Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / DeathMatch / DM-ServerRoom

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Map Information

May 2007
The joys of tech support....

Customer: Hi, good afternoon, this is Martha, I can't print. Every time I try, it says, Can't find printer. I've even lifted the printer and placed it in front of the monitor, but the computer still says it can't find it.

User's new notebook PC has a wireless network card. He loves it - for a day or so, until the battery goes dead. Did you plug it into a power outlet to charge it? asks systems administrator. No, says sales guy impatiently. It's wireless, why would I?
67.3 MB

Packaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
DMFBlackOps.utx 2.8 MB c55e38831989b8722b81777bd0ed5dcf5b35adfa 1
DMFBukkakeNinja.utx 2.8 MB b92107d4de87d97f866ff82e2fbfaecddef99d87 1
DMFBukkakeNinjette.utx 2.8 MB 90d35bb8d5a32c9d86ac47906c7c8c68c9093bf3 1
DMFMistressLethal.utx 2.3 MB ddb2b77b57a3f3e767745b40bcac3f7cc3b92749 2
DMFNazgul.utx 2.8 MB bfe7b71902da64dd32cb9dcf58ae1ea35df79d52 2
DM-ServerRoom.ut2 71.6 MB 23ad40486a28f9515663c9a16b91f9d0ad83c234 -
PostalBabes_V2.u 3.2 MB e98d03e2b61379a9bb4cd4b1dbb27454ca7bcbbd 4

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  Requires Status  
  DMFBlackOPS OK File is included
  DMFBukkakeNinja OK File is included
  DMFBukkakeNinjette OK File is included
  DMFMistressLethal OK File is included
  DMFNazgul OK File is included
  PostalBabes_V2 OK File is included
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