Unreal Tournament / Map Packs / Monster Hunt / ZoleeMapsFix 2023 V1

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InfoMap Pack Information

ZoleeMapsFix 2023 V1
Monster Hunt
Dragon Zolee
July 2023
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Nali Temple
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Skaarj Crypt
30% 30% 30% 30% 30% Natural
30% 30% 30% 30% 30% Egyptian
245.1 MB


Name Title Author
MH-FreeHunt_V1_1 Monster Hunt - Free Hunt V1.1 Dragon Zolee
MH-Freehunt2_V1_2 Free Hunt - DoomSday V1.2 Dragon Zolee
MH-GardenOfDeath_V1_3 Serious Sam - Garden of Death - Remake 1.3 Dragon Zolee
MH-SeriousSam-Dunes_V1_1 Serious Sam - Dunes Dragon Zolee
MH-TowerOfDeath1_V1_3 Tower of Death - Escape (Remake) 1.3 Dragon Zolee
MH-TowerOfDeath2_V1_3 Tower Of Death 2 - One angry way Version 1.3 Dragon Zolee
MH-TowerOfDeath3_V1_6_1a Tower Of Death - Fifth Element Versiom1.6.1a Dragon Zolee
MH-TowerOfDeath4_V1_3a Tower of Death - 4 Version 1.3 Dragon Zolee

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
AdvancedInstaGib.u 60.3 KB 131686df3bb86687c8f3fc5660e97c90edcbbaab 1
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AmbAncient.uax 6.5 MB c04feec8d75fe4bd7a422231779e25f5a1a016a2 13
Arumi.u 959.7 KB e9fcf53340a3f55a3f3fc6e921c08e5110b910f5 2
ArumiSkins.utx 2.7 MB b7f6f2291859920d9317cb629cf35a4169a353d2 5
CobraSkins.utx 432.3 KB f97ee2e93c22ef854d8dfa93cc6823f284c22319 20
Crypt2.utx 7.0 MB 37ba6110928746205676fef7362294d5ff1f107b 26
Dragon01.utx 5.3 MB d36237d4505c3225dc98b950520fb7efb6165c2c 1
Dragon01a.utx 5.2 MB dec9a2936bbeb1fe14b6338146e0f217ec73d15d -
DragonDecoEgypt.u 1.4 MB b720e2ddb023ef35fc44c575308c0e82a5db1199 24
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DragonText3.utx 6.2 MB 1bfbda29b0d772159f1e5f84b19190b71a87a90e -
FreeHunt.umx 630.9 KB 215260150b99aeaf7c99f924ecbca8e0599388be -
FreeHunt2Musics.umx 1.6 MB 8f240c826e10605a4f99c1b29fa43eff94647fb8 -
FreeHunt2Text.utx 934.6 KB 0811f4b212c214aceeceb5bb407212d873ba1b51 -
G11_Assault.u 597.3 KB 2601f18d87418b3524f7127ce0d907de4430fe25 49
G11_Assault.utx 528.7 KB 10836ef6fedc0e805a6841ef7471c7ebbcbe3fe0 -
insekt.u 1.5 MB 8d1d2db0deb0323b4343c4fd6752a39554f4b64b 41
InstaCombo.u 145.4 KB d3f29f0e666a02a0ed289c68cc97a48ff844b37c 16
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MH-FreeHunt_V1_1.unr 1.1 MB 126581017f228d1a4f3c412ed3c76352cf426ce1 -
MH-Freehunt2_V1_2.unr 2.9 MB fa702e9941a047fb9d3d5554ee5418fb9fe4bdee -
MH-GardenOfDeath_V1_3.unr 4.3 MB a2ed91d47802d406bae2b6019878a4c04aeed4fa -
MH-SeriousSam-Dunes_V1_1.unr 6.7 MB 97b0bc76c336ddc6e64ccf71127ae23414ef1955 -
MH-TowerOfDeath1_V1_3.unr 6.2 MB f853c8bb135b0f19baab798bd30e2d43d3690eb0 -
MH-TowerOfDeath2_V1_3.unr 4.1 MB 020c9cd86d82f33da5b3b55001aa5da8915e97e0 -
MH-TowerOfDeath3_V1_6_1a.unr 12.8 MB a0aa3f72e3aa03e93e766be49c642bf4f99a9b2a -
MH-TowerOfDeath4_V1_3a.unr 17.7 MB 1a404b67118753f152dd08ed23618a23840fa2c7 -
MonsterHunt.u 1.2 MB a57b4fad4d2633c8c814287f88cd37b60c56f476 1,169
MonsterHunt2Gold.u 10.4 MB 5826e7007a955f5eb6ea4460b353f8923a4ea89d 3
Mullog.u 996.0 KB ff110fe280583cc87a3c8dc35267ddeca9d64f26 48
Mullogskin.utx 1.4 MB 2b1e84c5dca118756402e72d683805242a6c8e08 40
null48.umx 1.9 KB 3f08145d94f676d82c8d3a588fd4b4e00c66ab1d 12
Sam2Dragon.uax 5.4 MB 860e77142be84b56ab351d6a66a49f6b613d16ac 1
Sam2Dragon.umx 5.2 MB 32ce71647516777c7ac83845b5813dc4dfc967b8 1
Sam2End.umx 2.0 MB 8e96e6d9d422ba236e8899aba42696f367b52ac5 1
SBCounterV4.u 12.4 KB 18f20159594315f6a46a23dc0793eec9ff7639ac 1
SBHealingGunV2.u 849.1 KB 08bceff40c6b7d368e37fd5ccde2a6a4613a3770 -
SBInvulnerabilityV2.u 527.0 KB 2fc58a4447e74201aa23c330ea2cbcd44ba39b6e 3
sectoid.u 1.8 MB 8a14bfe21e5b8533f225273dd62ba8d6590bcc2a 10
SeriousDragon.uax 689.6 KB 1ddf0f2a41be830c4c3810ee34915e7934e9843b 10
sinistral_newmeshes.u 86.7 KB 903abf10e88ea8ca9d2432129dd53a0dffb8b1ff 2
Sinistral_Tree_Pack_1.u 1.5 MB 65f7c97c3e53e7e4cbd9560d5194d283314d52ab 184
spinner.u 2.2 MB a081414a22c94669d960bdd06618c9b992512713 9
SsamDunesText.utx 21.9 MB 4d42d3df3152b3fec647b3dd8d03fa1fa403830d 1
SsamSECofD01.umx 3.1 MB a229bcdea02b0db0aa21d283f8b131cce7dcde35 4
THUNDERBOLTDecoEgypt2.u 1.4 MB b720e2ddb023ef35fc44c575308c0e82a5db1199 24
TigerRifle.u 1.0 MB ba357db41f6161ab00715d9502ff17029a6601f6 4
TOD2Air02.umx 363.4 KB 49041a0d28c38fd0c444be0415dbbc2204f92f9e -
TOD2Brute.umx 661.3 KB a0a5e7619b6a213955d0f984e6c1c9374b7fc413 -
TOD2Earth01.umx 4.0 MB a754d3b7eedb13cd852003071262620995a655bf -
TOD2Earth02.umx 3.4 MB e0f8dab99396e04cd0e0d1673c4e3bf66c328629 -
TOD2FinalFight.umx 269.0 KB f40c85ee02bd16a4329e74b4419208bd987f3cdb -
TOD2Fire01.umx 418.3 KB 4b1dfe3f274e9ecf4f4245719a776655d33e21f0 -
TOD2KrallMerc.umx 87.7 KB cfde22202ee55492d0a19d81cbb33ef53d8921a3 -
TOD2PupaeFly.umx 75.6 KB 6e7c9a51bd442718145b7aa500a7dc85c7ca6860 -
TOD2QueenSTroop.umx 112.9 KB f4f78eaa8f1973726912dd7be7b065552cb6b8cd -
TOD2SkaarjSlith.umx 160.6 KB 2f18efce5ebf1d855b3d29005d745d82e814a433 -
TOD2Squid.umx 386.1 KB 049aca4a1baa71cc76581cbc2621d4399f13c6ce -
TOD2Start.umx 363.9 KB 705cd6cd296c1b03094a4bc1a97c30a272c12aba -
TOD2Water.umx 4.9 MB c85169be89ddb0a4b1a10fc89b0b51396647e390 -
TOD2Water02.umx 640.1 KB 8bd01240dbf74b8f875f4ad8c58885cf07e1f139 -
TOD3Start.umx 49.4 KB 9d294dba11267517813ee0ad482beae596f61f09 2
Tod4Musics.umx 1.7 MB 12a0e33244e289694be2cd9fbe4c932d79e22b0c -
TOD4X.utx 21.6 MB 678797fac3b0c6137332a0bc03031601c572edf9 -
TodDevilfish.umx 149.2 KB a68167b8da66ec39ad322d52b07cceb73aee4d45 4
TodEnd.umx 1.0 MB 12490f41479dfbc771acfbbaaaf6a483c2bcfb8f 3
TodJump.umx 472.4 KB 54414d916b0e94e88739a399da7d42e8cb54fb66 6
TodKrall.umx 89.7 KB 7c895640e6a13ce371c7c6352eb0d541fa4330a3 3
TodMain.umx 278.0 KB 59042a1f7eca1ffbc69b36bb1727b01900350996 3
TodTreeWay.umx 213.9 KB 14c10fe3e962a79e47e465aa36dbac12609e8d14 3
UPSX_Dragon.u 1.9 MB 42a06571f0bb0a30ba28ccb761398544fca3879f 22
WarlordMultiProjectiles_Rev1.u 3.9 KB 07dc6ec549207591013c9f9dadc12453b094b757 3

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
  CobraSkins OK File is included
  DragonText3 OK File is included
  FreeHunt OK File is included
  MonsterHunt OK File is included
  MonsterHunt2Gold OK File is included
  SBHealingGunV2 OK File is included
  FreeHunt2Musics OK File is included
  FreeHunt2Text OK File is included
  MonsterHunt OK File is included
  SBCounterV4 OK File is included
  SBHealingGunV2 OK File is included
  SBInvulnerabilityV2 OK File is included
  DragonText02 OK File is included
  MonsterHunt OK File is included
  SeriousDragon OK File is included
  SsamSECofD01 OK File is included
  MonsterHunt OK File is included
  Mullog OK File is included
  null48 OK File is included
  Sam2Dragon OK File is included
  Sam2End OK File is included
  SBInvulnerabilityV2 OK File is included
  spinner OK File is included
  SsamDunesText OK File is included
  THUNDERBOLTDecoEgypt2 OK File is included
  TigerRifle OK File is included
  WarlordMultiProjectiles_Rev1 OK File is included
  Dragon01 OK File is included
  MonsterHunt OK File is included
  SBInvulnerabilityV2 OK File is included
  TodDevilfish OK File is included
  TodEnd OK File is included
  TodJump OK File is included
  TodKrall OK File is included
  TodMain OK File is included
  TodTreeWay OK File is included
  Dragon01a OK File is included
  DragonDecoEgypt OK File is included
  InstaCombo OK File is included
  MonsterHunt OK File is included
  THUNDERBOLTDecoEgypt2 OK File is included
  TOD2Brute OK File is included
  TOD2KrallMerc OK File is included
  TOD2PupaeFly OK File is included
  TOD2QueenSTroop OK File is included
  TOD2SkaarjSlith OK File is included
  TOD2Squid OK File is included
  TOD2Start OK File is included
  Arumi OK File is included
  ArumiSkins OK File is included
  CobraSkins OK File is included
  Dragon01a OK File is included
  DragonDecoEgypt OK File is included
  KingCobra OK File is included
  MonsterHunt OK File is included
  null48 OK File is included
  SBInvulnerabilityV2 OK File is included
  spinner OK File is included
  THUNDERBOLTDecoEgypt2 OK File is included
  TOD2Air02 OK File is included
  TOD2Earth01 OK File is included
  TOD2Earth02 OK File is included
  TOD2FinalFight OK File is included
  TOD2Fire01 OK File is included
  TOD2Water OK File is included
  TOD2Water02 OK File is included
  TOD3Start OK File is included
  G11_Assault OK File is included
  insekt OK File is included
  MonsterHunt OK File is included
  null48 OK File is included
  Polys9958 MISSING File is not included
  SBCounterV4 OK File is included
  SBHealingGunV2 OK File is included
  SBInvulnerabilityV2 OK File is included
  sectoid OK File is included
  Sinistral_Tree_Pack_1 OK File is included
  spinner OK File is included
  Tod4Musics OK File is included
  TOD4X PARTIAL Included file is missing required content
  MonsterHunt OK File is included
  null48 OK File is included
  AdvancedModelSupport OK File is included
  Mullogskin OK File is included
  sintex MISSING File is not included
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