Unreal / Map Packs / Capture the Flag / CTFMapsPack2Full

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InfoMap Pack Information

Capture the Flag
September 2001
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Nali Temple
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Skaarj Crypt
50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Industrial
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Ancient
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Natural
43.6 MB


Name Title Author
Real_Command The Last Command Elliot / Fox Leader
Real_EternalCave EternalCaves Juan Pancho ' XceptOne ' Eekels / Fox Leader
Real_Face-NE Facing Worlds Special Edition Cedric 'Inoxx' Fiorentino / Fox Leader
Real_Face-SE Facing Worlds Special Edition Cedric 'Inoxx' Fiorentino / Fox Leader
Real_Gauntlet The Iron Gauntlet Cliff Bleszinski / Fox Leader
Real_LavaGiant LavaGiant Juan Pancho ' XceptOne ' Eekels / Fox Leader
Real_Orbital Oribital Station 12 Dave Ewing / Fox Leader

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
Crypt2.utx 7.0 MB 37ba6110928746205676fef7362294d5ff1f107b 26
CTF.utx 3.0 MB b6b4971097b919b7610ef270145191306a4da757 10
DDayFX.utx 1.4 MB bc4609afffc91aaff22a83c81dfebd574a1e67a3 11
Foregone.umx 1.9 MB 0aff4437d220127a8c193ab7b6402821edca5c79 15
Indus4.utx 348.5 KB a60741d5ae8cdbf39b5b2e7b963a3010aa7f83ea 3
Indus6.utx 2.7 MB 06e58cde0edfc08b303b941bcc5b6765cc204303 3
Lian-X.utx 654.8 KB fc576cf9a93b6cb39faf27a05c68f37464f6e489 6
Metalmys.utx 2.0 MB 5bcee20acbaf2c8ccd1eb769995b4611430903c0 20
Mission.umx 717.7 KB b298eb72e19b4c01b82f62b3d210b954cf70f4a8 14
Real_Command.unr 2.6 MB 5b1fccfcd60e7c5f8efaeb7a3015243dc18076b8 -
Real_EternalCave.unr 1.6 MB ca188e6f39f17a527ffad389fdd336927d19b1e5 -
Real_Face-NE.unr 997.9 KB 04a1ff3d67dcb90d9f667b31441f258614ff37f9 -
Real_Face-SE.unr 1.0 MB dcba6cd2be84c6c3f981296656d0bf63fda66b77 -
Real_Gauntlet.unr 1.7 MB 727cdde454997e1663ea56c8628aea904867e472 -
Real_LavaGiant.unr 1.4 MB 5473a9d79d94b863069d96daaf7911c378ffa89e -
Real_Orbital.unr 3.3 MB e3bc887025dbe61e7632925c3a7df0068eb9671c -
SaveMe.umx 1.6 MB d5b23cdf692e55ee5faecb65e936ccf3230c2542 10
Seeker.umx 1.5 MB 51f202d674c169a4f9a55043bd556a2f14ae8cf3 11
ShaneChurch.utx 4.8 MB fc244f7b24a74c261c59b633fb70c7e41c82e612 21
Skyward.umx 980.6 KB d05eec035dff8cceb4b0ca145a7b4ce6a1bdffec 20
TrenchesFX.utx 1.1 MB 9976e859679c9621985542c72d5b832b9ba31f80 8
UT.utx 3.8 MB c8ada213f46f6bb4069914cb4f2268644167dfd6 8
UTcrypt.utx 2.0 MB 4bd9fd2dca360ac6abe82f52f4c6e2771f207622 3
UTtech1.utx 10.7 MB 0a2cc068a89391b7cde94729d2a30abd80c2274e 74
UTtech2.utx 3.2 MB 3c298abec256301fc9804e4e6a4579b409c0bc8c 18
XbpFX.utx 2.3 MB 3c9a99f5ff60baca8e9cb0046564efba645233fa 22

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
  Crypt2 OK File is included
  CTF OK File is included
  Metalmys OK File is included
  RealCTF MISSING File is not included
  Seeker OK File is included
  UTtech1 OK File is included
  UTtech2 OK File is included
  ctf OK File is included
  Foregone OK File is included
  Indus4 OK File is included
  RealCTF MISSING File is not included
  UT OK File is included
  UTtech1 OK File is included
  Crypt2 OK File is included
  CTF OK File is included
  Foregone OK File is included
  RealCTF MISSING File is not included
  ShaneChurch OK File is included
  UTcrypt OK File is included
  UTtech1 OK File is included
  XbpFX OK File is included
  Crypt2 OK File is included
  CTF OK File is included
  Foregone OK File is included
  RealCTF MISSING File is not included
  ShaneChurch OK File is included
  UTcrypt OK File is included
  UTtech1 OK File is included
  XbpFX OK File is included
  Crypt2 OK File is included
  CTF OK File is included
  DDayFX OK File is included
  Indus6 OK File is included
  Mission OK File is included
  RealCTF MISSING File is not included
  TrenchesFX OK File is included
  UT OK File is included
  UTcrypt OK File is included
  UTtech1 OK File is included
  CTF OK File is included
  Lian-X OK File is included
  RealCTF MISSING File is not included
  Skyward OK File is included
  UT OK File is included
  UTtech1 OK File is included
  RealCTF MISSING File is not included
  SaveMe OK File is included
  ShaneChurch OK File is included
  UTtech1 OK File is included
  UTtech2 OK File is included
  XbpFX OK File is included
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