Unreal Tournament / Map Packs / Mixed / Cwl Maptestingpack Wk96

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InfoMap Pack Information

Cwl Maptestingpack Wk96
April 2000
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Nali Temple
30% 30% 30% 30% 30% Tech
20% 20% 20% 20% 20% Industrial
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Ancient
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Skaarj Tech
10% 10% 10% 10% 10% Nali Castle
6.0 MB


Name Title Author
CTF-BioHazard CTF-BioHazard Adam " AddZ " Oxlade
CTF-Codex][TG Codex of CTF Wisdom Cliff Bleszinski and King Henri
CTF-fragareaQ FragAreaQ Fjord
CTF-TharaxWID Tharax Michael "widowmaker" Cranston
CTF-w00tabulous-NaliaszureFalls W00tabulous_Nalifalls Bloodwar & J@(]{@L
DOM-Longestyard The Longest Yard Sam "Mambo" Sutton
JB-PullMyFinger-fixII JB-PullMyFinger-fixII Unknown

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
CATCHTHA.umx 471.8 KB 66798951d7f268ba0c8a868f6180bf180840ad06 4
CTF-BioHazard.unr 3.6 MB 4cb658b1a4ab5007827158e810dd35bac882a581 1
CTF-Codex][TG.unr 2.1 MB 7f469b5b936c35c35c648c82986d2441ec3f2b76 1
CTF-fragareaQ.unr 562.4 KB 87610ec9dfb0ee13a0a75c913c44132453683b18 1
CTF-TharaxWID.unr 4.3 MB 9ffe4054ca82a1920133681083b9fc29f90c72af 1
CTF-w00tabulous-NaliaszureFalls.unr 1.7 MB 6f9634a57c9a1364193e4cd86b6629b287fbade3 1
DOM-Longestyard.unr 594.7 KB 2823e7a4df7cd82d2930b27460ed4fe9b11b4440 1
fragareaQ.umx 47.6 KB 02167d8bd9fb791968908fde8a9780deccce96de 1
JB-PullMyFinger-fixII.unr 2.7 MB b16d6b5185ebe85a41224019fed2f5d2b69dc668 1
Longestyard.utx 307.7 KB 900ca12d08c9ee235eda540b9f52cbf077757ec3 16
Mv_hyper.umx 490.3 KB a0010412872311ee5f2ca68d774c6ded84903349 16
Q3 Texture base floor.utx 263.4 KB 5efbd6c3450fd8fc4cb274371341be2eacdd989e 10

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Required Files Required Files

  Requires Status  
  fragareaQ OK File is included
  Mv_hyper OK File is included
  Longestyard OK File is included
  Q3 Texture base floor OK File is included
  CATCHTHA OK File is included
  JailBreak MISSING File is not included
  JBArena MISSING File is not included
  JBSpecials MISSING File is not included
  SGTech1 MISSING File is not included
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