Unreal Tournament 2004 / Mutators / Body Check (v2)

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Mutator Information

Body Check (v2)
Lets you throw your weight around a bit - you have no air control, but you can push other players around by running into them. Walls are also bouncy. Try to kill your opponents without using weapons! ||Many different throws possible through combinations of running, standing, jumping and crouching. ||Test mutator for Marshmallow Duel : Mowbray's Revenge mod - http://mduel2k5.spadgos.com
May 2005
10.0 KB


Body Check (v2)
Lets you throw your weight around a bit - you have no air control, but you can push other players around by running into them. Walls are also bouncy. Try to kill your opponents without using weapons!

Many different throws possible through combinations of running, standing, jumping and crouching.

Test mutator for Marshmallow Duel : Mowbray's Revenge mod - http://mduel2k5.spadgos.com

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
bodyCheckv2.u 21.9 KB 4a5a3367eea096f04466620e774c26e55e577a5f -

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