Unreal Tournament / Packages / apocalypsetex2

Files Files

This package has multiple variations with the same name, but likely different contents. The below table lists each variation.

Click on a variation to find the release files which use each variation.

Name Type File Size SHA1 Hash Usages
ApocalypseTex2.utx TEXTURE 3.2 MB 545502a70d6d6003f83a34e4c6e097987a8676f2 10
ApocalypseTex2.utx TEXTURE 2.1 MB 3a281642f704e41fedf18ee95521296c8d04beca 2

Files File

3.2 MB

Usages (10)

Type Name Author
Map Pack 300kcontestmappack Various
Map ACTF-LEGO][TakeFlak |2at-|3astard + RJG
Mutator ApocalypseWeapons Beta9 Unknown
Mutator ApocalypseX Unknown
Mutator ApocalypseX Beta9 Umod Unknown
Mutator Aw Beta9 Zip Unknown
Map CTF-1337SpaceBaseV4 Maxim "Shadow" Panin
Map CTF-LEGO][TakeFlak |2at-|3astard + RJG
Map CTF-Waterfront Unknown
Map MH-PSTDemo{Endfixed} PST Clan

Files File

2.1 MB

Usages (2)

Type Name Author
Mutator Aw Beta8 including
Mutator Aw Beta8 Zip including