Unreal Tournament 2004 / Maps / Capture The Flag / CTF-MetallicMadness_2012Revision

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InfoMap Information

Capture The Flag
Metallic Madness [2012 Revision]
June 2013
The Earth is ruined by humans, world taken over by machines... the worst future ever could happen. You are a slave of machines. You only exist to deify an AI, long ago created by one of your kind. And now you show your revenge to human beings.

ΓΏOptimized to use [Hyper Agility] mutator.
Recommended to use [Super Agility] mutator when played with a couple of players.
60% 60% 60% 60% 60% Tech
40% 40% 40% 40% 40% Industrial
28.6 MB

FilesPackaged Files

Name Size Hash Also In
Arkon2004.u 1.8 MB 81c77b0a92ab7cc9787735556fd53be8b596fd90 6
Arkon2004SMesh.usx 1.1 MB 06b3ed7fb1499342b8ef1c518a197bef7d004b74 6
Arkon2004Tex.utx 23.3 MB f61cb10b9065a5c8b2095dec35c3f2ca153d4cb1 6
ArkonShields.u 18.0 KB 5209da97ba6623e50b60c0c328c4b09bceb5a4a3 6
Chaos_Snake - Mechanical Madness (MM2012).ogg 4.4 MB f0b510f6cf6c888c8842542ad41849a22642d767 2
CTF-MetallicMadness_2012Revision.ut2 45.2 MB fc68b4c8dae52527698807c3e4ce92872bc76390 -
DespTel_mecoMEXTEX.utx 9.8 MB 909cffeb5aa45ae6bf51eccc5a8c6c476b011d44 20
Desp-TelMecoMex.usx 1.5 MB 71707c6b4b8fa4d3764125de6f4a859fa526d5f3 19
HyperAgilityMutaror.u 4.5 KB a58a366a69c00b3d8ee3a21426c8680491dbe041 1
MM2012EE.u 3.2 KB 3663c106fcbe080a11867fb2865346653933c8bd 1
SuperAgilityMutaror.u 2.9 KB c67b59f12c178fed121c6fa47b24cba2f26eb6d6 6

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  Arkon2004SMesh OK File is included
  Arkon2004Tex OK File is included
  ArkonShields OK File is included
  Arkon2004Tex OK File is included
  Arkon2004 OK File is included
  Desp-TelMecoMex OK File is included
  MM2012EE OK File is included
  DespTel_mecoMEXTEX OK File is included
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