0 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z Map Title Author Players AR-(SOLO)VulcanicHeat Battle in the Vulcanic Heat Dark "the riot Barber" Chlor1 Max TeamArena Allies: 4 AR-SacredGround AR-Sacred_Ground SkrewBall 2 on 2 AR-Sacrifiacial Alter AR-Sacrificial Alter MorphiusBloodlust 10 AR-SardosPit Sardos Pit NumSi 4-16 AR-SardosPit2 Sardos Pit Ver2 NumSi 4-16 AR-SarkHall AR-SarkHall Captain Spaulding Max TeamArena Allies: 4 AR-SatansLair AR-SatansLair MorphiusBloodLust 8 AR-ScarabsArena -=< Scarabs Arena >=- {Scarabs}-God_Zilla 2-8 ar-Scarface's abandoned lair AR-Scarface's abandoned lair Solid Demon and Neogin 2-6 AR-Severn Severn Shawn "AmranX" Davison - Lighting by Shawn "Bulish" Norwood Unknown AR-ShadowLords Shadow Lords Brian Nowell (Uziboy §£) 4-6 AR-ShadowLords ][ Shadow Lords2 §oliD-Demon 4-6 AR-Shoredown Time for a Shoredown Dark "the riot Barber" Chlor1 max Team allies: 4 AR-SigvaldTemple Sigvald Temple Allan 'Punk' Taylor 4 vs 4 AR-SincITY AR-SincITY Lizard King 2x2 AR-SinDojo SinDojo Wicked/Bleeder Max 3 vs 3 AR-SkyFire SkyFire Immortal Torn<LT> Up-To-3-on-3 AR-SlomoArena Slomo-Suited Arena Dave Halsted Max per Team: 4 AR-Smiley AR-Smiley Michael "Iceblade" Nielsen 8 AR-SnowArena AR-SnowArena Adi 2-5 AR-Snowball-fight Snow Ball Fight!! skrewball (Idiot's idea :P) 2 on 2 AR-Spaniard'sHonor Spaniard'sHonor {-G-}_Vegeta_{-G-} 2-6 AR-Speedkilling Speedkilling-Arena Harald Lauß 2-6 AR-SrW-DEATH -={[-§rW-]}~DeatH -={[-§rW-]}~£vîl~Ãñgêl¤=- Unknown AR-StarFissure AR-StarFissure Lizard King 1v1 to 4v4 AR-StarGateSG1 AR-StarGateSG1 MorphiusBloodLust 8 AR-Street][ AR-Street][ Paladin-Itz! 2-16 AR-StubsPit AR-StubsPit Tracy Stubbert False AR-Sugars Bar AR-SugarsBar MorphiusBloodLust 8 AR-Summit Summit Mike "MstrEditor" Zimmerman 4-6 AR-SunDial AR-SunDial Chino 4-6