Map Title Author Players
CTF-4(ITC)Leviathan CTF-4(ITC)Leviathan James Schmalz 4-8
CTF4-4ManJob 4 Man Job [NBS]Flak 4-8
CTF4-[!NITRO!]-Domes DM-!NITRO!-Domes !NITRO! 8-20
CTF4-Clash Clash Cory 'SpoonDog' Spooner / David Catmull 12-16
CTF4-Crossway Crossway SithNight 8-16
CTF4-Escher Escher Doctor Evil 12-24
CTF4-EvilCylinder Evil Cylinder Doctor Evil 12-20
CTF4-Lucius CTF4-Lucius Pit The Iron Knuckle 24-32
CTF4-Seasons DM-Seasons The Iron Knuckle 4-16
CTF4-UMC-Schism CTF4-UMC-Schism Birdofprey 4-8
CTFMortisHideout Mortis' Hideout Mad_Mortis and Drunken_Sailor 12