Unreal Tournament / Maps / Capture The Flag / CTF-Bedrooms-K_of_M-ModAlpha1


InfoMap Information

Capture The Flag
Revenge of the Small ]l[a
February 2006
90% 90% 90% 90% 90% Ancient
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Natural
21.7 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
Activates.uax 885.1 KB 9071a99c8cd536f7005e5a1f2be8f6a1bada6bc1 13
AmbAncient.uax 6.5 MB c04feec8d75fe4bd7a422231779e25f5a1a016a2 13
AmbModern.uax 5.8 MB dac845ee6fd628e223a2c36e66d866b145bb5444 37
BUFPack1.u 3.0 MB a000f9953475b98faf8b5d3495e88d5754e9d84d 3
CTF-Bedrooms-K_of_M-ModAlpha1.unr 1.6 MB 0abb38b82717f81c3ea24c3ac670468ca57117fc -
EnhancedItems.u 293.4 KB 63b7254dd857e1222346337a973687c575c2ffd6 7
FCommandoSkins.utx 4.9 MB fffd1725196b53fccb403551d9a42dd8e012388d 4
Gatling.u 649.3 KB 2e1963d948ee51eb027b8e34dcbd35abec1e226b 14
GenEarth.utx 5.9 MB baaa74eba0d24aa58c247b168e45481e571320c8 16
GenFX.utx 2.1 MB 71ddf265159ce71b4488d8eaac1ee28296cb11a8 62
MaidenSLV2.u 8.9 KB a0019f53bfcf513dcbcfee9eccc959eec07b8956 -
NFRabit.u 8.6 KB 2703a67896703070ba62869c32a9e943d14509f3 15

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
  EnhancedItems OK File is included
  Bedroom MISSING File is not included
  BUFPack1 OK File is included
  Gatling OK File is included
  NFRabit OK File is included
  RatPackage MISSING File is not included
  SLV2 MISSING File is not included
  SLV2Models MISSING File is not included
  TeleFragGun MISSING File is not included
  Weaponer MISSING File is not included
  WeaponMage MISSING File is not included
  MaidenSmall MISSING File is not included
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