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InfoMap Pack Information

Unreal Fortress
August 2002
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Nali Temple
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Tech
50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Industrial
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Egyptian
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Ancient
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% City
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Natural
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Nali Castle
61.9 MB


Name Title Author
UNF-AS-Coup Coup d'Etat Aahz
UNF-CP-GOD IGI-Trainyard Aahz
UNF-CP-Rampz Rampz Aahz
UNF-CP-Trainyard Trainyard Aahz
UNF-CTF-BAM UNF-CTF-BAM Matthias "ColdFire" Wild, originalBrian "Midori" Green
UNF-CTF-Fault-Line Fault-Line :: Kaboom22 ::
unf-ctf-hemaroids UNF-CTF-Hemaroids ]Bs[Highlander
UNF-CTF-HighCastle UNF-CTF-HighCastle Thomas 'earthJoker' Jericke
UNF-CTF-Orbital][ Orbital][ James "Phoenix" Ruston
UNF-CTF-Rock2 The Rock Aahz
unf-ctf-suicidal-tendencies UNF-CTF-Suicidal-Tendencies ]Bs[Highlander
UNF-CTF-Well The Well Aahz
UNF-ESC-Backstab UNF-ESC-Backstab Thomas 'earthJoker' Jericke
UNF-ESC-Coup Coup d'Etat Aahz
UNF-ESC-Tuscan Tuscan Aahz
UNF-OF-Barnyard Barnyard Brawl Aahz
UNF-OF-Cavern UNF-OF-Cavern Thomas 'earthJoker' Jericke
UNF-OF-Ramses UNF-OF-Ramses Thomas 'earthJoker' Jericke

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
BotNPC1.u 33.2 KB 4df69d59b4892aaad04d48ed03e9c17497f873db -
BYard.utx 1.2 MB b24c21961b2711cb448da20b4c83bfe395cd89b5 -
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TargetKicker.u 4.3 KB 7a7a7065bd805c338660795c57a247a1370cde27 -
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UNF-AS-Coup.unr 6.3 MB 7afdda084e819a6223f8692aa11ae8f50b7ba3e4 -
UNF-CP-GOD.unr 14.4 MB 7e5742377ee2c28cc498ce7f2ba60877e96e2eae -
UNF-CP-Rampz.unr 2.7 MB 46f9eb0b060099c653357f8022be24e1539ce9e4 -
UNF-CP-Trainyard.unr 14.3 MB 86774da03960b7f2d5705f842f7500ba957db427 -
UNF-CTF-BAM.unr 3.4 MB 17a8b28d548246c3a0c571851392f065a0c98ac4 -
UNF-CTF-Fault-Line.unr 5.6 MB 55f4af8018233bd2e32ce289994442b8f0252f83 -
unf-ctf-hemaroids.unr 3.3 MB 01a3b7a6930522b13d65d25d6bae0333a31d6019 -
UNF-CTF-HighCastle.unr 6.1 MB 4e27d72d651c825149cc983261981f0a31fa3d72 -
UNF-CTF-Orbital][.unr 3.8 MB d5f10171fef68e901d24ce8cdb31ffa620bab21b -
UNF-CTF-Rock2.unr 16.5 MB a92568db17e0c07dc9ab9b94742e1829a26c20a5 -
unf-ctf-suicidal-tendencies.unr 1.5 MB b1518819187e499e501da03bdae8a234bd6578c5 -
UNF-CTF-Well.unr 6.1 MB bd293db039938847576904940e540a726629c063 -
UNF-ESC-Backstab.unr 3.2 MB f30d40d1b82344c61dede6f6fbc501cedc04b01c -
UNF-ESC-Coup.unr 6.4 MB 7811ac2eb0bb2500be7847fe7c55931f4d6bd7be -
UNF-ESC-Tuscan.unr 7.3 MB 7cf0b09f4ecf9d9245d660db425c96386c52b535 -
UNF-OF-Barnyard.unr 2.0 MB e2548f60f1dce996eb23c65f7c44719dbd52410b -
UNF-OF-Cavern.unr 3.1 MB 39e4cd36978efe31335dbf0addcb3f54dbe47e74 -
UNF-OF-DOME.unr 3.3 MB b9837f2287528ef9fd89330342597eb70023768a -
UNF-OF-Ramses.unr 2.7 MB e1545aef0243a2a04a215e7176a31488d11662c4 -
UnfTimedTrigger.u 1.4 KB 078b8e823e80c35da2699fa6e981b4077f40ebc7 -
Urban.utx 4.0 MB be8cbaa1f222558981cd486e91123d17c9e9e79b 16
utend.umx 1.4 MB f8f00031e8b30670de2d36c3df8fd68cc9574a71 56
WellCTF.utx 3.1 MB 7c1b382332edc6d1eb8198b467c5b64cb3838262 1

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
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  UnrealFortress MISSING File is not included
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  UnrealFortress MISSING File is not included
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  UNF_CTF OK File is included
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  UnrealFortress MISSING File is not included
  EJPack OK File is included
  UNF-MadMonkTextures MISSING File is not included
  UnrealFortress MISSING File is not included
  SGTech1 MISSING File is not included
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  UnfModels MISSING File is not included
  UnrealFortress MISSING File is not included
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  UnrealFortress MISSING File is not included
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  UNF_CTF OK File is included
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  UNF-Signs MISSING File is not included
  UnrealFortress MISSING File is not included
  Coup OK File is included
  Fifth OK File is included
  ProjIGIImages OK File is included
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  UnrealFortress MISSING File is not included
  UnrealFortress MISSING File is not included
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