Unreal Tournament / Maps / Capture The Flag / CTF-BunkerBuster][

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InfoMap Information

Capture The Flag
All your bunkers are belong to us!
October 2000
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Tech
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% City
40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Natural
30% 30% 30% 30% 30% Indistrial
17.5 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
433.utx 196.2 KB 33c1fba48edaae2e925fbbcecff7513d3f3f1dfa 44
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CTF-BunkerBuster][.unr 3.6 MB 071993c691eb3babd00f1ebda75e974f063b1252 -
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Watcher.umx 450.1 KB 9ccbe5fba8949f41f3d5a3b4504477ee41b6b833 106

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  Requires Status  
  433 OK File is included
  Airfight-snow OK File is included
  AllYourBase OK File is included
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  SLV2 OK File is included
  SLV201 OK File is included
  SLV2Models OK File is included
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  SSPX2 OK File is included
  Watcher OK File is included
  Wcollide MISSING File is not included
  SLV2Models OK File is included
  SLV2Sounds OK File is included
  SLV2Textures OK File is included
  SLV2Models OK File is included
  SLV2Sounds OK File is included
  SLV2Textures OK File is included
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