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InfoMap Pack Information

April 2006
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Tech
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Skaarj Crypt
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Industrial
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Ancient
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Nali Castle
30% 30% 30% 30% 30% Skaarj Tech
38.2 MB


Name Title Author
ctf-tdc-amisa *theme contest CTF map* theme*Amisa*
DM-TDC-18thUnit DM-18th Unit Fabulous[WolfPack]
DM-TDC-Aquilla DM-TDC-Aquilla ThemeReciprocity
dm-tdc-castle The Nali Castle ThemeMadmerse
DM-TDC-Derdak Heldraak Skaarj Planet ThemeDerdak2rot
DM-TDC-Dnahan DM-TDC-Dnahan HortonsWho - theme design
DM-TDC-Filter theme design contest - *Old Filter Station* *Glider of chaos* - theme design
DM-TDC-NaliForge DM-TDC-NaliForge Red_Fist-theme design
DM-TDC-SyntheticKiss TDC-Synthetic Kiss of a Porn Star Theme DesignNahand
DM-TDC-WateryFowls Hydroponics SabbathCat
dom-tdc-amisa *theme contest DOM map* themeAmisa
tdc-mapname *theme contest layout* *author's nick* - theme design

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
Crash99.umx 1001.6 KB 3fe104f365749ab043d3566e256377b5bae4adc1 34
cryptic_bold.utx 4.0 MB 9d0d75a96db0204290092e587d54617fa1bafaef 13
ctf-tdc-amisa.unr 1.8 MB 6b8442e44cf45bf23cccb31fbe9f1922589e5351 1
DM-TDC-18thUnit.unr 4.1 MB 28b29a59ed951c42d493dd44e2bd53c1d425defa 1
DM-TDC-Aquilla.unr 6.1 MB 8b87d048e36dbb1ac2ae5bac6ad84194060e9b73 -
dm-tdc-castle.unr 2.8 MB 91c0307ba0dc14f62e409611168b24538a8c1776 -
DM-TDC-Derdak.unr 4.8 MB 14a4a77e0c47e5ffc41e4149b5c2d7cad4c3fcff -
DM-TDC-Dnahan.unr 6.5 MB a071e9630dc3883af56fc6104f82298ddbb733dc -
DM-TDC-Filter.unr 1.9 MB aa752d4659ba8b6054ac83b36f8c824cbe3fe38e -
DM-TDC-NaliForge.unr 1.9 MB ce686a7570c493cb9176dc4f0a75fc95c2baef0b -
DM-TDC-SyntheticKiss.unr 1.2 MB 42c82663a0876ce5751b7a49dc1b9b7a3c8df7c3 -
DM-TDC-WateryFowls.unr 5.7 MB 16cc11e4da2f41fd64b375f0897cfe47b5e63ad5 -
dom-tdc-amisa.unr 1.5 MB 4e83f9cd890f711cb3a54004c55dff30e286ffa7 -
MOUNTAIN.UMX 899.1 KB 7715eb1a64ba0739a5a34ec95d2e75825e076d68 31
Nali.umx 930.4 KB a2e0e58ccf7383704c71b752f4ccc897c783bc6d 92
ONPFootsteps.uax 767.6 KB 43020392102ff90674aa4e56a0f0c070eb14c570 74
PompBulb2.u 6.7 KB 3631d1ca3e5203f50212e2a6b3d7f84c0b55cc2d 17
richrig.utx 2.1 MB e2115772791315c91cdf6ab99e687d2f94e5685d 627
Rt-Detail.utx 477.1 KB b8b4f4b396decd2392c63d8070739ad10d99422b 100
rt-maggot.utx 11.0 MB 9b84c2f8604da5c53a9bd0119554e7d02a2a2d6c 2
tdc-mapname.unr 54.7 KB 4def99c5bd902b69845c6a883e85c28c3ad752c6 -
TobioTrees.u 820.6 KB f8d48a4c4896ecb588c8574dc48166322567dfee 173
Tree_PACK1.u 1.5 MB 65f7c97c3e53e7e4cbd9560d5194d283314d52ab 184
Unreal4.umx 917.5 KB 89a64713a808ccd31a4885f6d0cbd3538e7ddcc3 51

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
  richrig OK File is included
  PompBulb2 OK File is included
  rt-maggot OK File is included
  Mountain OK File is included
  Unreal4 OK File is included
  cryptic_bold OK File is included
  Nali OK File is included
  Tree_PACK1 OK File is included
  Factory MISSING File is not included
  SGTech1 MISSING File is not included
  Crash99 OK File is included
  SGTech1 MISSING File is not included
  Rt-Detail OK File is included
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