Unreal Tournament / Map Packs / Mixed / UT99orgCMCmappack

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InfoMap Pack Information

October 2010
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Nali Temple
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Skaarj Crypt
40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Industrial
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Egyptian
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Ancient
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Nali Castle
55.7 MB


Name Title Author
CTF-CMC-HellScape-vF HellScape Le Impact Frag & UnrealGecko
CTF-CMC-Kullrena Kullrena Feralidragon
CTF-CMC-Kullrena-Lite Kullrena [Lite] Feralidragon
DM-CMC-ChaosKeep Dark Keep of Chaos Memsys
DM-CMC-Constantine-v6 DM-Constantine Matthew "SilverSound"
DM-CMC-Letitia Letitia Molnár "makemeunreal" Balázs
DM-CMC-Lords_Of_TheVoid Lords_Of_TheVoid CMC 2017 Xankon
DM-CMC-Lords_Of_TheVoid(Final) Lords_Of_TheVoid (Final) CMC 2017 Xankon
DM-CMC-MansionOfChaos The Mansion Of Chaos papercoffee and gopostal
DOM-CMC-NaliPsyenceX Chaotic Psyence Michael 'ExpEM' Nunn
MH-CMC-PartyCrashers-FINAL MH-CMC-PARTYCRASHERS Terraniux, the Dutch mapper

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
_whiteboxing.utx 1.5 MB 6a3573e1359b60cfc49aac9ef9145e5e11f2943d 3
Acronis.umx 147.4 KB 53d4e62b0d1b1cc38dc55110c12a2a93131ac5a3 13
Arabia01HER.umx 1.7 MB c2eb970b68f5394841f10404202b9dd8c45980e7 1
chaos_special_tex.utx 221.9 KB 9b4e5d158694d02c066c4b85d2222c601177c723 10
Chaos)(.utx 5.4 MB 12cf7268254b375fcb1ca79698d9cc5495c4b58f 5
chaostrees.u 1.1 MB e6f120b88c3e1155cc37a7aea8e1602cfadddef4 5
ChaosUTMedia1.u 6.1 MB 1e9fc9cd0b61046c3f9c79e13b3d3a36f72ec3a1 14
CSMCXExtras.u 2.2 MB c57ebc6e412c586b304c078be9e93e5e790ef11c 21
CTF-CMC-HellScape-vF.unr 1.2 MB 068ae0449486ea33ad54a21f6cfe45cecf67f320 2
CTF-CMC-Kullrena.unr 15.3 MB 950a1eda6608eefd2ff4617bed0268ec29fb1aa0 2
CTF-CMC-Kullrena-Lite.unr 13.8 MB 79d6c03b3551f7ed921b8d95b3aa05ef890e5975 2
DM-CMC-ChaosKeep.unr 3.1 MB 2ddf10ef73d93e189b584168aaba1ca38bc3be37 1
DM-CMC-Constantine-v6.unr 1.8 MB 0ca24ae8f23470252da59e67bd81526ad83f5921 2
DM-CMC-Letitia.unr 4.4 MB dbca49243321432faa1d38706bcbd7ab9c43d8cf 1
DM-CMC-Lords_Of_TheVoid.unr 4.0 MB b39f6e98a61553b8d3c9e87775e3a8b32807a086 2
DM-CMC-Lords_Of_TheVoid(Final).unr 5.8 MB 8a95c94b4ac6ede09ae7e240a59affbdc5318706 2
DM-CMC-MansionOfChaos.unr 1.6 MB 1989dd62f13c125c0d34ba42a16801f290e21f2c 2
DOM-CMC-NaliPsyenceX.unr 3.5 MB 47ac6f89ef5f5d0d0c012997687cb5e2e7e76441 2
iceworld.umx 305.3 KB c9b3b72629412d11bec1a44bc70f05d07f0aea1a 7
MansionChaos.utx 7.0 MB 4e49187196884f520a9e178b9a88d92933f5e81a 2
MH-CMC-PartyCrashers-FINAL.unr 7.7 MB a0a85e64335be070099b074b8b0da0e2f1499789 2
mind_dimension-LoopEdit.umx 939.0 KB d20e8b2f7b03664a3a99ee12c8995e78fcf85df9 3
ReactiveDecos.u 13.8 MB d0c3d300e3759cd859c03cf5ec5707ca11e9c948 2
Starseek.umx 1.7 MB 7ea7443dfcc1c6010508858de59721186f5f3bd8 30
UTChaosMap.u 1.5 MB 9b9f1378a227c21be2d99d963bb839c777dfcb92 3
Void.umx 1.3 MB 0d359db8b93bc3fc011a0c5c1696ff8865d4786f 3
ZAN_MET.umx 1.3 MB 5b36f26014eb39e4a32fbd2b719dece01d8355d1 54

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
  chaostex MISSING File is not included
  chaos_special_tex OK File is included
  Chaos)( OK File is included
  UTChaosMap OK File is included
  ZAN_MET OK File is included
  CSMCXExtras OK File is included
  CSMCXExtras OK File is included
  Arabia01HER OK File is included
  Void OK File is included
  _whiteboxing OK File is included
  MansionChaos OK File is included
  mind_dimension-LoopEdit OK File is included
  ReactiveDecos OK File is included
  Starseek OK File is included
  chaostrees OK File is included
  ChaosUTMedia1 OK File is included
  iceworld OK File is included
  MonsterHunt MISSING File is not included
  SkeletalChars MISSING File is not included
  UTChaosMap OK File is included
  ChaosSounds MISSING File is not included
  Chaostex MISSING File is not included
  ChaosUTMedia3 MISSING File is not included
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