Unreal Tournament 2004 / Map Packs / Jailbreak / Jb2004 Mappack 2 The Conversions Zip

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InfoMap Pack Information

Jb2004 Mappack 2 The Conversions Zip
February 2005
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Tech
50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Industrial
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Ancient
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Natural
46.2 MB


Name Title Author
JB-Atlantis-Gold Atlantis Ed Duke-Cox (JB: Da Croo)
JB-Chrome-Gold Chrome Cliff Bleszinski (JB by CoolDude)
JB-Crusher3 Crusher 3 Rev Billy G
JB-EpicBoy-Classic EpicBoy MsM (JB by 4WD)
JB-Furia Furia Will 'ZedMaestro' Zeal
JB-Relic Relic Will 'ZedMaestro' Zeal
JB-ScorchedEarth Scorched Earth B. (Checker) Frank (JB by Rob)
JB-SpaceLego Spacelego/Ljymdlego h0ok (JB by 4WD)
JB-StalwartXL StalwartXL KillBait! (JB by 4WD)

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
JB-Atlantis-Gold.ut2 14.1 MB 648347f89b565569bca7cc63b03d53bbe98b51db 1
JB-Chrome-Gold.ut2 16.4 MB 9803e593ae48ee4ebe2315381091ffc5a9c3ba1a 1
JB-Crusher3.ut2 39.3 MB 29bafc96c7b7502ed8292971ee87f5f9efb8200e 1
JB-EpicBoy-Classic.ut2 28.4 MB 45f6935a23d32fcfd792ae0fd1b239ace912f3f9 2
JB-Furia.ogg 2.0 MB d771b92274bb649b4b1255e151b44303027a96eb 1
JB-Furia.ut2 12.2 MB e648470889b1cad0b6718a52e2372f86da9e61fc 1
JB-Relic.ut2 17.7 MB dacf7e853abad4cf9e6816bcab3be766f1b05b87 1
JB-ScorchedEarth.ut2 16.3 MB d36d1f65d7fd9c21d2eb568342e39ca1bfeaed73 1
JB-SpaceLego.ut2 15.8 MB 543b8c579a97447ddf9db0050b226cfd0039d629 2
JB-StalwartXL.ut2 10.9 MB 5be3c23979a40fc18b89f319d2a348a4e174825c 2
Nether.ogg 3.5 MB 0968b0572ee558c0282df24ba1bcc2e20600e1b9 11
Strider.ogg 1.8 MB f97cf45b4f150d6ea180301ea67e6c98f7c76344 10
UnWorld2.ogg 2.2 MB 429613e27a797903f29769f0f575baa7cfcdd23e 10

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  Jailbreak MISSING File is not included
  JBToolbox MISSING File is not included
  Jailbreak MISSING File is not included
  JBToolBox MISSING File is not included
  Jailbreak MISSING File is not included
  JBStaticMeshes MISSING File is not included
  JBToolbox MISSING File is not included
  Jailbreak MISSING File is not included
  JBToolbox MISSING File is not included
  Jailbreak MISSING File is not included
  JBToolbox MISSING File is not included
  Jailbreak MISSING File is not included
  JBToolbox MISSING File is not included
  Jailbreak MISSING File is not included
  JBToolbox MISSING File is not included
  Jailbreak MISSING File is not included
  JBToolbox MISSING File is not included
  Jailbreak MISSING File is not included
  JBToolbox MISSING File is not included
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