Wikis / The Liandri Archives / CTF-CybrosisII

For other versions of this map, see Recurring maps#Cybrosis.
Screenshot of CybrosisII
Full title CybrosisII
Author(s) Alan 'Talisman' Willard
Players 4-12
Music Wheels
Game Unreal Tournament
Gametype Capture the Flag

Map Description

A mirrored version of DM-Cybrosis][ but without the trap and with items switched.

The bases of each side are divided onto flag base, outer base, water room, antechamber, pipe room, top center and top passage.

The flag base is the trap room of regular Cybrosis, but with the trap removed and two extra bottom entrances to the area (which makes a grand total of 5 entrances to each base). The outer base is a big area which connects the flag base with the water room and the top central area, and includes the glassed bridge and the former secret Redeemer area (now it holds a Sniper Rifle, the escape route is still there). The water room is unchanged from the DM version and is the low-level connection with the Antechamber and the Pipe room. The antechamber connects itself with the opposite pipe room and with the own pipe room via a lower S-shaped road. On the upper side of things, the glassed bridge connects the flag room with the top center area, and this area is connected as well to the top passage, which also includes a hidden exit to the outer area near the entrance between top passage and top center.

Weapons & Pickups


Weapon Count Ammo Weapon Location Ammo Location
BioRifle 2 4 1x Top center red, north wing. 1x Top center blue, south wing. 2x Near the Top red weapon. 2x Near the Top blue weapon.
Shock Rifle 4 6 1x Blue pipe room, upper ledge, near the pipe. 1x Red pipe room, upper ledge, near the pipe. 1x Blue antechamber. 1x Red antechamber. 2x Near the Blue antechamber weapon. 2x Near the Red antechamber weapon. 1x Passage between Red water room and Red antechamber. 1x Passage between Blue water room and Blue antechamber.
Pulse Gun 2 6 1x Red pipe room, near the pipe. 1x Blue pipe room, near the pipe. 2x Upper north entrance to Red base. 2x Upper south entrance to Red base. 1x Near the Red side weapon. 1x Near the Blue side weapon.
Ripper 2 4 1x Blue passage between water room and pipe room. 1x Red passage between water room and pipe room. 2x Near the Blue passage weapon. 2x Near the Red passage weapon.
Minigun 2 4 1x Red water room. 1x Blue water room. 2x Near the Red weapon. 2x Near the Blue weapon.
Flak Cannon 2 6 1x Below the Red glassed bridge. 1x Below the Blue glassed bridge. 1x Red flag base, south entrance. 1x Blue flag base, north entrance. 1x Red outer base, near north entrance to flag base. 1x Blue outer base, near south entrance to flag base. 2x Top blue passage/Top red passage connection.
Rocket Launcher 2 4 1x Red glassed bridge. 1x Blue glassed bridge. 2x Red flag base, balcony overlooking the flag. 2x Blue flag base, balcony overlooking the flag.
Sniper Rifle 2 2 1x Red Sniper spot, above glassed bridge's entrance to flag base. 1x Blue Sniper spot, above glassed bridge's entrance to flag base. 1x Next to the Red sniper weapon. 1x Next to the Blue sniper weapon. Also: 2x individual shells above the Red glassed bridge, on the opposite side of the Rifle chamber. 2x individual shells above the Blue glassed bridge, on the opposite side of the Rifle chamber.


Pickup Count Location
Health Pack 16 1x Red outer base, ledge near upper north entrance to the Red flag base. 1x Blue outer base, ledge near upper south entrance to the Blue flag base. 2x Red water room. 2x Blue water room. 2x Red top center, south wing. 2x Blue top center, north wing. 2x Top blue passage/Top red passage connection. 2x Blue pipe room, near the barrels. 2x Red pipe room, near the barrels.
Health Vial 16 5x Blue flag base, below the ramps. 5x Red flag base, below the ramps. 3x S-passage between Red pipe room and Red antechamber. 3x S-passage between Blue pipe room and Blue antechamber.
Body Armor 2 1x Red water room. 1x Blue water room.
Thighpads 2 1x Red outer base, ledge near upper south entrance to the Red flag base. 1x Blue outer base, ledge near upper north entrance to the Blue flag base.
UDamage 2 1x Red flag base, in front of the flag. 1x Blue flag base, in front of the flag.
AntiGrav Boots 2 1x Red antechamber, near entrance to Blue pipe room. 1x Blue antechamber, near entrance to Red pipe room.

Tips & tricks

  • The straight route isn't always the best solution. Try varying a bit.
  • Ramps and jumppads are your friends. Also the impact jump for projectile deflection and it and the Translocator for getting to new places.


Readme Notes

Alan Willard's Capture the Flag conversion of DM-Cybrosis][.

Page Categories

Page Information

2022-11-22T12:12:59.443856Z 2016-02-15T22:14:43Z Neon Knight /* Weapons & Pickups */ Better wording for that part. Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0