Map Title Author Players
DOM-(KoR)SLvA1 SLv Domination Arena One Mike 'ATHoS' NiGHTViSiON 16
DOM-[Kilast][ DOM-Kilast][ Marc 'MarcEG' Gravett Unknown
DOM-Keltok3 DOM-Keltok3 nexx (Robert Hoffmann) Unknown
DOM-Khorne DOM-Khorne Tomas 'Drevlin' Lidstrom 6-12
DOM-Killarena DOM-Killarena Pagan Pete 4-10
DOM-kingoftheHill King of the Hill Uncle_Bob 2-6
DOM-kingoftheHill King of the Hill Uncle_Bob 2-6
DOM-KingOfTheHill DOM-KingOfTheHill Marsellus 8-16
DOM-KingoftheHillII King of the Hill II Uncle_Bob 4+
DOM-KingOfThePyramid King of the Pyramid Randy Chikosky and Keith Chancey 8-16
DOM-Kings Kings TaroT 6-12
DOM-Kirsten DOM-Kirsten Peter 'pBOOST'Oostrik 6-12
DOM-Kmachine2 Kill Machine Eddie 4-8
DOM-KotH King of the Hill CMG Lee 8
DOM-Koth DOM_Koth Jaspos 8-12
DOM-Koy_Fitha Koy Fitha Hanh "Wanderer" Court 4-9