Unreal Tournament / Map Packs / Mixed / Realmaps Februrary2004 Mappack Zip

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InfoMap Pack Information

Realmaps Februrary2004 Mappack Zip
November 2000
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Tech
40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Industrial
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Ancient
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% City
40.2 MB


Name Title Author
DM-Reactor-Sector_6_INF REACTOR-SECTOR 6 Daniel"Spooger"Patton
DM-Reactor-Sector-4_INF DM-Reactor-Sector-4_INF Unknown
EAS-INF-Avignon Avignon Benjamin -reaper- Hanke
EAS-INF-Bastillestation EAS-INF-Bastille Daikiki . EAS conversionDon
EAS-INF-DriedWater Dried Water ßunsie·¤·Ðuksie
EAS-INF-LondonCityFIX4 London City Heist Matt 'Fat Marrow' Farrow
EAS-INF-Platoon EAS-INF-PLATOON Silencer. conversion to EAS : don
EAS-INF-ReactorSector46 Reactor Sectors 4 and 6 Daniel 'Spooger' Patton / Matt 'Fat Marrow' Farrow
EAS-INF-VladivostokNight Vladivostok Night Excelsiore

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
Avignontex.utx 3.5 MB 3a5969fd818780a62ee236444f5c651f9d36ae44 3
Bastille.utx 6.2 MB 40a1d49ed9d109e53ab13682f2f510cec8d06b06 5
BWPACK.UTX 2.1 MB b7837e501d32f78f0a99fc9ff6126202f7a222fb 7
DM-Reactor-Sector_6_INF.unr 2.0 MB 9ad72d2f41c7fa8efeec4fdf7abc297d495bc275 5
DM-Reactor-Sector-4_INF.unr 2.5 MB 19ac5d2831bc1cc427cf0ed65417f6ada9808426 5
DP_Pack-1.utx 7.4 MB aaf64d881e5fa36ee0fb963d24d93629da666f08 18
DP_Pack2_INF.utx 481.2 KB 701979d84e9d99edd1da5823ede9f33333d25038 5
DP_Pack2.utx 5.4 MB 14e74d7bf5f2e5ee3f6f5ce94d4c7a3774c75602 8
EAS-INF-Avignon.unr 5.4 MB f6cd4cfee9dcf6e0a63c26dd785a2789d5911280 3
EAS-INF-Bastillestation.unr 4.2 MB 538f4b14e3faf942f1c9a271dc81d7f58d7c42da 3
EAS-INF-DriedWater.unr 9.0 MB 7cb3e56d14d708c26605cd00bcdfaa2c5ede83a4 3
EAS-INF-LondonCityFIX4.unr 5.4 MB 5fae60030b262f0d31f2fa36122d4b4b0f2be88c 3
EAS-INF-Platoon.unr 8.4 MB 3795a68042927b5e5c1bc5757391974b806ee690 3
EAS-INF-ReactorSector46.unr 5.4 MB 33aedf196067dd781ce6ea09074a0b28603287ea 2
EAS-INF-VladivostokNight.unr 5.7 MB ce552bc732587552fe25c33c3fcdd5b05856fe80 3
fen_wine.utx 402.1 KB c2896d12172be7c59bb22ecde039f72fb4033e2d 3
fen_wyard.u 29.9 KB e088cf6456e3348a2be8d5436a4eaaa6440acc8e 3
FreonRandomDecos.u 318.3 KB df3c1c2bc2789547d04aab4ef62e31bcc773734a 11
INF_Silencer_1.utx 633.1 KB cb8fa7fd93646996b9f293047f4ea718be69fe47 3
MattAttackChopper.u 6.7 KB 3f166917ab713c4edaf5ce2814a80c948309a9b4 3
MattCityDecos.u 254.4 KB b85fdc390862ff5e2ab29495629f9768d1f0f4d0 9
MattRS46.u 16.0 KB d8c2b8ed377a70d10d80fd4eaed2d969ce91569e 3
MattUKCity.utx 2.7 MB fffb6c172b6c3cf55083ec3e178fd993701f0bb8 8
MattUKCity3.utx 3.9 MB ffcd4d3878c193fb21e437977fe9bbce421615c0 3
MattUKCityDecos.utx 1.0 MB 25324226852256ced33e0b1679e4468beb636985 7
MattUKTownDecos.utx 1.9 MB dc0c485db58e3fae7405b3bf1e56f34c9d104e1c 6
MattUKTownFix.u 193.7 KB 29a37e8a31e6ff44085f3b875b2e8e2d6b051633 6
Ngbrdg.utx 3.3 MB d111645a9338df0a3158f1fa7e81323d96a3b9e0 11
RS.uax 2.5 MB 190f68f39a24a24e9ab5630c28050ad400ce404c 9
RSfootsteps.uax 22.9 KB e438cca7f0cd0e7616154add883b831906d277da 9
S1_INF_40mm_Nofuse.u 11.8 KB 885addd768205cac49d1846fcebeff386d9c02f0 3
tbtrpr_bookskins.utx 514.7 KB 973ee9772cdafbad0c09acc21f618e38f1efad41 5
tbtrpr_kitchentex.utx 649.4 KB b199d277a3c7bfee1550fef6492bdbb5e0fc3b11 3

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
  INF_Mapping MISSING File is not included
  DP_Pack-1 OK File is included
  DP_Pack-1 OK File is included
  DP_Pack2 OK File is included
  DP_Pack2_INF OK File is included
  RS OK File is included
  RSfootsteps OK File is included
  Additionaldeco MISSING File is not included
  Avignontex OK File is included
  Botman MISSING File is not included
  BuilderDeco1 MISSING File is not included
  fen_bulli MISSING File is not included
  fen_fcafe MISSING File is not included
  fen_furniture MISSING File is not included
  fen_pull MISSING File is not included
  fen_wyard OK File is included
  INF_Belgrade MISSING File is not included
  INF_Core MISSING File is not included
  INF_Decorations MISSING File is not included
  INF_Doors MISSING File is not included
  INF_GameTypes MISSING File is not included
  INF_MS[Classic]_Stone MISSING File is not included
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  INF_MS[Misc]_Concrete MISSING File is not included
  INF_MS[Misc]_Metal MISSING File is not included
  INF_MS[Misc]_Wood MISSING File is not included
  INF_RussTex MISSING File is not included
  INF_Rustic_1 MISSING File is not included
  INF_Stone MISSING File is not included
  rw_TPack2 MISSING File is not included
  Rw_tpack6 MISSING File is not included
  Rw_tpack7 MISSING File is not included
  tbtarabtex10 MISSING File is not included
  tbtdeco MISSING File is not included
  tbtrpr_bookskins OK File is included
  tbtrpr_kitchentex OK File is included
  Bastille OK File is included
  FreonDecos3 MISSING File is not included
  INF_GameTypes MISSING File is not included
  a3text MISSING File is not included
  BWPack OK File is included
  Citytex MISSING File is not included
  Factory MISSING File is not included
  INF_ArmyTextures MISSING File is not included
  INF_Belgrade MISSING File is not included
  Inf_cCamosINFTriDesert2 MISSING File is not included
  INF_cCamosWoodland MISSING File is not included
  INF_cFaces001 MISSING File is not included
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  INF_Decorations MISSING File is not included
  INF_Effects MISSING File is not included
  INF_GameTypes MISSING File is not included
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  Inf_siberiatex MISSING File is not included
  Inf_SubTEX MISSING File is not included
  INF_Urban MISSING File is not included
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  InfiltrationUT MISSING File is not included
  MWorld MISSING File is not included
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  rw_TPack2 MISSING File is not included
  rw_TPack3 MISSING File is not included
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  FreonRandomDecos OK File is included
  INF_Assets MISSING File is not included
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  INF_GS_Doors_1 MISSING File is not included
  INF_GS_Doors_3 MISSING File is not included
  INF_GS_GrungeWalls MISSING File is not included
  INF_GS_Walls_1 MISSING File is not included
  INF_Mapping MISSING File is not included
  INF_MiddleEast_Misc MISSING File is not included
  INF_MS[Classic]_Tile MISSING File is not included
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  INF_MS[Downtown]_Walls MISSING File is not included
  INF_MS[Downtown]_Walls_1 MISSING File is not included
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  INF_Walls_5 MISSING File is not included
  InfAdds MISSING File is not included
  MattAttackChopper OK File is included
  MattCityDecos OK File is included
  MattUKCity OK File is included
  MattUKCity3 OK File is included
  MattUKCityDecos OK File is included
  MattUKTownDecos OK File is included
  MattUKTownFix OK File is included
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  INF_GameTypes MISSING File is not included
  INF_Mapping MISSING File is not included
  INF_MiddleEast_Misc MISSING File is not included
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  MattRS46 OK File is included
  rS OK File is included
  Botman MISSING File is not included
  INF_ArmyTextures MISSING File is not included
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  INF_Core MISSING File is not included
  INF_Decorations MISSING File is not included
  INF_Doors MISSING File is not included
  INF_Fence MISSING File is not included
  INF_Funk_1 MISSING File is not included
  INF_GameTypes MISSING File is not included
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  INF_MS[Downtown]_Walls MISSING File is not included
  INF_MS[Downtown]_Walls_1 MISSING File is not included
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  INF_Rooftop MISSING File is not included
  INF_Rural MISSING File is not included
  INF_RussTex MISSING File is not included
  INF_Rustic_1 MISSING File is not included
  Inf_siberiatex MISSING File is not included
  INF_Stone MISSING File is not included
  Inf_SubTEX MISSING File is not included
  INF_Urban MISSING File is not included
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  INF_Walls_2 MISSING File is not included
  INF_Walls_3 MISSING File is not included
  INF_Walls_4 MISSING File is not included
  INF_Walls_5 MISSING File is not included
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  rw_tpack7 MISSING File is not included
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  INF_Mapping MISSING File is not included
  INF_Mapping MISSING File is not included
  MattUKCityDecos OK File is included
  INF_Core MISSING File is not included
  INF_GameTypes MISSING File is not included
  INF_Mapping MISSING File is not included
  MattUKTownDecos OK File is included
  INF_Core MISSING File is not included
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