the Greatest of all Time, or commonly called the G.o.a.T for short.
Reachable via [email protected]
Mapping bio
I've been mapping for a long time. Mainly just for the fun of it. I've mapped for games like DOOM II, Duke Nukem 3D, Quake 2 but also Starcraft, Warcraft,...
When Unreal first came out I was simply blown away by the graphical power of the engine. They had colored lighting in Software-mode and texture filtering when you had a processor with MMX technology.
Then I discovered that this game came with an editor. So I started messing around in it. It took me quite some time to learn the basics. Back in the days I didn't even had a decent internet connection, so online tutorials were unknown to me. Also the version that came with Unreal was quite buggy so after a time I stopped working with it.
After that, Unreal Tournament came out and again it came with the UnrealEditor. But this was still the old and buggy UnrealEditor 1, so I didn't do much in it. But then came UnrealEditor 2. It was included in the patches and it was a totally revamped editor, written from the ground up. This version was way more stable and contained much less bugs. So I started working more and more in this editor. It is also in this editor that I made all of the levels for Unreal Tournament which I have released.
More recently I worked a bit in SeriousEditor which was the leveleditor that came with Serious Sam: The First Encounter and Serious Sam: The Second Encounter. I learned how to do all the basics and I must say that it is one hell of a good engine. I didn't make any complete levels in it however, because the way terrain is done is not very user-friendly in my opinion. Also I found the editor somewhat confusing, although that might be because I was so used to working with UnrealEditor.
Then some months ago Unreal Tournament 2003 was released. It came with a new UnrealEditor, namely version 3.0. This new engine/editor included a lot of new features such as Terrain, Matinee, Materials,...
So, now I mostly work in UnrealEditor 3.0.
Web links
- Personal Homepage, well like it says ... my personal homepage.
- U.N.real Level Design Homepage, the homepage of the level-designer group I'm in.
- U.N.real Level Design Forums, the group's forums.
- INA-Community, one of the forums in which you can find me.
-, another forum where you can find me.
Other stuff
Thanks :)
- Good news... I'm working on a new header that puts a left-hand navigation bar... should be up next week along with some new colour schemes :) – Tarquin
- That's good news indeed ;) That way Unreal Wiki will be a bit more organised :) – the G.o.a.T