 Marc 'MarcEG' Gravett Unknown
dm-reliquary Dm-Reliquary Maury "ruineR" de Geofroy Unknown
DM-RUSHCityPro][ Rush City Pro RUSH 6-8
DM-StepsArena DM-Steps Arena DC-DeathCircus 8
DM-XqTown-Training-N-Day DM-XqTown-Training xqt 8
DM-XqTown-Training-N-Night DM-XqTown-Training xqt 8
DM-YeOldArenaU4E Ye Olde Arena U4E L-Z@PP 4-6
DM11nth_Hour_Flight_Risk 11nth_Hour_Flight_Risk Arbitrage James Staton Richardson 8
DM2001_V2 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY Wayne "Slartybartfast" Young Unknown
DM8-BallHero DM8-BallHero Paul "Sharpfish" Timson 3-6
DM8Ball-Hell Eightball Hell Epyx Unknown
DM_MediEvilTowersV1_1 DM-MedievilTowers Norman Cook 4
DM_RailgunAlleyRemix RailGun Alley Remix Edition Gib-riel aka Shane Peterson And Sir Fraggedalot 2-5
DM_SERP_Prisonwar DM_SERP_Prisonwar Traigus (UNK) How many you got?
DM_StarlitNight_serpentine DM BloodShed Skaarj Lord 8
DMAbbey DMAbbey Michael Geisinger Unknown
DmAcidCore The Acid Core Arena Vincent "stab joe" JOYAU <> Unknown
DMAction DMAction Alien Harvest Unknown
dmancientarena The Ancient Arena Michael Pierce Unknown
DMAsmadena A s m a d e n a Sidney " Clawfist " Rauchberger 2 - 4
DMAttack2 Atomic Pop---BIGGUN 2 Musashi TAZaki 12
DmAztec-Arena VoRTeX Arena X-Terminator(VoRTex) 4-6 (10 Max)
DMBalatomas DMBalatomas Salvation 2-6
DmBathroomRX.-LOO Bathroom-RX-LOO Lucas Ellis -Twinsen--Modified By LOO A Butt Load!
DmBattleBase DmBattleBase HypnOsis(RossQuinn) Unknown
DMBioHazardAreana Bio Hazard Areana LongshotMoNK Unknown
DMBladerunner Blade Runner Christian T. De Meco 89
DMBreakfast Breakfast John Unknown
DMCargo DMCargo John Unknown
dmCarnageCathedral_v101 Carnage Cathedral Randy 'RedEye' Shrader 6-8
DMCavern DMCavern DarkAngel (Jeff Amaro) Unknown
DMCellblock DMCellblock Tony "PsykoWalrus" Collins Unknown
DMCenter DM Center (V 2.0) Dennis Lamczak (Delta) Unknown
DMcf_mansion Plantation Mansion v1.01 Crista Forest, aka CD Warrior Unknown
DMCloseQuarters DMCloseQuarters Bastian Frank 5
DMcoasttocoast DMcoast2coast Niels (NLS) Broekharst Unknown
DmCold Cold Anton "MaxModule" Wiegert 2 [humans recommended]
DMConjunctionR2 Conjunction R2 Evil Cartman 8
Dmcube Dmcube Andrew Hunter Unknown
DMDecadence DM-Decadence Tomasz - Millennium - Jachimczak Unknown
DMDespair DMDespair Mick "VerMoorD" Beard Unknown
DMDesperadoSE DMDesperadoSE SE modifications by PsykoWalrus 6+
DMDimLights DMDimLights Unknown Unknown
DmDoomEternal2 Doom Eternal 2 genocide Unknown
DMDropZone Drop Zone Squacky 4 to 8
DMDropzone-U4E Dropzone for U4e Squacky 4 to 8
DMFawtok DMFawtok Chris 'Bullet' Martin Unknown
DMFlakHole DMFlakHole Daniel Deadeye 6
DMFongy F o n g y Sidney "Clawfist" Rauchberger 2 - 5
DMFragfest DMFragfest Dude Unknown
DmFuse Fuse Anton "MaxModule" Wiegert One on One [that's 2 players :]
DmFYA DmFuckYouAliens CyanLongBow 6
DMGothic DMGothic Frank Leong Unknown
DmHalberd AXW-09 "HALBERD" TokyoGunSmith[NuKeD] Unknown
DmHellRaisers DmHellRaisers Unknown Unknown
DMHells-Halls DMHells-Halls Daniel --Loki-- Buck Unknown
DmHouse-O-Hate House-O-Hate Daniel (-Loki-) Buck 4-6
DMInnerCity DMInnerCity -- A Serpentine Level Mike9000 Unknown
DMIrrok I r r o k Sidney " Clawfist " Rauchberger 2 - 4
DMKamaSutra DMKamaSutra Jaap Unknown
DMkeep DMkeep Tom 'Twrecks' West 10
DMKillball DMKillball DMKillbox Unknown
DMKillbox DMKillbox Unknown Unknown
DMKillboxDlx DMKillboxDlx Unknown Unknown
DMmacabre DM macabre Paul Hatalski Unknown
DmMebius Mebius TokyoGunSmith[NuKeD] Unknown
DMmegacity MegaCity John Unknown
DmMetridiaPrime -Metridia Prime- -Entropy- Eight Fraggin Bodies
DmMineFacility DmMineFacility Freeman 2-6
DMMobiusTowerV2a DM Mobius Tower Squacky Unknown
dmmyhoos House in the country Dickon Jackson (DHJ) Lots
DmNewDeCyberBridge -*MJF*- NEW DmdeCyberBridge is name is DmNewdeCyberBridge Unknown Unknown
DmNookie NooKIE Z*E*R*0 Whatever you want
dmnoretreat Dm-NoRetreat Mattias "NeutralizeR" Ekh 3-4
DmOwlerton DmOwlerton Paul.C.Roberts Unknown
DMPaliRuins DMPaliRuins Dennis Lamczak (Delta) Unknown
DMParanoid2 DMParanoid2 Jeff Amaro (DarkAngel) mods by Beppo Unknown
DmPetitBassin Petit Bassin StabJoe 4-8 Players
DMPhuk'dUp DMPhuk'dUp Steve "Luv_Studd" Keene 4 - 6
DMPhuture DMPhutureV2 Tony "PsykoWalrus" Collins 8+
DMPowerHouse DMPowerHouse Millennium 2002 Unknown
DMPsykoArena DMPsykoArena PsykoWalrus aka Tony Collins Unknown
DMPsykosis-1 DMPsykosis-1 PsykoWalrus (Tony Collins) Unknown
DMPylux DMPilox frank_for_sandra 5-10
dmradikus99 Radikus '99 Rich 'Akuma' Eastwood 2-8
DMRedLightArenaV2 DmRedLightArena Leafygreen 4-8
DMResidentEvil2 Adventure Horror Unreal DM Style LongshotMoNK 8-10
DMRockNRoll DMRockNRoll 1.11 Sean Bonney Unknown
DmRoute66 Route66 Andrew "Hobeaux" Penick 6
DmSecretBase In the Secret Base Vincent "stab joe" JOYAU <> 10 Players
DMSerp_Stadt2 DMSerp_Stadt2 Unknown Unknown
DMSewagePlant DMSewagePlant -- A Serpentine Level Mike9000 Unknown
dmsilverado Silverado Mattias "NeutralizeR" Ekh Unknown
Dmsmb Dmsmb Unknown Unknown
DMSoccerStadium Soccer Stadium Various 12-14
DMSpaceBeacon Space Beacon bertroid 10-16
dmspacestadium SpaceStadium TheToadWarrior 2 to 4 players
DMSpiral Spiral Mr_Evil 2-10
dmst dmst spab**krays-uk** 8-10
DMSteSophie Sainte Sophie B. TEXIER 12
DmStoic The palace of stoics Rogelio 'Desperado#2' Olguin Unknown
dmte2b DMterroristepisode2 Rich 'Akuma' Eastwood Unknown
Dmtelix Dmtelix Andrew Hunter Unknown
DMTemple The Temple SirHoschi 4-6
DMtn91 DMTN9 tanuki[MPR] Unknown
DMToxin The Toxin Refinery Rick Clark 6
DMtunnel The Tunnels Remo Rickli 8
DMU4EHero_u4e DM U4E Hero Paul "Sharpfish" Timson 4
DMU922_8 DMU922_8 Shaft Unknown
DMUnrealitySE DM-Unreality Special Edition Jeremy 'Faceless' Graves 5 - 8
DMUp_N_down DMUp 'n' down FalloutBoy More players more death !
DMUTAlienNuclearReactor DMUTAlienReactor Erik Corradino Unknown
DMUTDevilsTournamentArenapart1v2 DMUTDevilsTouramentArena email/ 2-8
DMUTVampireFortressArenapart2 DMUTVampireFortresspart2 web: Unknown
dmVaun Vaun GuyBeesomone Unknown
DmVendettaVenue DmVendettaVenue RageOnU(KWAK) Unknown
DMweturpants DMweturpants LilSatchMo Unknown
DMXq-towns-ruins DM-XqTown-Ruins xqt Unknown
DMZeitkind Zeitkind Juergen Vierheilig Unknown


Map Title Author Players
INF_Frozt Frozen Arena Anton "MaxModule" Wiegert Unknown
INF_Hootshak Hootshak Sidney " Clawfist " Rauchberger Unknown
INF_NormandyD Normandy BONE and Cranked for the boat Unknown
INF_NormandyNite Normandy BONE and Cranked for the boat Unknown
INF_River The River BONE Unknown
INF_Unforgiven The Unforgiven Martin Beusker 5 to 7 players per team
INF_XqTown-Training DM-XqTown-Training xqt 8


Map Title Author Players
Real_Castles_v090 Real_Castles v0.90 Bjørn "Cyber Emperor" Stenfeldt Music by Blonde Psycho 10-16 players
Real_RockHall03 Unreal Gladiators Arena SirDom your decision
Real_Sethe Real_Sethe S.Addisson - palsied<twat> - TAW 16

Single Player

Map Title Author Players
PainSupplyingGallery Pain Supplying Gallery Thrash123 - Pain_Supplier Unknown
ResearchLab Research Laboratory David 'DavidM' Münnich Unknown
SkullDoctorsVillage Skull Doctor's Village Ryan "Skull Doctor" Casey OR Unknown
Spacelab Lab whit Unknown


Map Title Author Players
CastleMar Castle Marrsmar KJS Unknown
demo30 demo30 Unknown Unknown