Unreal Tournament / Maps / Monster Hunt / MH-Shrak3+SBMod

screenshot screenshot

InfoMap Information

Monster Hunt
The Tower of Shrakith'a part3
October 2006
Realm of the Guardian
30% 30% 30% 30% 30% Nali Temple
60% 60% 60% 60% 60% Nali Castle
2.7 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
Guardian.umx 367.5 KB 6e49315744c340a9515b1949cd3c5d8a171a5dc4 46
MH-Shrak3+SBMod.unr 6.5 MB d7f7b61e146d54b0e46483c758915304689bd7a5 -
MonsterHunt.u 1.2 MB a57b4fad4d2633c8c814287f88cd37b60c56f476 1,169
Newmca9.umx 636.7 KB 53cfd6e4a993bc0dc2262ad3684d9e45797592b9 24
SBBeepTriggerV1.u 2.3 KB 03c734f56269d821babda2a018b7e2555a2ce9ef 7
SBHealthTriggerV0.u 3.6 KB 188c145bdeebdf4f8bf4f7d55046d033fcf578ea 2
SBNonLandingPawnsV0.u 2.1 KB 881294d6bcf623e9a7366904c514d6f12ea7886b -
SBPinBallBallV0.u 5.6 KB 586c90f2da6d13f584bcf1487cf3321fbf2a957e -
SBPropertyChangerV0.u 5.3 KB 3bbd8f40310c65c8e642a02bd785090f549d3568 1
SBRandomDispatcherV0.u 7.5 KB b2c59e32195c1fee859d4532a57fffced73928b5 5
SBRetriggerableCreatureFactoryV4.u 5.0 KB 6eba96682599b548efb031240bae0ff6fa8dc630 5
wargate.umx 806.2 KB 496fdde34b97ccc149549c4fb16fb75ff3c42907 108

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
  Guardian OK File is included
  MonsterHunt OK File is included
  Newmca9 OK File is included
  SBBeepTriggerV1 OK File is included
  SBHealthTriggerV0 OK File is included
  SBNonLandingPawnsV0 OK File is included
  SBPinBallBallV0 OK File is included
  SBPropertyChangerV0 OK File is included
  SBRandomDispatcherV0 OK File is included
  SBRetriggerableCreatureFactoryV4 OK File is included
  wargate OK File is included
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