Unreal Tournament / Maps / Tactical Ops / TO-From The Cradle To Discounter!


InfoMap Information

TO-From The Cradle To Discounter!
Tactical Ops
From The Cradle To Discounter!
The More The Best
March 2002
You know our rules - THERE IS NO RULES!!!
30% 30% 30% 30% 30% Tech
70% 70% 70% 70% 70% Industrial
776.4 KB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
InFilthWeTrust.utx 1.2 MB 79419a28edaea8bd80d84e4b35787139c4b3ce9f -
TO-From The Cradle To Discounter!.unr 574.6 KB 0ec2b54e1e8bc5ddc89e0776c1e95bf51d1fb4a9 -

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
TO-From The Cradle To Discounter!.unr
  InFilthWeTrust OK File is included
  s_SWAT MISSING File is not included
  TAconeytex MISSING File is not included
  terrorist3tex MISSING File is not included
  TODatas MISSING File is not included
  TO-ganja-free-1 MISSING File is not included
  TOPModels MISSING File is not included
  TOsoundpack MISSING File is not included
  UTtech4 MISSING File is not included
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