Unreal / Packages / brdmse

Files Files

This package has multiple variations with the same name, but likely different contents. The below table lists each variation.

Click on a variation to find the release files which use each variation.

Name Type File Size SHA1 Hash Usages
BRdmSE.utx TEXTURE 593.7 KB 6240386be291368f1aee88c4789889ecdead7abb 24
BRdmSE.utx TEXTURE 86.9 KB 10b26b079d757bc7efb003c19432130c3905faff 2

Files File

593.7 KB

Usages (24)

Type Name Author
Map Pack Csejte Castle Map Pack Team Herd Coop
Map CTF-Bathroom DarkMantis (originally Twinsen)&Ranma_at
Map DM-BarPunkysSnipeHuntC Dremoan modified by Punky Brewster
Map dm-bathroomex_noesr DarkMantis' Special Edition!
Map DM-BathroomSE-UT Twinsen
Map DM-CMNgoldDD Common&DoctoR_DeatH
Map DM[SP]BackYard Dremoan
Map DM[SP]BackYard Dremoan
Map DM[SP]DogPound *Imported from UT by RUSH*
Map DM[SP]JamRoom Common&DoctoR_DeatH
Map DM[SP]JamRoom Common&DoctoR_DeatH
Map DM[SP]McBarn][ Dremoan
Map DM[SP]ShotgunWedding][ Predator - Pirator
Map DM[SP]SniperBathroom Remixed by RUSH
Map DMBathRoom-pro2 Twinsen**Modified By Kap'n_Karnage| And again modified by {hLk}trustmechris
Map DmBathroom-ProRemix Twinsen**Modified By Kap'n_Karnage| And again modified by {hLk}Çhrî§
Map DmBathroomME Twinsen (slight mods by Ondoher)
Map DmBathroomME Twinsen (slight mods by Ondoher)
Map DmBathRoomProU4E Twinsen**Modified By Kap'n_Karnage| And again modified by {hLk}Çhrî§
Map DmBathroomSE Twinsen
Map DMCargoArea1 Bobby Mcmillen
Map DMKattsSnipeKlub Katts Meow
Map DmKitchen Streaker

Files File

86.9 KB

Usages (2)

Type Name Author
Map CTF-DoomsJusticeBETA Jerry "{LoD}" Welch
Map CTF-DoomsJusticeBETA Jerry "{LoD}" Welch