Unreal Tournament / Maps / Monster Hunt / MH-UM-Roth-v1

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Map Information

Monster Hunt
Revenge of the hunted
December 2011
Heaven can wait
9.0 MB


Name Release Date (est) File Name File Size
MH-UM-Roth-v1 2010-07 mh-um-roth-v1.zip 13.1 MB

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
AAA_Auki_HayWirev2_LS.u 386.1 KB b0aac4e3add28317ad41a0f93fdb53e9daf64b3c 6
AAA_BOO_Gun_v3.u 619.2 KB a6dbd8a49ea72fcdc4206692374000c3847cf582 3
AAA_Deth_Skaarj_V3Rifle.u 303.1 KB c79af6c1c428661b4b24cfed36fc3cd2ff01128b 4
AAAboo3.utx 971.8 KB cfab00cc64773932362627d1875ba29b1dc931de 3
AAADSV2.utx 572.0 KB 5e4bca324a2c1301e7ac7e651fed23cb9121ad0a 4
Advanced_weapons_and_monsters.u 92.7 KB 6cfcc68f373a59b7ba22f3b7da68cc00f1ecb8f4 33
coret_color.utx 226.2 KB 7661e5479d255ea19b4c9e66fd028111eb36b6ae 3
HauntedCreatures.u 552.1 KB 3173950f2af3637af7b76ec7c8ade46543ccb9c8 48
insekt.u 1.5 MB 8d1d2db0deb0323b4343c4fd6752a39554f4b64b 41
MH-UM-Roth-v1.unr 9.5 MB 7a4ee26b1c2a807a92e24eda1d2a37500576007e 1
MJD.u 2.5 MB dd67ff11e6e933ff8b874fdf7301ea2a949efd73 77
MonsterHunt.u 1.2 MB a57b4fad4d2633c8c814287f88cd37b60c56f476 1,172
Pupae.u 25.6 KB c0acc2404f91e483dbf5693d90662ef25f83ba57 162
Spinner.utx 1.4 MB c2337c0c173a58d737b2db28308c0b043a92e2b2 69
UMDeco.u 189.6 KB 5b9ef415c788d26a4c37d7849400a81efd9b27ae 7
um-team4.utx 1.8 MB 89de479bafc5c81aeb337ff7ba033329e450883d 3
WarNukingGroundfix.u 1.8 MB 60e699b04761e44ee8be4bf6fd5ca6eafa983db9 55
WoD.u 712.1 KB d5ccf04c8336d19ce53d316d14f10de1d36b1b8d 11

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Required Files

  Requires Status  
  AAAboo3 OK File is included
  AAADSV2 OK File is included
  mhplus MISSING File is not included
  DawnT MISSING File is not included
  Deadsounds MISSING File is not included
  AAA_Auki_HayWirev2_LS OK File is included
  AAA_BOO_Gun_v3 OK File is included
  AAA_Deth_Skaarj_V3Rifle OK File is included
  Advanced_weapons_and_monsters OK File is included
  coret_color OK File is included
  HauntedCreatures OK File is included
  insekt OK File is included
  MJD OK File is included
  MonsterHunt OK File is included
  Pupae OK File is included
  Spinner MISSING File is not included
  UMDeco OK File is included
  um-team4 OK File is included
  WarNukingGroundfix OK File is included
  ASC-space MISSING File is not included
  Spinner MISSING File is not included
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