Wikis / Unreal Wiki / User:Graphik

Graphik has been around the Unreal Wiki since 2002 or so and has, on the whole, done nothing to interest anyone but himself (some occasional static mesh modeling for UnWheel and some testing for Troopers aside).

Now he is rather confused as to the move to MediaWiki. More precisely, he is encouraged to see some action while simultaneously feeling left out of the loop. Who's taking charge? tarquin and Mychaeel, long the anchors of this place, seem passively aware and completely absent, respectively. In fact, where is everyone? What's the plan? Where is it being discussed (aside from a forgettable exercise in nothing on the forums)?

If someone happens to have a vertical compass, I'd like to know which way is up.

Page Information

2022-12-07T08:51:43.485803Z 2008-04-14T14:25:40Z Graphik What's Going on Around Here? Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0