Map Title Author Players
CTF-INF-MOHBridge MOHaa The Bridge Shane (Gullonefox) bromham 8/16
DM-INF-Macedonia DM-INF-Macedonia Old Geezer 12-32
DM-INF-MagnumDocks2 Magnum Docks 2 David 'DarkSniper' Brown 6-20
DM-INF-MagnumDocksDeluxe Magnum Docks David 'DarkSniper' Brown 6-20
DM-INF-ManorFarm Manor Farm Morgan 'Botman' Eves 6-8
DM-INF-Marble Construction-b4 TDM-Marble Construction Michael Giese 2 to 24
DM-INF-MarbleConstruction TDM-Marble Construction Michael Giese 2 to 24
DM-INF-MarbleConstruction2 TDM-Marble Construction2 Starstreams 2 to 28
DM-INF-MarbleConstruction_2 TDM-Marble Construction2 Starstreams 2 to 30
DM-INF-Margarita DM-INF-Margarita SMIFNWESSUN 8-16
DM-INF-MayanValley DM-INF-MayanValley SMITHNWESSUN 9-18
DM-INF-MeatDance DM-INF-MeatDance AngelHeart 8 or more
DM-INF-ModernGladiator DM-INF-ModernGladiator Zirb (based on ShootingRange) 2-16 (supports 20)
DM-INF-MorbidCuriosity Morbid Curiosity Mr 16
DM-INF-Mountanious Mountanious Jord Blokker 6-22
DM-INF-MovingDayMassacre Moving Day Massacre Mike Eheler (aka Los Pescados) 2-4
DOM-INF-MouseTrap Mouse Trap Jason "Jaymian" Julkowski 6-12