Wikis / Unreal Wiki / Legacy:Mod Ideas/Gladiator


In the beginning of a round, the gladiator's the one, who draws first blood.
After that, everybody can kill, but only the gladiator gets score for it.
This continues until someone else kills the gladiator and becomes him.
To see him better, the Gladiator glows bright red/blue/yellow and appears
in your radar-location thingy.

This is originated by a MP-mode in Time Splitters 2

Brought to u by AxeLarge :)


There could be a feature if you get the gladiator, you get a good weapon (Choose in a Menu)

Interested Scripters

Somebody, please make this cool mod :)


AxeLarge: Sorry 4 my English, folks ;)

Foxpaw: I think this is already essentially what the "Mutation" (or something. I don't recall the exact name) gametype in UT2K3 is.

Info Page Information

2022-11-18T10:06:01.342977Z 2003-06-01T09:19:35Z Foxpaw * Ideas/Gladiator Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0