Unreal Tournament / Maps / Monster Hunt / MH-Ziki+SBFix1


InfoMap Information

Monster Hunt
The Tower of Zi' Ki'
August 2002
The Tower of Zi' Ki'
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Nali Temple
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Natural
60% 60% 60% 60% 60% Nali Castle
30% 30% 30% 30% 30% Skaarj Tech
8.3 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
EverSmoke.umx 777.2 KB cebd445a9b0fb87bfb91c5258586cb8e77be8dc4 60
Fourth.umx 896.1 KB 182a935d9c4234ba79066fde68456901f97ae101 56
Isotoxin.umx 460.4 KB a5c5528fc0ee11b7f46ed1106480680766b7008c 90
K_vision.umx 673.4 KB 4b3a77df5f9b13567b411f5c9d3de659bcbfe466 96
MH-Ziki+SBFix1.unr 11.7 MB ea7ada83fc63451f848c3f5f5a503fd92bf87642 1
MonsterHunt.u 1.2 MB a57b4fad4d2633c8c814287f88cd37b60c56f476 1,169
Newmca9.umx 636.7 KB 53cfd6e4a993bc0dc2262ad3684d9e45797592b9 24
sky.utx 4.0 MB 76f55cbb2d7a17ec74e59636831413edb3cd8c8a 550
WarLord.umx 643.3 KB 1b5dacdd176353dd969a517a5cf1d2e8a22166b8 143

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  Requires Status  
  EverSmoke OK File is included
  Fourth OK File is included
  Isotoxin OK File is included
  K_vision OK File is included
  MonsterHunt OK File is included
  Newmca9 OK File is included
  sky OK File is included
  WarLord OK File is included
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