Unreal Tournament / Map Packs / Capture The Flag / Cwl Maptestingpack Wk34

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InfoMap Pack Information

Cwl Maptestingpack Wk34
Capture The Flag
August 2000
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Tech
50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Industrial
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Ancient
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Natural
30% 30% 30% 30% 30% Skaarj Tech
23.3 MB


Name Title Author
CTF-(M)Coconuts][ CTF-(M)Coconuts][ Meteora
CTF-300K-CastleFrag Castle FraG 300K FraGnBraG
CTF-6H-Grettir CTF-6H-Grettir L.J.Paranoid
CTF-AllYourFacingW00t All Your (Facing) w00t! SabbathCat
CTF-Magno CTF-Magno Bruno "CharGer_GTi" Rodrigues
CTF-Passenger CTF-Passenger Peter "McMoo" Ward
CTF-Province Province (v 2.0) Matthijs M.

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
CTF-(M)Coconuts][.unr 1.2 MB 1a163cb809a70f24752386ab4cc9d67f1997d18e 1
CTF-300K-CastleFrag.unr 299.8 KB 8d7f2dd6924d2362b1c6f3429dd0c74dadef6f69 5
CTF-6H-Grettir.unr 2.2 MB bce9bc6f506b94ed71f86ac1f50420f1555d7b90 3
CTF-AllYourFacingW00t.unr 3.6 MB 5f8824a7b142bd1f7e1b51c7d457b7383cfbf927 6
CTF-Magno.unr 4.0 MB 5ea2c7b79f604d1d87bb5d88653ba78b4b072a8d 1
CTF-Passenger.unr 1.9 MB 05dd678b44628173df29fb4a25247b0fe2c35989 3
CTF-Province.unr 3.0 MB 0dc1fc1a470d163c4f4155f3024af4618019ec06 2
HourIndusX_UT.utx 10.2 MB 05855bf28aa4f5751840ff32d517ac24921ef866 164
HourPitores_UT.utx 6.0 MB 28d8b736181a51e9a8363b0668079dedf52856a7 133
PAIN.umx 202.7 KB 69ad92efea0af2378fc5aabb403842c1911fd9af 24
richrig.utx 2.1 MB e2115772791315c91cdf6ab99e687d2f94e5685d 627
SGTech1.utx 7.6 MB ec01e4c9011a8cb2d08ebd12d255373f83d98fc1 457
swJumpPad.u 23.0 KB 7212941ffe366e45715531864ca15ad88208362e 485

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  richrig OK File is included
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  HourIndusX_UT OK File is included
  HourPitores_UT OK File is included
  richrig OK File is included
  SGTech1 OK File is included
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